review - Cross Currents: The Promise of Electromedicine, the Perils of Electropollution by Robert O Becker | Ron Mangravite | y1991 | v14 | - | April | p116 |
Ltte - re "A Cosmic Christian Theology Related to Process Thought" | Robert E Crenshaw | y1991 | v14 | - | April | p118 |
Ltte - re Robert E Crenshaw | Alexander Imich | y1991 | v14 | - | April | p119 |
Ltte - re "Circles in the Fields - Kansas City Style" | Maurice Schwalm | y1991 | v14 | - | April | p119 |
Editorial Modes of inquiry for religion & psychical research | Mary Carman Rose | y1991 | v14 | - | July | p121 |
The nature of the afterlife from research evidence: its meaning & inspiration for our lives today | Frank C Tribbe | y1991 | v14 | - | July | p125 |
The Quietist movement & Miguel de Molinos (1628-1696) | Arthur Broekhuysen | y1991 | v14 | - | July | p139 |
From pain to philosophy: on functions of art & religion (1) | Carl B Becker | y1991 | v14 | - | July | p144 |
Synchronicity & the nature of truth: what is truth? | Michael DS Cocks | y1991 | v14 | - | July | p154 |
Dostoevsky & Socrates (4.2) Dostoevsky & St Tikhon Zadonsky | Thomas Berry | y1991 | v14 | - | July | p158 |
review - Toward a Transpersonal Ecology: Developing New Foundations for Environmentalism by Warwick Fox | George W Fisk | y1991 | v14 | - | July | p165 |
review - Balm in Gilead: Journey of a Healer by Sara Lawrence Lightfoot | Gertrude R Schmeidler | y1991 | v14 | - | July | p170 |
review - Ecstasy, Ritual & Alternative Reality: Religion in a Pluralistic World by Felicitas D Goodman | Mary C Rose | y1991 | v14 | - | July | p172 |
review - How about Demons: Possession & Exorcism in the Modern World by Felicitas D Goodman | Mary C Rose | y1991 | v14 | - | July | p172 |
Ltte - a reply to Alexander Imich | Frank Pollard | y1991 | v14 | - | July | p173 |
Ltte - various | Robert E Crenshaw | y1991 | v14 | - | July | p173 |
Ltte - a caustic & unfair piece by James Matlock | Arthur S Berger | y1991 | v14 | - | July | p175 |
Ltte - various | Robert E Crenshaw | y1991 | v14 | - | July | p175 |
Ltte - re Alexander Imich | Robert E Crenshaw | y1991 | v14 | - | July | p178 |
Ltte - Phenomena of crop circles | Frank Pollard | y1991 | v14 | - | July | p179 |
On enlightenment & God | Ravindra Kumar | y1991 | v14 | - | October | p181 |
Glastonbury: Christianity's stepping stone to Rome? | Frank C Tribbe | y1991 | v14 | - | October | p194 |
Transformative vision: comparisons of three transformative vision philosophies: | Beverly Abplanalp-Gaede | y1991 | v14 | - | October | p211 |
(A Survey of the work of Jose Arguelles, Ayn Rand, & Robert Pirsig) | Beverly Abplanalp-Gaede | y1991 | v14 | - | October | p211b+ |
(A Survey of the work of José Arguelles, Ayn Rand, & Robert Pirsig) | Beverly Abplanalp-Gaede | y1991 | v14 | - | October | p211b+ |
Dostoevsky & Socrates (5.1.a) 19th-C Philosophers - Nietzsche & Kierkegaard | Thomas Berry | y1991 | v14 | - | October | p224 |
review - A Pauline Theology of Charismata by Siegfried Schatzmann | Louis Richard Batzler | y1991 | v14 | - | October | p230 |
review - Dialogues with Scientists & Sages: The Search for Unity by Renee Weber | George W Fisk | y1991 | v14 | - | October | p231 |
review - Dialogues with Scientists & Sages: The Search for Unity by Renée Weber | George W Fisk | y1991 | v14 | - | October | p231 |
review - Kundalini, Evolution & Enlightenment ed by John White | Claire G Walker | y1991 | v14 | - | October | p234 |
Announcement - Rosemary Ellen Guiley is writing a book on true encounters with angels | anon | y1991 | v14 | - | October | p235 |
Announcements - AD Holcombe's Questionnaire on Channeling | anon | y1991 | v14 | - | October | p235 |
Index of Names | anon | y1991 | v14 | - | October | p236 |
Index of Titles, Concepts, & Topics | anon | y1991 | v14 | - | October | p238 |
Editorial | Boyce Batey | y1992 | v15 | - | January | p1 |
Modern channeling; values & defects; a mixed picture | Claire G Walker | y1992 | v15 | - | January | p3 |
Reincarnation reconsidered (for two replies see v15 p147-152 July 1992) | Charles C Wise Jr | y1992 | v15 | - | January | p17 |
The Bible & the kundalini | AD Holcombe | y1992 | v15 | - | January | p25 |
From pain to philosophy: on functions of art & religion (2) | Carl B Becker | y1992 | v15 | - | January | p33 |
Psychical research needs a theory | John R Crowley | y1992 | v15 | - | January | p41 |
Dostoevsky & Socrates (5.1.b) Nietzsche & Kierkegaard | Thomas Berry | y1992 | v15 | - | January | p45 |
review - The Meeting of Science & Spirit: Guidelines for a New Age by John White | John R Crowley | y1992 | v15 | - | January | p53 |
review - Life Cycles: Reincarnation & the Web of Life by Christopher M Bache | Charles C Wise Jr | y1992 | v15 | - | January | p56 |
Ltte - reply to Robert E Crenshaw | Alexander Imich | y1992 | v15 | - | January | p58 |
Ltte - a reply to Alexander Imich | Robert E Crenshaw | y1992 | v15 | - | January | p59 |
Editorial | Boyce Batey | y1992 | v15 | - | April | p61 |
The myths of healing: a summary of research into transpersonal healing experiences | M Allan Cooperstein | y1992 | v15 | - | April | p63 |
Interpreting the case of Imad Elawar (Ian Stevenson's reincarnation case) | James G Matlock | y1992 | v15 | - | April | p91 |
Announcement - ARPR 1992 Annual Conference | anon | y1992 | v15 | - | April | p99 |
Announcement - Kundalini Research Network & its Questionnaire Project | anon | y1992 | v15 | - | April | p99 |