The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

The Adyar Pamphlets

Is Belief in the Masters Superstitious or Harmful?Annie Besanty1919-i101May-
[first version] The Case for Reincarnation [Second version: see Sept. 1921]E Douglas Fawcett (missing at Goulburn St)y1919-i102June-
MemoryAnnie Besanty1919-i103July-
Spiritualism & TheosophyHS Olcotty1919-i104August-
The Kabalah & the KabalistsHP Blavatskyy1919-i105September-
As Above, so Below - Stray Thoughts on TheosophyGRS Meady1919-i106October-
Empirical VegetarianismW Wyberghy1919-i107November-
Life, & Life after DeathAnnie Besanty1919-i108December-
The Roots of Ritualism in Church & Masonry (1)HP Blavatskyy1920-i109January-
The Roots of Ritualism in Church & Masonry (2)HP Blavatskyy1920-i110February-
Concerning HPB - stray thoughts on TheosophyGRS Meady1920-i111March-
The VampireHS Olcotty1920-i112April-
The Necessity for ReincarnationAnnie Besanty1920-i113May-
The Building of CharacterErnest Woody1920-i114June-
The Dweller of the ThresholdFranz Hartmanny1920-i115July-
Kosmic MindHP Blavatskyy1920-i116August-
The Protestant SpiritAnnie Besanty1920-i117September-
Concerning the Mortification of the FleshGRS Meady1920-i118October-
The Great WarCW Leadbeater (Feb 1916)y1920-i119November-
Svadesh & SvarajBP Wadiay1920-i120December-
[second version] The History of Reincarnation [replacing the June 1919 version]C Jinarajadasay1921-i102September-
The Substantial Nature of MagnetismHP Blavatskyy1921-i121January-
The Metaphysic & Psychology of Theosophy (1)Bhagavan Dasy1921-i122February-
The Metaphysic & Psychology of Theosophy (2)Bhagavan Dasy1921-i123March-
True & False YogaArthur A Wellsy1921-i124April-
On KarmaAnnie Besanty1921-i125May-
The Tidal WaveHP Blavatskyy1921-i126June-
Qualifications for ChelashipMohini M Chatterjeey1921-i127July-
Karma & Social ImprovementAnnie Besanty1921-i128August-
Universal Application of DoctrineWilliam Quan Judgey1921-i129September-
The Nature of Theosophical ProofsAnnie Besanty1921-i130October-
A Rough Outline of TheosophyAnnie Besanty1921-i131November-
The Objects of the Theosophical SocietyBertram Keightleyy1921-i132December-
[an eight year gap in which no pamphlets are found]-y1922----
Karma Once MoreAnnie Besanty1930-i133January-
Krishnamurti's MessageC Jinarajadasa (1928)y1930-i134February-
The Work of the Ruler & the TeacherAnnie Besanty1930-i135March-
The Philosophy of the Vedanta, in its relation to the occult metaphysicsPaul Deusseny1930-i136April-
Indian Ideals of Women's EducationBhagavan Dasy1930-i137May-
The Influence of AlcoholAnnie Besanty1930-i138June-
The God Without & the God WithinC Jinarajadasay1930-i139July-
Eugenics, Ethics & MetaphysicsBhagavan Dasy1930-i140August-
To Those Who MournCW Leadbeatery1930-i141September-
Studies in Ray CorrespondenceLG Halletty1930-i142October-
Applied TheosophyHS Olcotty1930-i143November-
Theories about Reincarnation and Spirits (rprnt - 'Path', 1886)HP Blavatskyy1930-i144December-
The Dawn of Another RenaissanceBhagavan Dasy1931-i145January-
Industry Under SocialismAnnie Besanty1931-i146February-
The Ethico-Psychological Crux in Political Science & Art - or who should be legislators?Bhagavan Dasy1931-i147March-
Islam: A StudyAbdul Karimy1931-i148April-
Showing 101 to 150 of 216 entries