The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

The Lamp

druidism - "Ancient Irish Notes"[AESS]y1895v2i16Novemberp54
Book ReviewsSmythe, Albert E.S.y1895v2i16Novemberp54
quotedBrowning, Roberty1895v2i16Novemberp55
"Found and Made a Note of"C.L.A.y1895v2i16Novemberp55
McLatchie, Jeanie departs for Fiji-y1895v2i16Novemberp56
Randall, John sustains loss of son-y1895v2i16Novemberp56
Editorial NotesSmythe, Albert E.S.y1895v2i16Novemberp56
Hargrove, Ernest T. Toronto visit 1895-y1895v2i16Novemberp57
The LampLaDue, Francisy1895v2i16Novemberp57
Stead, W.T. mentioned-y1895v2i16Novemberp57
Beckett, Samuel L. TS lecturing-y1895v2i16Novemberp58
Port, Robert Edwin TS lecturing-y1895v2i16Novemberp58
Smythe, Albert E.S. TS lecturing (Canada)-y1895v2i16Novemberp58
"The Higher Plagiarism"Smythe, Albert E.S.y1895v2i16Novemberp58
Theosophical Society Branches/Lodges monthly program-y1895v2i16Novemberp58
Londini, Mary Catherine mentioned-y1895v2i16Novemberp58
Journals Mentioned "Notes on the Magazines"[AESS]y1895v2i16Novemberp59
Notice to Readers and SubscribersLaDue, Francisy1895v2i16Novemberp59
signed O.G. Whittaker "The Mystery of the Moon"Macorquodale, Duncan Sutherland (d. 1941)y1895v2i16Novemberp61
Blavatsky, H.P. on inward impulse, on motion-y1895v2i16Novemberp64
"A New Heaven and a New Earth"Smythe, Albert E.S.y1895v2i17Decemberp65
"Five Minutes on the Seven Senses" (vf)Smythe, Albert E.S. [Ben Madighan]y1895v2i17Decemberp66
christianity - "International SS Lessons"[AESS]y1895v2i17Decemberp68
"Sun Worship" (vf) (rprnt 'The Canadian (vf) ')Smythe, Albert E.S.y1895v2i17Decemberp68
Journals Mentioned "Notes on the Magazines"[AESS]y1895v2i17Decemberp69
Berry, Miss E.A. mentioned-y1895v2i17Decemberp72
"the judge case" - Wachtmeister and others on-y1895v2i17Decemberp72
Keightley, Bertram mentioned-y1895v2i17Decemberp72
Port, Robert Edwin sustains loss of mother-y1895v2i17Decemberp72
Editorial NotesSmythe, Albert E.S.y1895v2i17Decemberp72
Stevens, William A. mentioned-y1895v2i17Decemberp72
Wachtmeister, Constance mentioned-y1895v2i17Decemberp72
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel "Hand and Soul"-y1895v2i17Decemberp74
Judge, William Q. quoted-y1895v2i17Decemberp75
Port, Robert Edwin TS lecturing-y1895v2i17Decemberp75
Randall, John TS lecturing-y1895v2i17Decemberp75
Smythe, Albert E.S. TS lecturing (Canada)-y1895v2i17Decemberp75
Theosophical Society Branches/Lodges monthly program-y1895v2i17Decemberp75
Beckett, Samuel L. TS lecturing-y1895v2i17Decemberp75
on TheosophyArnold, Sir Edwiny1895v2i17Decemberp76
irish history and tradition - "Christian Science and Healing in Ireland"-y1895v2i17Decemberp76
Collins, Mabel quoted (from) : 'Light on the Path'-y1895v2i17Decemberp77
signed O.G. Whittaker "The Mystery of the Moon"Macorquodale, Duncan Sutherland (d. 1941)y1895v2i17Decemberp77
"Rays" (a frequent column of quotations compiled by the Editor)-y1895v2i17Decemberp77
Bhagavad-Gita "Sankhya Yoga" (Brahmin FTS)-y1895v2i17Decemberp79
hinduism - "Sankhya and Yoga" (Brahmin FTS)-y1895v2i17Decemberp79
"The Things That Are Unseen"Smythe, Albert E.S.y1896v2i18Januaryp81
"Five Minutes on the Harp of God" (vf)Smythe, Albert E.S. [Ben Madighan]y1896v2i18Januaryp82
christianity - "International SS Lessons"[AESS]y1896v2i18Januaryp84
Hymn to ZeusCleanthesy1896v2i18Januaryp86
Showing 651 to 700 of 1483 entries