The Age of Shri Sankaracharya | Pandit N Bhashyacharya | y1915 | - | i51 | March | - |
Culture of Concentration | William Quan Judge | y1915 | - | i52 | April | - |
East & West & the Destinies of Nations | Annie Besant | y1915 | - | i53 | May | - |
The Ritual Unity of Roman Catholicism & Hinduism | C Jinarajadasa | y1915 | - | i54 | June | - |
An Epitome of Aryan Morals | HS Olcott | y1915 | - | i55 | July | - |
Modern Science & the Higher Self | Annie Besant | y1915 | - | i56 | August | - |
The Age of Patanjali | Pandit N Bhashyacharya | y1915 | - | i57 | September | - |
Places of Pilgrimage in India | T Subba Row | y1915 | - | i58 | October | - |
The Bhagavad-Gita, an Essay | C Jinarajadasa | y1915 | - | i59 | November | - |
Asceticism - A Word of Friendly Counsel | HS Olcott | y1915 | - | i60 | December | - |
When a Man Dies, Shall He Live Again? | Annie Besant | y1916 | - | i61 | January | - |
Gautama the Buddha | C Jinarajadasa | y1916 | - | i62 | February | - |
The Superphysics of the Great War | Bhagavan Das | y1916 | - | i63 | March | - |
Psychic & Spiritual Development | Annie Besant | y1916 | - | i64 | April | - |
Evidences for Truth | T Sadashiva Iyer | y1916 | - | i65 | May | - |
The Bearing of Religious Ideals on Social Reconstruction | Annie Besant | y1916 | - | i66 | June | - |
Beauty in the Light of Theosophy | Anna Kamensky | y1916 | - | i67 | July | - |
The Fall of Ideals | HP Blavatsky | y1916 | - | i68 | August | - |
Intuitional Consciousness | Francesca Arundale | y1916 | - | i69 | September | - |
Man's Waking Consciousness | George S Arundale | y1916 | - | i70 | October | - |
Spiritual Progress | HP Blavatsky | y1916 | - | i71 | November | - |
A World Religion | Annie Besant | y1916 | - | i72 | December | - |
The Harmonious Development of a Child | Anna Kamensky | y1917 | - | i73 | January | - |
Prison Work on Theosophical Lines | B Poushkine = Princess Galiztzine | y1917 | - | i74 | February | - |
The Psychology of Conversion | Bhagavan Das | y1917 | - | i75 | March | - |
The Coming Race | Annie Besant | y1917 | - | i76 | April | - |
My Books | HP Blavatsky | y1917 | - | i77 | May | - |
The Origin of Evil | HP Blavatsky | y1917 | - | i78 | June | - |
The International Union of Arts & Crafts (1) | AL Pogosky | y1917 | - | i79 | July | - |
The International Union of Arts & Crafts (2) | AL Pogosky | y1917 | - | i80 | August | - |
Star-Angel-Worship in the Roman Catholic Church | HP Blavatsky | y1917 | - | i81 | September | - |
The Ancient Indian Ideal of Duty | Annie Besant | y1917 | - | i82 | October | - |
The Mysteries | Annie Besant | y1917 | - | i83 | November | - |
1875-1891: A Fragment of Autobiography | Annie Besant | y1917 | - | i84 | December | - |
The Golden Rules of Buddhism (rprnt from 1887) | cmpd HS Olcott | y1918 | - | i85 | January | - |
Masters of Wisdom | CW Leadbeater | y1918 | - | i86 | February | - |
The Place of Religion in National Life | Annie Besant | y1918 | - | i87 | March | - |
Is Theosophy Anti-Christian? | Annie Besant | y1918 | - | i88 | April | - |
Thy Kingdom Come | W Wybergh | y1918 | - | i89 | May | - |
The Count de Saint-Germain & HPB, Two Messengers of the White Lodge | HS Olcott (July 1905) | y1918 | - | i90 | June | - |
Yoga Practice in the Roman Catholic Church | Franz Hartmann | y1918 | - | i91 | July | - |
The Soul as It is & How to Deal with it | Gilbert Murray | y1918 | - | i92 | August | - |
The Search for Happiness | Annie Besant | y1918 | - | i93 | September | - |
Nature's Finer Forces | Annie Besant | y1918 | - | i94 | October | - |
The Common Foundation of all Religions | HS Olcott | y1918 | - | i95 | November | - |
Memories (Memory) of Past Lives | Annie Besant | y1918 | - | i96 | December | - |
Occultism | Annie Besant | y1919 | - | i97 | January | - |
Brotherhood | Dr Th Pascal | y1919 | - | i98 | February | - |
Life After Death | Annie Besant | y1919 | - | i99 | March | - |
Difficulties in Clairvoyance | CW Leadbeater | y1919 | - | i100 | April | - |