The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Journal of the Society for Psychical Research

Mr Hodgson's Investigations in Indiaanony1885v1-Aprilp323
Report of the General Meeting (Hodgson, Blavatsky, Olcott)variousy1885v1-Junep418
Report of the General Meeting (Coulomb, Hodgson, Blavatsky, Damodar, Vega, Koot Hoomi, Sinnett)variousy1885v1-Julyp452
Ltte - Coulombs, HodgsonAP Sinnetty1885v1-Julyp461
Clearing up some misapprehensions - the Blavatsky-Coulomb lettersH Sidgwicky1885v1-Julyp462
Mr Eglinton (Occult conveyance of Vega letter, Alice Gordon, Olcott, Blavatsky, AO Hume)variousy1886v2-Junep282
The Charges Against Mr EglintonEleanor Mildred Sidgwicky1886v2-Junep467
General Meeting (Solovioff, Blavatsky, Koot Hoomi, Besant, Zhelikhovsky)variousy1893v6-Julyp110
General Meeting (Walter Leaf reads HPB letters to Aksakoff; GRS Mead spoke, as did FWH Myers)variousy1893v6-Novemberp143
A Society for Psychical Research in Australia, in Melbourneanony1893v6-Novemberp156
Showing 1 to 10 of 10 entries