review - Toward a Vow of Non-Violence by John Dear | Ellery B Haskell | y1989 | v12 | - | January | p51 |
review - Dark Intimacy: Hope for Those in Difficult Prayer-Experiences by David J Hassel | Ellery B Haskell | y1989 | v12 | - | January | p51 |
review - Kundalini for the New Age: Selected Writings of Gopi Krishna (ed by Gene Kieffer) by Gopi Krishna | Earle Coleman | y1989 | v12 | - | January | p52 |
review - Body Types by Joel Friedlander | Claire G Walker | y1989 | v12 | - | January | p56 |
review - Children Who Remember Previous Lives by Ian Stevenson | D Scott Rogo | y1989 | v12 | - | January | p57 |
Imagine (vf) | Lisa Schaeffer | y1989 | v12 | - | January | p60 |
Editorial (Kundalini) (Channeling Socratic material) | Mary Carman Rose | y1989 | v12 | - | April | p61 |
Is the shroud of Turin a fraud? | Frank C Tribbe | y1989 | v12 | - | April | p65 |
A mind/matter axiom | Reinout P Kroon | y1989 | v12 | - | April | p74 |
A new field theory of (1) psi phenomena based on the socio-historical field of feeling | Michael David Wyatt | y1989 | v12 | - | April | p85 |
Why do so many people not believe in astrology? | Frank G Pollard | y1989 | v12 | - | April | p91 |
An analysis of Scandinavian superiority in cultural development from a Freudian point of view | Brian H Kleiner | y1989 | v12 | - | April | p94 |
P&ME - Wedded to philosophy (3) Socrates Story | Charles C Wise Jr | y1989 | v12 | - | April | p96 |
The universe as love | John Miller | y1989 | v12 | - | April | p99 |
Dostoevsky & Socrates (2.3) the later novels | Thomas Berry | y1989 | v12 | - | April | p103 |
review - A New Sense of Destiny from Ancient Symbols: Renewal of Vision through the Lost Language by GW Fisk | Claire G Walker | y1989 | v12 | - | April | p107 |
review - Eranos Lectures 1: The Interior & Exterior in Zen Buddhism by Toshihiko Izutsu | Earle J Coleman | y1989 | v12 | - | April | p110 |
review - The Right to Be Human: A Biography of Abraham Maslow by Edward Hoffman | Gertrude R Schmeidler | y1989 | v12 | - | April | p112 |
review - Origins of the Sacred: The Spiritual Journey in Western Tradition by Anne Bancroft | John R Crowley | y1989 | v12 | - | April | p113 |
review - Evidence of Life after Death: A Casebook for the Tough-Minded by Arthur S Berger | Frank C Tribbe | y1989 | v12 | - | April | p115 |
Ltte - Kundalini, a punctuation mark in the story of human evolution | Frank G Pollard | y1989 | v12 | - | April | p118 |
Ltte - Kundalini does not turn me on | Edgar Wirt | y1989 | v12 | - | April | p119 |
Editorial (The ARPR held its 14th annual conference on Kundalini) | Mary Carman Rose | y1989 | v12 | - | July | p121 |
The God of us all (a review article of The wisdom of Buddhism ed by Christmas Humphreys) | George W Fisk | y1989 | v12 | - | July | p124 |
How shall we approach kundalini? (CWL referenced) | Claire G Walker | y1989 | v12 | - | July | p129 |
Christianity & kundalini | Alice E Buck | y1989 | v12 | - | July | p135 |
A new field theory of (2) human consciousness & its implications for understanding psi phenomena | Michael David Wyatt | y1989 | v12 | - | July | p142 |
Announcement of competition - Out-of-Body & Near Death Experience | (Boyce Batey) | y1989 | v12 | - | July | p150 |
Announcement - Call for papers | (Elizabeth Fenske) | y1989 | v12 | - | July | p150 |
Announcement - 3rd Int Conference on Christian Parapsychology | anon | y1989 | v12 | - | July | p151 |
Announcement - A proposal from Survival Research Foundation | anon | y1989 | v12 | - | July | p152 |
P&ME - Wedded to philosophy (4) Socrates & Xanthippe | Charles C Wise Jr | y1989 | v12 | - | July | p153 |
The ghost with two guns & three graves | Maurice Schwalm | y1989 | v12 | - | July | p155 |
The transformative function of Socratic dialectic | Diane Legomsky-Abel | y1989 | v12 | - | July | p159 |
Dostoevsky & Socrates (2.3) the later novels | Thomas Berry | y1989 | v12 | - | July | p166 |
review - Otherworld Journeys: Accounts of Near-Death Experiences in Medieval & Modern Times by Carol Zaleski | John R Crowley | y1989 | v12 | - | July | p173 |
review - Case Studies in Parapsychology: Papers in Honor of Dr Louisa E Rhine ed by KR Rao | Frank C Tribbe | y1989 | v12 | - | July | p174 |
review - Psychic Phenomena: New Principles, Techniques, & Applications by Joe H Slate | Gertrude R Schmeidler | y1989 | v12 | - | July | p174 |
Ltte - What is the purpose of the Transfiguration of Jesus? | Edgar Wirt | y1989 | v12 | - | July | p177 |
Ltte - Kundalini & the paranormal | Francesca McCartney | y1989 | v12 | - | July | p178 |
Ltte - doubts on reincarnation | name withheld | y1989 | v12 | - | July | p178 |
Ltte - | David Kane | y1989 | v12 | - | July | p179 |
Editor's Note | MCR | y1989 | v12 | - | July | p180 |
Editorial | Mary Carman Rose | y1989 | v12 | - | October | p181 |
obituary - Edgar Wirt (1907-1989) | anon | y1989 | v12 | - | October | p184 |
Our space suits (the human body) | Edgar Wirt | y1989 | v12 | - | October | p186 |
Kundalini: is it real? | Mary Scott | y1989 | v12 | - | October | p193 |
A new field theory of (3) human consciousness & its implications for understanding psi phenomena | Michael David Wyatt | y1989 | v12 | - | October | p202 |
Idealism reconsidered | John R Crowley | y1989 | v12 | - | October | p210 |
Dostoevsky & Socrates (2.0.a) the later novels | Thomas Berry | y1989 | v12 | - | October | p219 |