Emotional Intelligence (extracts, 1996) | Daniel Goleman, extracts and comments by A Kannan | y1999 | v4 | - | - | p93 |
Models of Reality (excerpts 'The Human Domain' 1997) | Norman Friedman | y1999 | v4 | - | - | p100 |
About our contributors | anon | y1999 | v4 | - | - | p113 |
Non-Conventional Medicines and Holism | Rolf Sattler | y2001 | v5 | - | - | p1 |
Eternal, Ceaseless Motion, the New Paradigm of Science (rprnt - 'Theosophist' 2000) | NVK Nehru | y2001 | v5 | - | - | p16 |
Suchness and the Noumenon, in an Allocentric Perspective | James H Austin | y2001 | v5 | - | - | p24 |
The Web of Life | Fritjof Capra | y2001 | v5 | - | - | p37 |
The Universal Ego | Alexander King | y2001 | v5 | - | - | p44 |
The Web of Life: Reconnecting with the Sacred Cosmos (rprnt - 'Visions of Creation' 1995) | Eileen Conn | y2001 | v5 | - | - | p60 |
Spiral of Consciousness: Transpersonal Vision of the Evolutionary Process | Ana Maria Gonzalez Garza | y2001 | v5 | - | - | p70 |
Holistic Science and the Vision of a Peaceful and Sustainable Society | Ervin Laszlo | y2003 | v6 | - | - | p1 |
All Scientists are Marinated in Divinity | Edi D Bilimoria | y2003 | v6 | - | - | p11 |
Psychosocial Implications of the Shadow | Andrew Powell | y2003 | v6 | - | - | p26 |
The Cosmic in Art, Architecture, and Ecology | Edward Goldsmith | y2003 | v6 | - | - | p43 |
Out-of-body Experience in the Context of Holistic Science | JC Poynton | y2003 | v6 | - | - | p54 |
Can Humanity Evolve Further? | Roy Niblett | y2003 | v6 | - | - | p61 |
Science is Any Effective Means in Man's Quest for Reality | Roy Katsumi Uenishi | y2003 | v6 | - | - | p68 |
Sustainability with Human Values: A Holistic Critique of Current Leadership-cum-Motivation Practices | Debangshu Chakraborty and SK Chakraborty | y2003 | v6 | - | - | p78 |
About our contributors | anon | y2003 | v6 | - | - | p111 |
What Occult Science Affirms, Western Science Confirms - Eventually - Science Now Attests That the Heart Rules the Head | Edi D Billimoria | y2006 | v7 | - | - | p1 |
The Scientific Exploration of Consciousness | Christian de Quincey | y2006 | v7 | - | - | p10 |
The Mind Beyond the Brain: Recent Experimental Evidence | Rupert Sheldrake | y2006 | v7 | - | - | p22 |
Science, Language and Wholeness: Acknowledging the need for translating abstract knowledge into personal experience | Emilios Bouratinos | y2006 | v7 | - | - | p29 |
No Limits to Learning | Desmond Berghofer | y2006 | v7 | - | - | p38 |
Bridging the Gap Between Science and Spirituality: The Role of Scientific Investigations of Paranormal Phenomena | M Srinivasan | y2006 | v7 | - | - | p49 |
To the Dancer Belongs the Universe: Freedom and Bondage of Natural Law [reprint Science and the Sacred 2002] | Ravi Ravindra | y2006 | v7 | - | - | p60 |