The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

The Irish Theosophist

(Editorial)(Daniel Nicol Dunlop) (1868 - 1935)y1892v1-Octoberp1
The Theosophical LifeAnnie Besanty1892v1-Octoberp4
(The Singing Silences) (vf)GWRy1892v1-Octoberp5
Invoking the Irish FairiesDEDI (? WB Yeats)y1892v1-Octoberp6
Review & Notes (ODL, The Path, Lucifer, Ethical Echo, Catholic Times, Dublin Figaro)(DN Dunlop)y1892v1-Octoberp7
Our Workanony1892v1-Octoberp8
A Word Upon the Objects of the Theosophical SocietyGeorge William Russell (1867 - 1935)y1892v1-Novemberp9
Occultism & Modern ScienceRighy1892v1-Novemberp10
Work (vf)GAH Johnstony1892v1-Novemberp13
Father Clarke & TheosophyH Malcolm Mageey1892v1-Novemberp14
Review & Notes (Lucifer, The Path, Theosophist, Le Lotus Bleu)(DN Dunlop)y1892v1-Novemberp15
Our Workanony1892v1-Novemberp16
Theosophy in Plain Language (1) Introduction(DN Dunlop)y1892v1-Decemberp17
(four) Verses from the Dhammapadaanony1892v1-Decemberp18
Problems of Death & the After LifeAnnie Besanty1892v1-Decemberp19
Pages from the Upanishads (1) Mandukya Upanishad - The Four Steps of the SelfCJ = (tr) Charles Johnston (1867 - 1931)y1892v1-Decemberp25
OM (vf)GWRy1892v1-Decemberp25
Review & Notes (Theosophist, The Path, Lucifer, Ethical Echo (Dublin))(DN Dunlop)y1892v1-Decemberp26
Our Workanony1892v1-Decemberp28
Theosophy in Plain Language (2) What is Theosophy? (1) First Principles(DN Dunlop)y1893v1-Januaryp29
The Perfect WayKB Lawrencey1893v1-Januaryp31
A Fragment (vf)RH Fitzpatricky1893v1-Januaryp32
Jagrata, Svapna & SushuptiF.y1893v1-Januaryp33
Pages from the Upanishads (2) The Meaning of OMtr Charles Johnstony1893v1-Januaryp33
Review & Notes(DN Dunlop)y1893v1-Januaryp35
Our Workanony1893v1-Januaryp36
(Editorial)DN Dunlopy1893v1-Februaryp37
Theosophy in Plain Language (3) Universal Mind(DN Dunlop)y1893v1-Februaryp38
Theosophy in Plain Language (2) What is Theosophy? (2) First Principles(DN Dunlop)y1893v1-Februaryp38
Theosophy in Plain Language (4) The Seven "Planes" & "Principles"DN Dunlopy1893v1-Februaryp39
Krishna (vf)GWRy1893v1-Februaryp40
review - The Letter & the Spirit by George Trobridgeanony1893v1-Februaryp40
Love (vf)HFy1893v1-Februaryp44
The Hour of Twilight (1)AE (= George William Russell)y1893v1-Februaryp45
The House of TearsMF (Wright) Wighty1893v1-Februaryp46
Our Workanony1893v1-Februaryp48
Review & Notes(DN Dunlop)y1893v1-Februaryp48
Theosophy in Plain Language (5) Cycles of Evolution - The Days & Nights of Brahma(DN Dunlop)y1893v1-Marchp49
The Magnetisation of PlantsKarl LA Du Prel (1839-1899) (tr Fred J Dick)y1893v1-Marchp51
Earth Life (vf)HSGy1893v1-Marchp53
The Three PathsHenry Travers Edge (1867 - 1946)y1893v1-Marchp54
ViolaEmeff Dubalyuy1893v1-Marchp55
Pain (vf)GWRy1893v1-Marchp56
The Hour of Twilight (2)AEy1893v1-Marchp57
Interpretation of "House of Tears"EMy1893v1-Marchp58
There is No Natural ReligionWilliam Blake (1757-1827)y1893v1-Marchp59
Review & Notes (it was hoped to change the name of The Irish Theosophist to Isis)(DN Dunlop)y1893v1-Marchp59
Our Workanony1893v1-Marchp60
Showing 1 to 50 of 587 entries