Address To Sri Sankaracharya Sanskrit University Faculty and Students (In Kaladi, Kerala, India, on 22 January 2019) | Tim Boyd | y2020 | v118 | i4 | April | p197 |
Transform the Self: Transform the World | Deepa Padhi | y2020 | v118 | i4 | April | p201 |
Awakening the Heart-Mind | John Vorstermans | y2020 | v118 | i4 | April | p205 |
News and Notes | anon | y2020 | v118 | i4 | April | p214 |
A Step Forward | Pradeep H Gohil | y2020 | v118 | i5-6 | May-June | p239 |
Inaugural Address to the Indian Section Convention (As part of the Theosophical Society Adyar International Convention held at the Indian Section National Headquarters in Varanasi India on 1 January 2020) | Tim Boyd | y2020 | v118 | i5-6 | May-June | p241 |
Meeting Death as a Friend [Reprinted from 'Seeking Wisdom' Ch. 5 with minor modifications of the original language made by the TS in America to make it relevant to present times] | N Sri Ram | y2020 | v118 | i5-6 | May-June | p245 |
Freedom From The Self [Talk delivered at the TS Adyar International Convention Varanasi 1 January 2020] | P Krishna | y2020 | v118 | i5-6 | May-June | p253 |
News and Notes | anon | y2020 | v118 | i5-6 | May-June | p260 |
A Step Forward | Pradeep H Gohil | y2020 | v118 | i7 | July | p283 |
You are the World (At a Krishnamurti Foundation Retreat, Rajghat Fort, Varanasi India 29 December 2019) | Tim Boyd | y2020 | v118 | i7 | July | p285 |
Keynote Address at J. Krishnamurti's Birth Centenary [Delivered at Vasanta Vihar, Krishnamurti Foundation India, Chennai, on 21 January 1995] | His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama | y2020 | v118 | i7 | July | p296 |
J Krishnamurti Theosophy and the Theosophical Society (Answering questions from young Theosophists at the San Rafael Theosophical Centre Argentina April 2004) | Radha Burnier | y2020 | v118 | i7 | July | p305 |
About Pandemics (Response to a concerned member of the Spinoza Lodge Theosophical Society in Bogota Colombia requesting a Theosophical approach to pandemics) | Gabriel Burgos | y2020 | v118 | i7 | July | p312 |
News and Notes | anon | y2020 | v118 | i7 | July | p317 |
An Appeal | Pradeep H Gohil | y2020 | v118 | i8 | August | p337 |
A Step Forward | Pradeep H Gohil | y2020 | v118 | i8 | August | p338 |
The Teacher [from 'The Theosophist' July 2020] | Tim Boyd | y2020 | v118 | i8 | August | p340 |
The Incredible Power Of Silence [based on presentation to Annual Convention of the New Zealand Section in January 2020, from 'The Theosophist' June 2020] | Deepa Padhi | y2020 | v118 | i8 | August | p348 |
The Significance Of Asala In The Buddhist Tradition [from 'The Bombay Theosophical Bulletin' July 2020] | Olande Ananda | y2020 | v118 | i8 | August | p356 |
News and Notes | anon | y2020 | v118 | i8 | August | p362 |
A Step Forward | Pradeep H Gohil | y2020 | v118 | i9 | September | p381 |
An Unending Path [from 'The Theosophist' August 2020] | Tim Boyd | y2020 | v118 | i9 | September | p384 |
Existence Death And Rebirth | Anand Kumar | y2020 | v118 | i9 | September | p390 |
Shiva And Shravan Mass | Ajai Kumar | y2020 | v118 | i9 | September | p403 |
News and Notes | anon | y2020 | v118 | i9 | September | p406 |
The 145th International Convention 2020 On-Line - Theme: Cycles of Awareness [notice and information] | Marja Artamaa | y2020 | v118 | i9 | September | p414 |
A Step Forward | Pradeep H Gohil | y2020 | v118 | i10 | October | p433 |
The Ageless Wisdom in Shifting Times [from 'The Theosophist' September 2020] | Tim Boyd | y2020 | v118 | i10 | October | p435 |
Recollections Of Mrs Besant [from 'The Theosophist' December 1993] | Mary Lutyens | y2020 | v118 | i10 | October | p445 |
The Homing Signal: Within | Shikhar Agnihotri | y2020 | v118 | i10 | October | p449 |
News and Notes | anon | y2020 | v118 | i10 | October | p464 |
The 145th International Convention 2020 On-Line - Theme: Cycles of Awareness [notice and information] | Marja Artamaa | y2020 | v118 | i10 | October | p470 |
Proposed Amendments to The Constitution September - 2020 | anon | y2020 | v118 | i10 | October | p473 |
A Step Forward | Pradeep H Gohil | y2020 | v118 | i11 | November | p493 |
The Paradox of Self-Transformation [from 'The Theosophist' October 2020] | Tim Boyd | y2020 | v118 | i11 | November | p495 |
The Secret Doctrine - A General Overview | U S Pandey | y2020 | v118 | i11 | November | p500 |
News and Notes | anon | y2020 | v118 | i11 | November | p512 |
The 145th International Convention 2020 On-Line - Theme: Cycles of Awareness | Marja Artamaa | y2020 | v118 | i11 | November | p518 |
A Step Forward | Pradeep H Gohil | y2020 | v118 | i12 | December | p537 |
Inaugural Address to Dr Annie Besant'S Celebration [from 'The Theosophist' November 2020] | Tim Boyd | y2020 | v118 | i12 | December | p540 |
What Does India Need Today in Religion? [Convention Lecture delivered during the Centenary Year of The Indian Section (December 1990) at Section Headquarters, Varanasi] (reprint from 'The Indian Theosophist' May-June-July 1992 Vol 89 Nos 5,6 and 7) | M P Rege | y2020 | v118 | i12 | December | p546 |
News and Notes | anon | y2020 | v118 | i12 | December | p556 |
Presidential Address To the 145th International Convention of the Theosophical Society On-line from 27 to 30 December 2020 | Tim Boyd | y2021 | v119 | i2 | February | p73 |
News and Notes | anon | y2021 | v119 | i2 | February | p81 |
Executive Committee for 2021 As approved by the Indian Section Council on 4/1/2021 | anon | y2021 | v119 | i2 | February | p90 |
List of National Lecturers - 2021 (As approved in the Executive Committee's Meeting on 4/1/2021) | anon | y2021 | v119 | i2 | February | p92 |
A Step Forward | Pradeep H Gohil | y2021 | v119 | i3 | March | p101 |
The Golden Hour: A Turning of the Cycle | Tim Boyd | y2021 | v119 | i3 | March | p105 |
Does One Go Through Cycles of Transformation in Life? | Uma Bhattacharyya | y2021 | v119 | i3 | March | p116 |