The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Journal of Religion and Psychical Research

review - The Psychic Revolution of the 20th Century & Our Psychic Sense by Claire G WalkerJohn R Crowleyy1997v20-Octoberp232
review - The Psychic Revolution of the 20th Century & Our Psychic Sense by Claire G WalkerGeorge Fisky1997v20-Octoberp233
review - Religious Holidays & Calendars: An Encyclopedic Handbook by Karen Belleniranony1997v20-Octoberp236
1997 ARPR Index - Articles & Sections, Authors of books reviewed, Contributors, Topicsanony1997v20-Octoberp237
The Future of A Synthesis - The Relevance of Parapsychology to ReligionMichael Grossoy1998v21-Januaryp1
The Deliberately Caused Bodily Damage Phenomenon as Exceptional Human ExperienceLooay Fatoolii & Jamal Husseiny1998v21-Januaryp14
The Mind/Body Question in Science & World ReligionsLouis Richard Batzlery1998v21-Januaryp22
A Trinity of WholenessFrank Tribbey1998v21-Januaryp31
Prayer for HealersSt Francis & Charles Wisey1998v21-Januaryp39
A Modern Symposium: In Praise of LoveJohn F Millery1998v21-Januaryp40
Touching the Energy of GodCE Lindgreny1998v21-Januaryp46
The Spirit of Jesus as a Haunting PhenomenonHerb Grunningy1998v21-Januaryp50
Ltte - complains of editorial disinclination to publish his letters on Gopi KrishnaGene Kieffery1998v21-Januaryp53
Ltte - my new book - 'Communicating with Animals'Art Myersy1998v21-Januaryp54
review - Deep Symbols: Their Postmodern Effacement & Reclamation by Edward FarleyLouis R Batzlery1998v21-Januaryp55
review - The Great Apparitions of Mary: An Examination of 22 Supranormal Appearances by Ingo SwannLouis R Batzlery1998v21-Januaryp56
review - Where Reincarnation & Biology Intersect by Ian StevensonRabin Clarky1998v21-Januaryp57
review - Reincarnation & Biology - (on) the Etiology of Birthmarks & Birth Defects by Ian StevensonRabin Clarky1998v21-Januaryp57
review - The Labyrinth: Symbol of Fear, Rebirth & Liberation by Helmut JaskolskiLouis R BatzLilian Edgery1998v21-Januaryp57
review - Second Sight by Judith OrloffJohn R Crowleyy1998v21-Januaryp59
review - The Waking Dream: Unlocking the Symbolic Language of Our Lives by Ray GrasseGale M Smithy1998v21-Januaryp60
Meet Our Writersanony1998v21-Aprilp61a+
Birthmarks & Memory: Evidence for Mind-Body DualismJohn F Millery1998v21-Aprilp62
Ectoplasm Revisited (1)Jim Arnoldy1998v21-Aprilp69
Kundalini & the Judeo-Christian Tradition (rprnt)Gene Kieffery1998v21-Aprilp75
Observations of Joe A. Nuzum's PerformancesAlexander Imich & Robert Ritchy1998v21-Aprilp91
What to Do About Noodle FaithRick Marshally1998v21-Aprilp94
Cellular Yoga & the Transformation of the EarthArlene Mazaky1998v21-Aprilp98
Views & Comments - Meeting with a GuruGlenda Gingrasy1998v21-Aprilp104
Prophetic Comments in Brief - Making Things Hot - The Science of Climate Change by Jonathan PatzRichard Dossy1998v21-Aprilp105
A Distinguished HauntingMaurice Schwalmy1998v21-Aprilp105
San Francisco - Not the Place to Leave One's Heart (Earthquake predictions)Fred Gurziy1998v21-Aprilp107
Ltte -Glenda Gingrasy1998v21-Aprilp109
Ltte -Ravindra Kumary1998v21-Aprilp110
Religion, Science & the Psychicanony1998v21-Aprilp112
review - Destiny, Scienee, & Spiritual Awakening by Ravindra KumarJohn F Millery1998v21-Aprilp113
review - The Millennium Myth by Michael GrossoL Richard Batzlery1998v21-Aprilp114
(note by the editor on the following reviews)anony1998v21-Aprilp114
review - The Imagination of Pentecost - Rudolf Steiner & Contemporary Spirituaity by Richard LevitonL Richard Batzlery1998v21-Aprilp115
review - Parapsychology, Philosophy, & Spirituality - Postmodern Exploration by David R GriffinL Richard Batzlery1998v21-Aprilp117
review - Agents in My Brain by Bill HannonDavid J Mullery1998v21-Aprilp119
Guidelines for Articles Submitted to The Journal of Religion & Psychical Researchanony1998v21-Aprilp120a+
obituary - In Memoriam - Dr Karlis Osis (? - Dec 1997)anony1998v21-Julyp121a+
Our Place in the Spiritual Ecology (rprnt Sunrise Feb-March 1998)John Van Matery1998v21-Julyp122
(cartoon) ... you just haven't done anything at allanony1998v21-Julyp126
An Engineering Origin of GodRC Quittentony1998v21-Julyp127
When Spiritual Emergence becomes an EmergencyArlene Mazaky1998v21-Julyp138
Predictive Air Terroism Experiences of 1987 and 1988Fred Gurziy1998v21-Julyp145
Showing 1301 to 1350 of 1797 entries