From The National President... | Jenny Baker | y2018 | v52 | i8 | Spring | p3 |
Annie Besant and the Founding of the Theosophical Order of Service | Nancy Secrest | y2018 | v52 | i8 | Spring | p4 |
Adyar and the 142nd International Convention | Jenny Baker | y2018 | v52 | i8 | Spring | p9 |
The Theosophical Publishing House London rises again | Leslie Price | y2018 | v52 | i8 | Spring | p14 |
The Magic of Geometry and Number [Part 2 of "The Magic of the Universe in Sound Geometry and Number"] | Petra Meyer | y2018 | v52 | i8 | Spring | p16 |
Standing Stones and Stone Circles - what HPB has to say about them | Janet Hoult | y2018 | v52 | i8 | Spring | p21 |
Building Bridges [interview of Jocelyn Godwin] | Leslie Price | y2018 | v52 | i8 | Spring | p22 |
Charity - Some thoughts by William Q Judge introduced by Tony Maddock | Tony Maddock | y2018 | v52 | i8 | Spring | p24 |
Summer School 2018 [Theme: the Pillars of Wisdom; Chief Guest Speaker: Leslie Price] | anon | y2018 | v52 | i8 | Spring | p26 |
Reports - 'That Remarkable Seeress' Anna Kingsford London headquarters 17 February 2018 | Wayne Gatfield | y2018 | v52 | i8 | Spring | p29 |
Reports - Congratulations [marriage of Michael van Buren and Willy van Vledder] | anon | y2018 | v52 | i8 | Spring | p30 |
Headquarters News | Colyn Boyce | y2018 | v52 | i8 | Spring | p31 |
Remembering... Vin Rendel [obit] | Gabrielle Symonds | y2018 | v52 | i8 | Spring | p33 |
Barbara Estelle Gregory [obit] | Marnie Lewis | y2018 | v52 | i8 | Spring | p34 |
Deceased - John Scott-Cameron | anon | y2018 | v52 | i8 | Spring | p34 |
Remembering... Philip Holloway [obit] | Monika Kasnickas | y2018 | v52 | i8 | Spring | p34 |
From The National President... | Jenny Baker | y2018 | v52 | i9 | August | p3 |
Atlantis: Where Was It and What Was It? | Joscelyn Godwin | y2018 | v52 | i9 | August | p4 |
A Master's Letter [first printed 'Lucifer' January 15 1888 and published later by Annie Besant 'The Theosophist' March 1908] [with Annie Besant's introduction to the latter] | A Master of Wisdom; Annie Besant | y2018 | v52 | i9 | August | p11 |
The Influence of Madame Blavatsky's 'Wacky Ideas' on the World of Art - A Review of the Theosophical references in 'Big Sky Big Dreams Big Art: Made in USA' by Waldemar Januszczak [three programmes screened on BBC] | Janet Hoult | y2018 | v52 | i9 | August | p15 |
Postcard from Canada | Colyn Boyce | y2018 | v52 | i9 | August | p18 |
Sidmouth Theosophical Society is 75 years old | Julie Faber | y2018 | v52 | i9 | August | p23 |
Public Outreach from HQ London | anon | y2018 | v52 | i9 | August | p25 |
Reports - Chester Study Day - Chester Lodge 25th March 2018 | Romey Barnes | y2018 | v52 | i9 | August | p26 |
Reports - North Western Federation - Vic Hao Chin Jn and Fiona Odgren's visits April and May 2018 | Wayne Gatfield | y2018 | v52 | i9 | August | p26 |
Reports - Scotland - Vic Hao Chin's visit to Scotland 5th and 6th May 2018 | Susan Steven | y2018 | v52 | i9 | August | p28 |
Reports - North Western Federation - 23rd TransPennine Weekend Whalley Abbey Lancashire 8th-10th June 2018 | Isabella Lennie | y2018 | v52 | i9 | August | p28 |
Reports - The Roots of Wisdom Conference - Conflict and Connectivity the Esoteric Paradox Leeds Lodge 23rd and 24th June 2018 | JH | y2018 | v52 | i9 | August | p30 |
Reports - Building Bridges - A Day with Joscelyn Godwin London Headquarters 30th June 2018 | JH | y2018 | v52 | i9 | August | p31 |
Report on the General Council and Strategic Planning Meeting July 2018 | Jenny Baker | y2018 | v52 | i9 | August | p33 |
Headquarters News | Colyn Boyce | y2018 | v52 | i9 | August | p34 |
A Celebration of the Life of Marie Warner [obituary] | Nick Warner | y2018 | v52 | i9 | August | p35 |
From The National President... | Jenny Baker | y2018 | v52 | i10 | Nov-Dec | p3 |
Reassessing the Roots of Theosophy: in Pursuit of the Precious Stone | Scott Olsen | y2018 | v52 | i10 | Nov-Dec | p4 |
The 11th World Congress - August 2018 Singapore | Jenny Baker | y2018 | v52 | i10 | Nov-Dec | p13 |
The Mission of the Theosophical Society | Tim Boyd | y2018 | v52 | i10 | Nov-Dec | p17 |
The Spiritual Life of Ancient Egypt | DG Murray | y2018 | v52 | i10 | Nov-Dec | p23 |
Harry Potter's Origins | Alan Senior | y2018 | v52 | i10 | Nov-Dec | p26 |
The Museum Centre of HP Blavatsky and her family | anon | y2018 | v52 | i10 | Nov-Dec | p28 |
Reports - Summer School 2018 | Suzanne Claremont, Philip Aspinall | y2018 | v52 | i10 | Nov-Dec | p30 |
Reports - First International Astrology Conference | Tim Wyatt | y2018 | v52 | i10 | Nov-Dec | p32 |
Reports - The European School of Theosophy | anon | y2018 | v52 | i10 | Nov-Dec | p33 |
Headquarters News - The Brazilian Angle | Colyn Boyce | y2018 | v52 | i10 | Nov-Dec | p34 |
Headquarters News - Music and Theosophy | anon | y2018 | v52 | i10 | Nov-Dec | p35 |
Congratulations - Sally and Finian's Wedding | Lindsay | y2018 | v52 | i10 | Nov-Dec | p36 |
Remembering... - Kathleen Mugan [obituary] | JH | y2018 | v52 | i10 | Nov-Dec | p36 |