The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


From The National President...Jenny Bakery2018v52i8Springp3
Annie Besant and the Founding of the Theosophical Order of ServiceNancy Secresty2018v52i8Springp4
Adyar and the 142nd International ConventionJenny Bakery2018v52i8Springp9
The Theosophical Publishing House London rises againLeslie Pricey2018v52i8Springp14
The Magic of Geometry and Number [Part 2 of "The Magic of the Universe in Sound Geometry and Number"]Petra Meyery2018v52i8Springp16
Standing Stones and Stone Circles - what HPB has to say about themJanet Houlty2018v52i8Springp21
Building Bridges [interview of Jocelyn Godwin]Leslie Pricey2018v52i8Springp22
Charity - Some thoughts by William Q Judge introduced by Tony MaddockTony Maddocky2018v52i8Springp24
Summer School 2018 [Theme: the Pillars of Wisdom; Chief Guest Speaker: Leslie Price]anony2018v52i8Springp26
Reports - 'That Remarkable Seeress' Anna Kingsford London headquarters 17 February 2018Wayne Gatfieldy2018v52i8Springp29
Reports - Congratulations [marriage of Michael van Buren and Willy van Vledder]anony2018v52i8Springp30
Headquarters NewsColyn Boycey2018v52i8Springp31
Remembering... Vin Rendel [obit]Gabrielle Symondsy2018v52i8Springp33
Barbara Estelle Gregory [obit]Marnie Lewisy2018v52i8Springp34
Deceased - John Scott-Cameronanony2018v52i8Springp34
Remembering... Philip Holloway [obit]Monika Kasnickasy2018v52i8Springp34
From The National President...Jenny Bakery2018v52i9Augustp3
Atlantis: Where Was It and What Was It?Joscelyn Godwiny2018v52i9Augustp4
A Master's Letter [first printed 'Lucifer' January 15 1888 and published later by Annie Besant 'The Theosophist' March 1908] [with Annie Besant's introduction to the latter]A Master of Wisdom; Annie Besanty2018v52i9Augustp11
The Influence of Madame Blavatsky's 'Wacky Ideas' on the World of Art - A Review of the Theosophical references in 'Big Sky Big Dreams Big Art: Made in USA' by Waldemar Januszczak [three programmes screened on BBC]Janet Houlty2018v52i9Augustp15
Postcard from CanadaColyn Boycey2018v52i9Augustp18
Sidmouth Theosophical Society is 75 years oldJulie Fabery2018v52i9Augustp23
Public Outreach from HQ Londonanony2018v52i9Augustp25
Reports - Chester Study Day - Chester Lodge 25th March 2018Romey Barnesy2018v52i9Augustp26
Reports - North Western Federation - Vic Hao Chin Jn and Fiona Odgren's visits April and May 2018Wayne Gatfieldy2018v52i9Augustp26
Reports - Scotland - Vic Hao Chin's visit to Scotland 5th and 6th May 2018Susan Steveny2018v52i9Augustp28
Reports - North Western Federation - 23rd TransPennine Weekend Whalley Abbey Lancashire 8th-10th June 2018Isabella Lenniey2018v52i9Augustp28
Reports - The Roots of Wisdom Conference - Conflict and Connectivity the Esoteric Paradox Leeds Lodge 23rd and 24th June 2018JHy2018v52i9Augustp30
Reports - Building Bridges - A Day with Joscelyn Godwin London Headquarters 30th June 2018JHy2018v52i9Augustp31
Report on the General Council and Strategic Planning Meeting July 2018Jenny Bakery2018v52i9Augustp33
Headquarters NewsColyn Boycey2018v52i9Augustp34
A Celebration of the Life of Marie Warner [obituary]Nick Warnery2018v52i9Augustp35
From The National President...Jenny Bakery2018v52i10Nov-Decp3
Reassessing the Roots of Theosophy: in Pursuit of the Precious StoneScott Olseny2018v52i10Nov-Decp4
The 11th World Congress - August 2018 SingaporeJenny Bakery2018v52i10Nov-Decp13
The Mission of the Theosophical SocietyTim Boydy2018v52i10Nov-Decp17
The Spiritual Life of Ancient EgyptDG Murrayy2018v52i10Nov-Decp23
Harry Potter's OriginsAlan Seniory2018v52i10Nov-Decp26
The Museum Centre of HP Blavatsky and her familyanony2018v52i10Nov-Decp28
Reports - Summer School 2018Suzanne Claremont, Philip Aspinally2018v52i10Nov-Decp30
Reports - First International Astrology ConferenceTim Wyatty2018v52i10Nov-Decp32
Reports - The European School of Theosophyanony2018v52i10Nov-Decp33
Headquarters News - The Brazilian AngleColyn Boycey2018v52i10Nov-Decp34
Headquarters News - Music and Theosophyanony2018v52i10Nov-Decp35
Congratulations - Sally and Finian's WeddingLindsayy2018v52i10Nov-Decp36
Remembering... - Kathleen Mugan [obituary]JHy2018v52i10Nov-Decp36
Showing 851 to 896 of 896 entries