The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

The Lamp

Watson, William J. lectures at Toronto TS-y1895v1i12Julyp184
Other Men's Bibles-y1895v1i12Julyp186
"Parahamsa Sreemat Ramkrishna" (tr)Tregina, A.y1895v1i12Julyp186
Journals Mentioned "Notes on the Magazines"[AESS]y1895v1i12Julyp187
"The World's Crucified Saviours"-y1895v1i12Julyp188
signed O.G. Whittaker "The Mystery of the Moon"Macorquodale, Duncan Sutherland (d. 1941)y1895v1i12Julyp189
"The Dual Jesus"Titus, Ferdinand E.y1895v1i12Julyp190
Ruysbroeck, John "The Sapphire - Christ"-y1895v1i12Julyp191
Beckett, Samuel L. TS lecturing-y1895v1i12Julyp192
Brown, Minnie Williams TS lecturing-y1895v1i12Julyp192
Hoggan, C.B. TS lecturing (Beaver TS)-y1895v1i12Julyp192
Port, Robert Edwin TS lecturing-y1895v1i12Julyp192
Smythe, Albert E.S. TS lecturing (Canada)-y1895v1i12Julyp192
Theosophical Society Branches/Lodges monthly program-y1895v1i12Julyp192
Hargrove, E.T. - biographical note with portraitSmythe, Albert E.S.y1895v2i1Augustp1
"The Universal Prayer" (vf)Pope, Alexandery1895v2i1Augustp2
"Five Minutes on Theosophy" (vf)Smythe, Albert E.S. [Ben Madighan]y1895v2i1Augustp2
"Rays" (a frequent column of quotations compiled by the Editor)-y1895v2i1Augustp3
articles signed `Jasper Niemand' : quotedKeightley, Julia W.L.y1895v2i1Augustp3
Ruysbroeck, John quoted-y1895v2i1Augustp3
christianity - "International SS Lessons"[AESS]y1895v2i1Augustp4
judaism - "Jordan Ceased to Flow" (rprnt from 'NY Times')-y1895v2i1Augustp5
review - ' Funk & Wagnall's Dictionary.'-y1895v2i1Augustp6
Book ReviewsSmythe, Albert E.S.y1895v2i1Augustp6
review - 'Bhagavad-Gita', Besant tr-y1895v2i1Augustp6
review - ' Sappho and Other Songs' , by ?? Pemberton-y1895v2i1Augustp7
review - ' A Modern Panarion' (H.P. Blavatsky)-y1895v2i1Augustp7
christianity - "Christian England's Example"-y1895v2i1Augustp7
Book ReviewsSmythe, Albert E.S.y1895v2i1Augustp7
Editorial NotesSmythe, Albert E.S.y1895v2i1Augustp8
LaPierre, Dr. J.W.B. mentioned-y1895v2i1Augustp8
"Devil Worship and Theosophy"[AESS]y1895v2i1Augustp8
Armstrong, Charles H. TS lecturing-y1895v2i1Augustp9
Beckett, Samuel L. TS lecturing-y1895v2i1Augustp9
Mason, James H. TS lecturing-y1895v2i1Augustp9
Port, Robert Edwin TS lecturing-y1895v2i1Augustp9
Smythe, Albert E.S. TS lecturing (Canada)-y1895v2i1Augustp9
Theosophical Society Branches/Lodges monthly program-y1895v2i1Augustp9
Journals Mentioned "Notes on the Magazines"[AESS]y1895v2i1Augustp10
"End of the World and the Higher Agnosticism"Clifford, William Kingdony1895v2i1Augustp12
friday fragments - witty remarks byAES Smythey1895v2i1Augustp12
karma - views on[AESS]y1895v2i1Augustp12
Burns, Robert quoted-y1895v2i1Augustp13
"Found and Made a Note of"C.L.A.y1895v2i1Augustp13
signed O.G. Whittaker "The Mystery of the Moon"Macorquodale, Duncan Sutherland (d. 1941)y1895v2i1Augustp14
Theosophical Society (Adyar) General Information-y1895v2i1Augustp16
"The Higher Plagiarism"Smythe, Albert E.S.y1895v2i2Septemberp17
"Five Minutes on Reincarnation" (vf)Smythe, Albert E.S. [Ben Madighan]y1895v2i2Septemberp18
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel "Hand and Soul"-y1895v2i2Septemberp19
christianity - "International SS Lessons"[AESS]y1895v2i2Septemberp20
Showing 551 to 600 of 1483 entries