The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

The Indian Theosophist

Address To Sri Sankaracharya Sanskrit University Faculty and Students (In Kaladi, Kerala, India, on 22 January 2019)Tim Boydy2020v118i4Aprilp197
Transform the Self: Transform the WorldDeepa Padhiy2020v118i4Aprilp201
Awakening the Heart-MindJohn Vorstermansy2020v118i4Aprilp205
News and Notesanony2020v118i4Aprilp214
A Step ForwardPradeep H Gohily2020v118i5-6May-Junep239
Inaugural Address to the Indian Section Convention (As part of the Theosophical Society Adyar International Convention held at the Indian Section National Headquarters in Varanasi India on 1 January 2020)Tim Boydy2020v118i5-6May-Junep241
Meeting Death as a Friend [Reprinted from 'Seeking Wisdom' Ch. 5 with minor modifications of the original language made by the TS in America to make it relevant to present times]N Sri Ramy2020v118i5-6May-Junep245
Freedom From The Self [Talk delivered at the TS Adyar International Convention Varanasi 1 January 2020]P Krishnay2020v118i5-6May-Junep253
News and Notesanony2020v118i5-6May-Junep260
A Step ForwardPradeep H Gohily2020v118i7Julyp283
You are the World (At a Krishnamurti Foundation Retreat, Rajghat Fort, Varanasi India 29 December 2019)Tim Boydy2020v118i7Julyp285
Keynote Address at J. Krishnamurti's Birth Centenary [Delivered at Vasanta Vihar, Krishnamurti Foundation India, Chennai, on 21 January 1995]His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lamay2020v118i7Julyp296
J Krishnamurti Theosophy and the Theosophical Society (Answering questions from young Theosophists at the San Rafael Theosophical Centre Argentina April 2004)Radha Burniery2020v118i7Julyp305
About Pandemics (Response to a concerned member of the Spinoza Lodge Theosophical Society in Bogota Colombia requesting a Theosophical approach to pandemics)Gabriel Burgosy2020v118i7Julyp312
News and Notesanony2020v118i7Julyp317
An AppealPradeep H Gohily2020v118i8Augustp337
A Step ForwardPradeep H Gohily2020v118i8Augustp338
The Teacher [from 'The Theosophist' July 2020]Tim Boydy2020v118i8Augustp340
The Incredible Power Of Silence [based on presentation to Annual Convention of the New Zealand Section in January 2020, from 'The Theosophist' June 2020]Deepa Padhiy2020v118i8Augustp348
The Significance Of Asala In The Buddhist Tradition [from 'The Bombay Theosophical Bulletin' July 2020]Olande Ananday2020v118i8Augustp356
News and Notesanony2020v118i8Augustp362
A Step ForwardPradeep H Gohily2020v118i9Septemberp381
An Unending Path [from 'The Theosophist' August 2020]Tim Boydy2020v118i9Septemberp384
Existence Death And RebirthAnand Kumary2020v118i9Septemberp390
Shiva And Shravan MassAjai Kumary2020v118i9Septemberp403
News and Notesanony2020v118i9Septemberp406
The 145th International Convention 2020 On-Line - Theme: Cycles of Awareness [notice and information]Marja Artamaay2020v118i9Septemberp414
A Step ForwardPradeep H Gohily2020v118i10Octoberp433
The Ageless Wisdom in Shifting Times [from 'The Theosophist' September 2020]Tim Boydy2020v118i10Octoberp435
Recollections Of Mrs Besant [from 'The Theosophist' December 1993]Mary Lutyensy2020v118i10Octoberp445
The Homing Signal: WithinShikhar Agnihotriy2020v118i10Octoberp449
News and Notesanony2020v118i10Octoberp464
The 145th International Convention 2020 On-Line - Theme: Cycles of Awareness [notice and information]Marja Artamaay2020v118i10Octoberp470
Proposed Amendments to The Constitution September - 2020anony2020v118i10Octoberp473
A Step ForwardPradeep H Gohily2020v118i11Novemberp493
The Paradox of Self-Transformation [from 'The Theosophist' October 2020]Tim Boydy2020v118i11Novemberp495
The Secret Doctrine - A General OverviewU S Pandeyy2020v118i11Novemberp500
News and Notesanony2020v118i11Novemberp512
The 145th International Convention 2020 On-Line - Theme: Cycles of AwarenessMarja Artamaay2020v118i11Novemberp518
A Step ForwardPradeep H Gohily2020v118i12Decemberp537
Inaugural Address to Dr Annie Besant'S Celebration [from 'The Theosophist' November 2020]Tim Boydy2020v118i12Decemberp540
What Does India Need Today in Religion? [Convention Lecture delivered during the Centenary Year of The Indian Section (December 1990) at Section Headquarters, Varanasi] (reprint from 'The Indian Theosophist' May-June-July 1992 Vol 89 Nos 5,6 and 7)M P Regey2020v118i12Decemberp546
News and Notesanony2020v118i12Decemberp556
Presidential Address To the 145th International Convention of the Theosophical Society On-line from 27 to 30 December 2020Tim Boydy2021v119i2Februaryp73
News and Notesanony2021v119i2Februaryp81
Executive Committee for 2021 As approved by the Indian Section Council on 4/1/2021anony2021v119i2Februaryp90
List of National Lecturers - 2021 (As approved in the Executive Committee's Meeting on 4/1/2021)anony2021v119i2Februaryp92
A Step ForwardPradeep H Gohily2021v119i3Marchp101
The Golden Hour: A Turning of the CycleTim Boydy2021v119i3Marchp105
Does One Go Through Cycles of Transformation in Life?Uma Bhattacharyyay2021v119i3Marchp116
Showing 701 to 750 of 798 entries