The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Journal of Religion and Psychical Research

filler - Having Coffeeanony2000v23-Januaryp16
Rebirth, Resurrection, and the MillenniumJoseph G Marino and M Sue Benfordy2000v23-Januaryp17
In Pursuit of the Soul: Examining the Catharsis from Life to After-lifeM Sue Benfordy2000v23-Januaryp27
filler - The Wallanony2000v23-Januaryp38
The Ignored OuijaWilliam H Tallmadgey2000v23-Januaryp39
The Out of Body ExperiencePhillip Pauly2000v23-Januaryp41
filler - The Golf Courseanony2000v23-Januaryp47
review - 'Communication with the Spirit Worlds [of God]' by Johannes Greber (1)Louis Richard Batzlery2000v23-Januaryp48
review - 'Communication with the Spirit Worlds [of God]' by Johannes Greber (2)Claire G Walkery2000v23-Januaryp49
review - 'EnjoyYour Own Funeral: and Live a Happy Forever' by George W MeekDonald R Morsey2000v23-Januaryp52
review - 'The Division of Consciousness: The Secret Afterlife of the Human Psyche' by Peter Novak (1)John F Miller,IIIy2000v23-Januaryp53
review - 'The Division of Consciousness: The Secret Afterlife of the Human Psyche' by Peter Novak (2)Berthold E Schwarzy2000v23-Januaryp55
review - 'Conversations With Eternity: The Forgotten Masterpiece of Victor Hugo' by John ChambersJohn F Miller, IIIy2000v23-Januaryp58
fillers - Who Was Jesus?, The Greatest Man, The Pearly Gatesanony2000v23-Januaryp59
Meet Our Writersanony2000v23-Aprilp61
Editorial - Enigmas of Early GenesisDonald R Morsey2000v23-Aprilp61
The Hijacking of India Airlines Flight IC-814Fred Gurziy2000v23-Aprilp63
The Compatibility of Process Thought with the Psychical DimensionHerb Gruningy2000v23-Aprilp67
The Origin of Disease: Parapsychology's Contribution to Consciousness ResearchEnola Pirogy2000v23-Aprilp73
filler - The Priest and the Rabbianony2000v23-Aprilp82
The Parables of Jesus Concerning the Afterlife: Spiritual and Psychical InsightsLouis Richard Batzlery2000v23-Aprilp83
Dying, Death & After Death: Randum Musing Concerning the Spiritually ChallengedMichael E Tymny2000v23-Aprilp91
Dying, Death and After Death: A Report of Conversations with Spirit Receprion Team Through the Automatic Writing of Barbara WestGeoffrey Westy2000v23-Aprilp102
review - 'God, Humanity and the Cosmos: A Textbook in Science and Religion' ed by Christopher Southgate (1)Donald R Morsey2000v23-Aprilp114
review - 'God, Humanity and the Cosmos: A Textbook in Science and Religion' ed by Christopher Southgate (2)George Kokichy2000v23-Aprilp116
review - 'The Heretic' by Lewis WeinsteinBerthold E Schwarzy2000v23-Aprilp117
review - 'Denny and the Mysterious Shroud: A Trip to Turin' by Frank TribbeJoseph G Marinoy2000v23-Aprilp119
fillers - Three Doctors, How Poor Are We. The Pearly Gatesanony2000v23-Aprilp119
HumorBerthold E Schwarzy2000v23-Julyp121
Meet Our Writersanony2000v23-Julyp121
EditorialDonald R Morsey2000v23-Julyp121
What Science Can and Can't Say About Spirits (1)William C Gough and Robert L Shackletty2000v23-Julyp124
Dying, Death and After DeathAgnus H Haddowy2000v23-Julyp133
Dying, Death and After DeathRavinda Kumary2000v23-Julyp143
Ltte - (re Louis Richard Batzler on parables of Jesus)Robert Winterhaltery2000v23-Julyp155
Death Is Not A Door: The Re-emergence of the Ancient Binary Soul Doctrine ...(1)Peter Novaky2000v23-Julyp156
Can a Person Really Survive After Death? A Look at the Evidence ...Bryan J Williamsy2000v23-Julyp167
review - 'An Arthur Ford Anthology' ed/compiled by Frank C TribbeGregory L Littley2000v23-Julyp178
Editorial - Religions and the Near Death ExperienceDonald R Morsey2000v23-Octoberp181
filler - The Monk and the CopiesSusan Morsey2000v23-Octoberp183
Zoroastrianism and Its Probable Influence on Judaism and ChristianityLloyd R Applegatey2000v23-Octoberp184
Here We Go Again (vf)Devorah Ahavrah Gerzoffy2000v23-Octoberp196
Death Is Not A Door: The Re-emergence of the Ancient Binary Soul Doctrine ...(2)Peter Novaky2000v23-Octoberp197
filler - Hold on FellowsBarbara Rommery2000v23-Octoberp207
What Science Can and Can't Say about Spirits (2)William C Gough and Robert L Shackletty2000v23-Octoberp208
Ltte - The Author RepliesLouis Richard Batzlery2000v23-Octoberp217
The Paracelsus StoryEnola Pirogy2000v23-Octoberp218
filler - The Dying ManBarbara Rommery2000v23-Octoberp232
review - 'Searching for Eternity: A Scientist's Spiritual Journey ...' by Don MorseBarbara R Rommery2000v23-Octoberp233
review - 'Blessing in Disguise: Another Side of the Near-Death Experience' by Barbara RommerDonald R Morsey2000v23-Octoberp234
Showing 1451 to 1500 of 1797 entries