Editors' Note | Editors | y1992 | v1 | - | - | p1 |
The Evolving Universe | Hugh Murdoch | y1992 | v1 | - | - | p1 |
The Emergence of Complexity | Ervin Laszlo | y1992 | v1 | - | - | p10 |
The Distinctiveness of the Transpersonal Ecology Approach to Ecophilosophy | Warwick Fox | y1992 | v1 | - | - | p21 |
Science and Religion | P Krishna | y1992 | v1 | - | - | p30 |
Shifting Assumptions? | Willis W Harman | y1992 | v1 | - | - | p37 |
The Meeting Ground of Science and Spirit | Allan Combs | y1992 | v1 | - | - | p53 |
Consciousness and Relativity | Robert Powell | y1992 | v1 | - | - | p62 |
Educating for Universal Responsibility | Abelardo Brenos | y1992 | v1 | - | - | p67 |
Other-Worldly Matters - Carl Sagan in Conversation with JVN | Jayant V Narlikar | y1992 | v1 | - | - | p75 |
Recent Research on Near-Death Experiences | Carl B Becker | y1992 | v1 | - | - | p85 |
Awareness: Maker of Reality | Deepak Chopra | y1992 | v1 | - | - | p98 |
Creativity within a Living World | Rupert Sheldrake | y1992 | v1 | - | - | p104 |
The Scientific Method (rprnt 'Theosophical Movement' 1991) | anon | y1992 | v1 | - | - | p122 |
About Our Contributors | anon | y1992 | v1 | - | - | p127 |
David Bohm - Philosopher-Scientist Extraordinary | Hugh Murdoch | y1995 | v2 | - | - | p1 |
The Source of Creation (rprnt 'Cosmic Blueprint') | Paul Davies | y1995 | v2 | - | - | p9 |
The Scientific Exploration of Consciousness: Towards an Adequate Epistemology | Willis Harman | y1995 | v2 | - | - | p24 |
Science, Creativity and Morality in an Ontogenetic Era (rprnt) | Denis Kenny | y1995 | v2 | - | - | p38 |
Evolution of the Human Brain: Creation of the Conscious Self (rprnt 'Int Jl Unity of Sciences' 1990) | John Eccles | y1995 | v2 | - | - | p54 |
Neurophysiological Interpretation of Ida, Pingala and Sushumna (rprnt 'Neurology India' 1991) | Vinod D Deshmukh | y1995 | v2 | - | - | p68 |
The Wholeness Principle: Science (rprnt 'The Wholeness Principle' 1990) | Anna F Lemkow | y1995 | v2 | - | - | p82 |
Ethology and Social Change (rprnt 'Int Jl Unity of Sciences' 1990) | John Paul Scott | y1995 | v2 | - | - | p103 |
Our Life-Support Systems (rprnt 'Healing the Planet') | Paul and Anne Ehrlich | y1995 | v2 | - | - | p117 |
Technology, Environment and Society | TN Ananthakrishnan | y1995 | v2 | - | - | p140 |
Working with the Earth's Electromagnetic Fields (rprnt 'The Power of Place' 1991) | Elizabeth Rauscher | y1995 | v2 | - | - | p144 |
Occult Chemistry and Modern Science: A Search for Common Ground | HJ Arnikar | y1995 | v2 | - | - | p150 |
review - 'Wrinkles in Time' by George Smoot and Keay Davidson | Hugh Murdoch | y1995 | v2 | - | - | p161 |
About Our Contributors | anon | y1995 | v2 | - | - | p165 |
The Influence of Religion on Science | John B Cobb Jr | y1997 | v3 | - | - | p1 |
Some Reflections on Religion and Anomalies of Consciousness | K Ramakrishna Rao | y1997 | v3 | - | - | p36 |
A Question of Epistemology: Reflections on the Harman-Laszlo Dialogue | Allan Combs, Stanley Krippner, Deryl Howard | y1997 | v3 | - | - | p53 |
Scientific Thought and Education Towards an Open Society | KT Selvan | y1997 | v3 | - | - | p61 |
Has Science been our Greatest Ally? | Edi D Bilimoria | y1997 | v3 | - | - | p69 |
Education as Personal-Spiritual Transformation | Philip Snow Gang, Dorothy J Maver | y1997 | v3 | - | - | p82 |
The Influence of the Etheric Body on Genetic Order and Plasticity (rprnt 'The Beacon' 1996) | Claude Besmond | y1997 | v3 | - | - | p97 |
The Soul of the New Born Child | Andrew Powell | y1997 | v3 | - | - | p110 |
A Science of Inner Transformation | Ravi Ravindra | y1997 | v3 | - | - | p119 |
Tibetan Buddhist Medicine | Jan Barmark | y1997 | v3 | - | - | p127 |
The Way: An Ecological World-View (rprnt 'The Way: ...' 1996) | Edward Goldsmith | y1997 | v3 | - | - | p139 |
About our Contributors | anon | y1997 | v3 | - | - | p165 |
Moral Criteria on an Endangered Planet | Ervin Laszlo | y1999 | v4 | - | - | p1 |
Wisdom Leadership: Leading from the SELF | SK Chakraborty | y1999 | v4 | - | - | p11 |
Pre-Incarnation: Veridical Evidence for a Prenatal Mature (Adult) Form of Consciousness | Jenny Wade | y1999 | v4 | - | - | p23 |
Science Betrayed: The 'Iron Rule of the Mechanistic Regime' | JC Poynton | y1999 | v4 | - | - | p37 |
Divergence and Convergeence of Sciences and Spirituality: Life Science and Spirituality | Rolf Sattler | y1999 | v4 | - | - | p41 |
Right Education for the Twenty-First Century | P Krishna | y1999 | v4 | - | - | p49 |
Our Philosophy and Modern Physics: A Meeting Point | Lambodar Prasad Singh | y1999 | v4 | - | - | p65 |
The Humanness of Physics | Robert Rathbun Wilson | y1999 | v4 | - | - | p69 |
The Seven States of Physical Matter | Stephen M Phillips | y1999 | v4 | - | - | p80 |