The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Journal of Religion and Psychical Research

illustration (12 circles arranged in a circle) 1978Joan Kelloggy1982v5-Januaryp47
Religious & psychic experiences (R&PE) - Not by faith alone (a Pentecostal experience)Alma Lauder Keelingy1982v5-Januaryp50
News & Announcements - Annual Conference of the Academy of Religion & Psychical Researchanony1982v5-Januaryp54
review - Cases of the Reincarnation Type, v3: Twelve Cases in Lebanon & Turkey by Ian StevensonFrank C Tribbey1982v5-Januaryp57
review - The Case for Life after Death by Elizabeth E McAdams & Raymond BaylessKenneth Ringy1982v5-Januaryp60
Ltte - (collecting data in India on Satya Sai Baba's paranormal abilities)Michael A. Thalbourney1982v5-Januaryp62
EditorialMary Carman Rosey1982v5-Aprilp65
Biblical scholarship & psychic phenomenaAJ Bobroffy1982v5-Aprilp67
Reincarnation: a philosophical approach (2)John F Millery1982v5-Aprilp77
The divine darknessEulalio Baltazary1982v5-Aprilp94
Concerning revelatory wisdom (2) (excerpts from The Magian Gospel of Brother Yeshu)Mary Carman Rosey1982v5-Aprilp103
St Stephen speaks (a personal account of a psychic experience)Michael Cocksy1982v5-Aprilp107
Excerpts from the Magian Gospel of Brother Yeshua - Descent into Hellanony1982v5-Aprilp114
M&PE - Mystical & Psychic Experiences (1)Julianna North Coxy1982v5-Aprilp120
Mystical & Psychic Experiences (2)Srimata Kamalay1982v5-Aprilp120
News & Announcements - Dynamic JudaismAlvin J Bobroffy1982v5-Aprilp123
review - The Mirror Mind: Spirituality & Transformation by William JohnstonMary Carman Rosey1982v5-Aprilp125
review - Operations of Increasing Order by John Curtis GowanMichael Grossoy1982v5-Aprilp127
Ltte - (a comment on Rogo's reply to Anderson's review of Rogo's book)Philip Pauly1982v5-Aprilp128
Ltte (many successful experiments in telepathy with my father)Bernhard Mollenhauery1982v5-Aprilp129
Ltte (during the 1960s & 1970s I investigated over 200 cases of Revelatory Wisdom)J Gordon Meltony1982v5-Aprilp129
EditorialMary Carman Rosey1982v5-Julyp137
Death comes alive (after death)Arthur S Bergery1982v5-Julyp139
Reincarnation: a philosophical approach (3)John Franklin Millery1982v5-Julyp148
Luther & the mystical (rprnt Lutheran Quarterly)Bengt R Hoffmany1982v5-Julyp163
What is transcendence?Edgar Wirty1982v5-Julyp177
The Christian Platonism of CS Lewis, JRR Tolkien, & Charles Williams (rprnt)Mary Carman Rosey1982v5-Julyp181
M&PE - (excerpts from an autobiographical essay)Flora May Johnson Piercey1982v5-Julyp192
News & Announcements - variousvariousy1982v5-Julyp196
review - Soul Travel & the Christian Experience by Frank Miller & Lina MillerPhilip Pauly1982v5-Julyp198
review - God in a Nutshell by Alan AndersonMary Carman Rosey1982v5-Julyp200
review - Green Paradise Lost by Elizabeth Dodson GrayMary Carman Rosey1982v5-Julyp200
Ltte - (Tertullian wrote a major treatise (De Anima) on the parapsychology of Religion)Leslie Pricey1982v5-Julyp202
Ltte - (re Mary Baker Eddy & a new ontology)Edgar Wirty1982v5-Julyp203
EditorialMary Carman Rosey1982v5-Octoberp207
The child & child archetype in a nuclear age (0)Alice E Bucky1982v5-Octoberp210
The space between: a study in synchronicity (further conversations with "Stephen")Michael Cocksy1982v5-Octoberp221
A test of the holistic nature of psiCarroll B Nashy1982v5-Octoberp226
Philosophy & spiritual realismBernhard Mollenhauery1982v5-Octoberp229
The seal of Solomon: some metaphysical & theological implicationsEdgar Wirty1982v5-Octoberp233
The belief in survival of physical death: a study in epistemologyMary Carman Rosey1982v5-Octoberp239
Mystical & Psychic Experiencesanony1982v5-Octoberp248
Discussion - New Age Bible SeriesRobert Winterhaltery1982v5-Octoberp250
IANDS Theme Song - The Near-Death Blues(Kenneth D Ring)y1982v5-Octoberp250
News & Announcements - variousvariousy1982v5-Octoberp252
The Whittemore Newsletter (Alan Griffith Whittemore 1890-1960)anony1982v5-Octoberp253
review - Living Waters & Wound with Mercy (songs) by Sister Robin StrattonMary Carman Rosey1982v5-Octoberp256
review - Theories of the Chakras: Bridge to Higher Consciousness by Hiroshi MotoyamaClaire Walkery1982v5-Octoberp257
review - The Case for Life after Death (a look at the evidence) by Elizabeth E McAdams & Raymond BaylessRI Andersony1982v5-Octoberp260
response to RI Anderson's review of The Case for Life After DeathElizabeth McAdams & Raymond Baylessy1982v5-Octoberp263
Showing 151 to 200 of 1797 entries