A Pure Heart and an Eager Intellect [Talks by three speakers at symposium held in the Indian Section Convention-II during the 142nd International Convention at Adyar on 3 January 2018] | Chandra Prava Bhuyan; Satheesh S Gottipati; Ashutosh Pati | y2018 | v116 | i3 | March | p121 |
News and Notes: Bombay; Uttar Pradesh; National Lecturer; Indian Section Headquarters | anon | y2018 | v116 | i3 | March | p129 |
Himalayayn Study Centre Bhowali Summer Programme of Study Camps - 2018 | Pradeep H Gohil | y2018 | v116 | i3 | March | p136 |
A Step Forward | Pradeep H Gohil | y2018 | v116 | i4 | April | p147 |
The Divine Seed | Tim Boyd | y2018 | v116 | i4 | April | p149 |
A Centenary Tribute | Achyut Patwardhan | y2018 | v116 | i4 | April | p154 |
Gerontology: The Science Of Ageing | Ajai Kumar Rai | y2018 | v116 | i4 | April | p157 |
News and Notes: Assam; Bombay; Karnataka; Uttar Pradesh; National Lecturer | anon | y2018 | v116 | i4 | April | p160 |
Himalayayn Study Centre Bhowali Summer Programme of Study Camps - 2018 | Pradeep H Gohil | y2018 | v116 | i4 | April | p167 |
A Step Forward | Pradeep H Gohil | y2018 | v116 | i5 | May | p175 |
Thoughts On The History And Influence of the TS | Tim Boyd | y2018 | v116 | i5 | May | p177 |
H. P. B. - As I Knew Her | Annie Besant | y2018 | v116 | i5 | May | p181 |
Siva in the Secret Doctrine | U S Pandey | y2018 | v116 | i5 | May | p185 |
News and Notes: Bengal East Zone Conference of TS/TOS-2018; Bombay; Uttar Pradesh; Jt General Secretary; National Lecturer; South India Theosophical Conference; The Theosophical Order of Service; Study Camps; Other Camps | anon | y2018 | v116 | i5 | May | p196 |
Donations Received by the Indian Section Between 1-4-2017 and 31-3-2018 | anon | y2018 | v116 | i5 | May | p208 |
A Step Forward | Pradeep H Gohil | y2018 | v116 | i6 | June | p215 |
The Third Object | Tim Boyd | y2018 | v116 | i6 | June | p217 |
The 'Spirit of Education' and the 'Spiritual Education' | KVL Kantha Rao | y2018 | v116 | i6 | June | p225 |
News and Notes: Bengal; Bombay; M P and Rajasthan; Rayalaseema; Telugu; Uttar Pradesh; Report on study camp organized at Himalayan Study Centre Bhowali on "Glimpses into The Secret Doctrine"; Indian Section Headquarters; The 11th World Congree of the Theosophical Society in Singapore from 3 to 8 August 2018; Study Class | anon | y2018 | v116 | i6 | June | p230 |
North India Study Camp - Theme: Self-Transformation | Pradeep H Gohil | y2018 | v116 | i6 | June | p237 |
A Step Forward | Pradeep H Gohil | y2018 | v116 | i7 | July | p243 |
Address to New Members (5 January 2018) [reprint: 'The Theosophist' June 2018] | Tim Boyd | y2018 | v116 | i7 | July | p245 |
The Pursuit of Wisdom [extract from talk given at Adyar 25 January 1970] | N Sri Ram | y2018 | v116 | i7 | July | p249 |
News and Notes: Bengal; Bombat; Rayalaseema; Telugu; Utkal; Uttar Pradesh; Study Camp at Bhowali; National Lecturer | anon | y2018 | v116 | i7 | July | p254 |
News and Notes: Obituary [Bro Rusi Toddywalla; Sis Kusum Satapathy] | anon | y2018 | v116 | i7 | July | p268 |
News and Notes: The 11th World Congress of the Theosophical Society in Singapore from 3 to 8 August 2018; Study Class/Camp | anon | y2018 | v116 | i7 | July | p270 |
News and Notes: National Seminar at Gwalior MP | anon | y2018 | v116 | i7 | July | p272 |
News and Notes: North India Study Camp - Theme: Self-Transformation | Pradeep H Gohil | y2018 | v116 | i7 | July | p273 |
A Step Forward | Pradeep H Gohil | y2018 | v116 | i8 | August | p279 |
The Uses of This World | Tim Boyd | y2018 | v116 | i8 | August | p281 |
Implementing the Ageless Wisdom (A summary of the General Council Meeting ITC Naarden The Netherlands July 2018) | Tim Boyd | y2018 | v116 | i8 | August | p287 |
News and Notes: Assam; Theosophical Order of Service: Bombay; Gujarat; Kerala; Rayalaseema; Telugu; Uttar Pradesh; National Lecturer; TOS Camp at Bhowali; Study Camp; National Seminar at Gwalior MP; International Youth Convention at Adyar | anon | y2018 | v116 | i8 | August | p293 |
News and Notes: The Indian Section Management Systems (ISMS) | V Narayanam | y2018 | v116 | i8 | August | p305 |
News and Notes: Proposed Amendment of Memorandum of Association and the Constitution of the Indian Section the Theosophical Society Varanasi 2018 | anon | y2018 | v116 | i8 | August | p306 |
News and Notes: The 143rd International Convention - Theme: Truth and Beauty: A Field Beyond | anon | y2018 | v116 | i8 | August | p318 |
News and Notes: North India Study Camp - Theme: Self-Transformation | Pradeep H Gohil | y2018 | v116 | i8 | August | p321 |
A Step Forward | Pradeep H Gohil | y2018 | v116 | i9 | September | p327 |
The Higher Self: Best Teacher Best Guide Only Saviour [extract: chapter 24 of 'Old Diary Leaves' Fourth Series] ['The Theosophist' May 2018] | Col. HS Olcott | y2018 | v116 | i9 | September | p329 |
Ultimate Reality and Universal Consciousness | Sahadeb Patro | y2018 | v116 | i9 | September | p333 |
News and Notes: Bombay; Delhi; Karnataka; Kerala; Telugu; Utkal; Uttar Pradesh; National Lecturer; Study Camp; National Seminar at Gwalior MP | anon | y2018 | v116 | i9 | September | p342 |
The 143rd International Convention - Theme: Truth and Beauty: A Field Beyond | Marja Artamaa | y2018 | v116 | i9 | September | p351 |
North India Study Camp - Theme : Self -Transformation | Pradeep H Gohil | y2018 | v116 | i9 | September | p353 |
A Step Forward | Pradeep H Gohil | y2018 | v116 | i10 | October | p359 |
A Theosophy For Tomorrow ['The Theosophist' September 2018] | Tim Boyd | y2018 | v116 | i10 | October | p361 |
Theosophy and Ethics [lecture delivered at World Parliament of Religions September 1893] | Annie Besant | y2018 | v116 | i10 | October | p369 |
News and Notes: Bombay; North Zone Conference of the TOS; National Lecturer; Lt. Col. T Dorai Raman - A Tribute; Study Camp | anon | y2018 | v116 | i10 | October | p378 |
The School of the Wisdom The Theosophical Society Adyar Chennai 600 020 Session of 2018-2019 | anon | y2018 | v116 | i10 | October | p386 |
The 143rd International Convention - Theme: Truth and Beauty: A Field Beyond | Marja Artamaa | y2018 | v116 | i10 | October | p391 |
North India Study Camp - Theme : Self -Transformation | Pradeep H Gohil | y2018 | v116 | i10 | October | p393 |
A Step Forward | Pradeep H Gohil | y2018 | v116 | i11 | November | p401 |