The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Journal of Religion and Psychical Research

Discussion - Witches as psychic practitionersLeslie Pricey1983v6-Octoberp307
Synopsis of Logos - Life Forms that pervade the Cosmos (mss)Howard E Thompsony1983v6-Octoberp309
Announcements - variousvariousy1983v6-Octoberp313
review - The Society for Psychical Research 1882-1982: A History by Renee HaynesAS Bergery1983v6-Octoberp314
review - The Society for Psychical Research 1882-1982: A History by Renée HaynesArthur S Bergery1983v6-Octoberp314
review - The God of Science by Frederick E TrinkleinFrank C Tribbey1983v6-Octoberp316
review - Spiritual Awakening by Darshan SinghClaire Walkery1983v6-Octoberp317
review - The Present Crisis by Gopi KrishnaClaire Walkery1983v6-Octoberp319
Ltte - (Heisenberg, Heraclitus, Anaximander)Edgar Wirty1983v6-Octoberp321
Ltte - (Sagan's attacks on the idealism of Plato & on psychic research shows the same bias)Bernhard Mollenhauery1983v6-Octoberp322
Index - Proper Namesanony1983v6-Octoberp323
Index (topics)anony1983v6-Octoberp326
Editorial (Jay's Journal; The dangers & the promise of the gnostic & occult traditions)Mary Carman Rosey1984v7-Januaryp1
Seances for the Tsar (1) spiritualism in tsarist society & literatureThomas Berryy1984v7-Januaryp5
A theory of psychic self & object representational systemsFrancesco B Di Leoy1984v7-Januaryp17
Science & the near-death experience: toward a new paradigm (1)Arlice W Davenporty1984v7-Januaryp26
Healing in the new age groupsJohn F Millery1984v7-Januaryp38
An attempt to develop psychic abilityCarroll B Nashy1984v7-Januaryp51
M&PE (1) (synchronicity)Claire E Browny1984v7-Januaryp52
M&PE (2)Irven Pauly1984v7-Januaryp54
review - Sorrat: A History of the Neihardt Psychokinesis Experiments 1961-1981 by John Thomas RichardsFrank C Tribbey1984v7-Januaryp55
review - The Secularization of the Soul: Psychical Research in Modern Britain by John J CerulloEdgar Wirty1984v7-Januaryp57
Ltte - (George W Fisk's biofeedback clinic)Howard E Thompsony1984v7-Januaryp60
Ltte (my life & my attitude to re-incarnation)BTK (?CTK) Chariy1984v7-Januaryp60
Editorial (meaning of psychism & mysticism)Mary Carman Rosey1984v7-Aprilp63
On the objectivity of near death experiencesCarl B Beckery1984v7-Aprilp66
Obstacles to the holistic conduct of Christian parapsychologyLeslie Pricey1984v7-Aprilp75
Seances for the Tsar (2) spiritualism in tsarist society & literatureThomas Berryy1984v7-Aprilp85
Science & the near-death experience: toward a new paradigm (2)Arlice W Davenporty1984v7-Aprilp98
P&ME (account of experience with Kundalini)Elizabethy1984v7-Aprilp109
review - Parapsychology Abstracts International ed by Rhea WhiteMichael Grossoy1984v7-Aprilp117
review - The Trial of Jesus of Nazareth by SGF BrandonFrank C Tribbey1984v7-Aprilp117
review - Portrait of Jesus? (shroud of Turin) by Frank C TribbeClaire Walkery1984v7-Aprilp120
review - A Collection of Near-Death Research Readings: Scientific Inquiries ... ed by Craig R LundahlJames F Strangey1984v7-Aprilp123
Ltte - (my most urgent problem at the moment is this question of reincarnation)Russell Champliny1984v7-Aprilp128
Editorial (ARPR conference, Philadelphia, 1984)Mary Carman Rosey1984v7-Julyp131
A psychic search for the historical JesusFrank C Tribbey1984v7-Julyp133
Seances for the Tsar (3) spiritualism in tsarist society & literatureThomas E Berryy1984v7-Julyp141
A metapsychological concept of healing & healthBruce M Dichtery1984v7-Julyp162
A transpersonal implementation within the paradigm shiftTed Rogersy1984v7-Julyp168
review - Thrice-Greatest Hermes by GRS Mead & Hermetica (tr by Walter Scott)Edgar Wirty1984v7-Julyp175
A Hymn of Adoration (vf) (Book V of the Hermetica by Walter Scott)Hermes Trismegistusy1984v7-Julyp180
A discourse on angelsMark Rosery1984v7-Julyp181
Discussion (excerpts from a letter on mediumship)John R Crowleyy1984v7-Julyp188
Announcements - variousvariousy1984v7-Julyp190
review - Mechanistic & Nonmechanistic Science by Richard L ThompsonMichael Grossoy1984v7-Julyp192
review - Miracles: A Parascientific Inquiry into Wondrous Phenomena by D Scott RogoJames F Strangey1984v7-Julyp195
review - Einstein's Space & Van Gogh's Sky: Physical Reality & Beyond by Lawrence LeShan & Henry MargenauJames F Strangey1984v7-Julyp197
review - Space, Time & Medicine by Larry DosseyClaire Walkery1984v7-Julyp200
review - The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, v1: Apocalyptic Literature & Testaments ed by JH CharlesworthFrank C Tribbey1984v7-Julyp201
Showing 251 to 300 of 1797 entries