The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


News and Notes: Congratulations: 50 Years Membership [Kevin Tingay, Joan Bowers, Margaret Stagg]anony2015v52i1Autumnp40
News and Notes: Deceased [Jo Crombie, Peter Harper, Gwen Lake, Audrey Leach, Angela Leslie-Smith]anony2015v52i1Autumnp41
News and Notes: Diploma in Theosophy Course 2015anony2015v52i1Autumnp42
From The National President...Jenny Bakery2016v52i2Januaryp3
At the end of 2015 we heard of the passing of Joy Mills [including obituary letter from Tim Boyd International President re Joy Mills]anon; Tim Boydy2016v52i2Januaryp4
"O Hidden Life..."Joy Millsy2016v52i2Januaryp5
A Glimpse of Theosophy in War and PeaceJanet Houlty2016v52i2Januaryp11
The Higgs BosonMG Hockingy2016v52i2Januaryp12
Archiving TheosophyLeslie Pricey2016v52i2Januaryp18
Learning to be Loyal to the IdeaRicardo Lindemanny2016v52i2Januaryp20
Headquarters Christmas Social and Book Saleanony2016v52i2Januaryp26
The Foundation for Theosophical Studies presents Summer School 2016 - Theme: Divine Wisdom - Chief guest speaker: Tran-Thi-Kim-Dieu [notice]anony2016v52i2Januaryp28
Other future Theosophical events...anony2016v52i2Januaryp31
From Birmingham Lodge Remembering... Gwendoline (Gwen) Lake (1920-2015) Annie Besant Lodge Birmingham [obituary]Monika Kasnickasy2016v52i2Januaryp32
Congratulations! - 70 years membership Cecile Munday; 50 years membership David Harveyanony2016v52i2Januaryp33
Deceased - Kay Kalpana Kanani; Nancy Marathanony2016v52i2Januaryp33
Future events at Headquartersanony2016v52i2Januaryp33
From The National President...Jenny Bakery2016v52i3Mayp3
How Would She Have Us Remember Her? [talk given at Adyar on White Lotus Day 8 May 1984]Michael Gomesy2016v52i3Mayp4
The Founding of the Theosophical Society to mark Adyar Day 17th Februaryanony2016v52i3Mayp7
The Adyar Estate TodayJenny Bakery2016v52i3Mayp11
My Visit to AdyarJenny Bakery2016v52i3Mayp14
Adyar (vf)Derek Thorney2016v52i3Mayp16
The Secret Life of TreesPetra Mayery2016v52i3Mayp18
Divine Wisdom: The Essence of TheosophyBarry Thompsony2016v52i3Mayp21
Headquarters News - Archive UpdateBarry Thompsony2016v52i3Mayp27
Headquarters News - White Lotus Day 8th Mayanony2016v52i3Mayp29
An appreciation of Joy Mills - a look back at her visits to BritainColin Boycey2016v52i3Mayp30
Remembering...Nancy Marath (1919-2015); Peter Harper (1921-2015); Pamela RickardColin Boycey2016v52i3Mayp32
Congratulations! - 70 years membership - Jennifer Clemo; 60 years membership - Peter Bartonanony2016v52i3Mayp34
100 years if Astrology in London [re The Astrological Lodge of London]Gill Dorreny2016v52i3Mayp34
Future events at Headquartersanony2016v52i3Mayp38
From The National President...Jenny Bakery2016v52i4Septemberp3
Jnana Yoga and 'The Secret Doctrine' [reproduced with permission from:]Pablo Sendery2016v52i4Septemberp4
Reincarnation in early ChristianityPetra Meyery2016v52i4Septemberp12
Theosophical Biographies: Edward L GardnerJanet Hoult; Peter Bartony2016v52i4Septemberp18
News from around the country - From Nottingham Lodge - Farewell to Rafael who has returned to BrazilLindsay Nashy2016v52i4Septemberp24
Summer School 2016 reportTracey Hewett; Luke Michael Ironsidey2016v52i4Septemberp26
Headquarters NewsColyn Boycey2016v52i4Septemberp29
Headquarters News - Visitors from the USAColyn Boycey2016v52i4Septemberp30
Headquarters News - Visit by American Theology studentsColyn Boycey2016v52i4Septemberp30
Headquarters News - Boaz Huss visit to TS HeadquartersColyn Boycey2016v52i4Septemberp30
Notices: Summer School 2017 - Saturday 5th-Saturday 12th August - Theme: Many Paths: One Goal - Guest Speaker: Michael Gomesanony2016v52i4Septemberp32
Notices: North West Federation Autumn Conference - Saturday 29th October 2016 - The Crest-Jewel of Wisdom with guest speaker Jenny Bakeranony2016v52i4Septemberp32
A message from Atma TrasiAtma Trasiy2016v52i4Septemberp32
Congratulations! - 55 years membership: Clarice Ward; 50 years membership: Eleanor Lovedayanony2016v52i4Septemberp32
Deceased - Clifford Fussell, Antony Copley, Christopher Morozanony2016v52i4Septemberp32
Weekend Events at London Headquartersanony2016v52i4Septemberp33
Courses and Study Groups at Headquarters Autumn 2016anony2016v52i4Septemberp34
From The National President...Jenny Bakery2017v52i5Februaryp3
Showing 751 to 800 of 896 entries