The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

The Lamp

Theosophical Society Branches/Lodges activities-y1897v3i30Januaryp88
Smythe, Albert E.S. TS lecturing (USA)-y1897v3i30Januaryp89
Universal Brotherhood Organization The Theosophical Crusade itinerary-y1897v3i30Januaryp89
Smythe, Albert E.S. TS lecturing (Canada)-y1897v3i30Januaryp89
Smythe, Albert E.S. addresses Socialist Labor Party-y1897v3i30Januaryp89
Theosophical Society Branches/Lodges Hamilton, Ontario, Hamilton TS Centre-y1897v3i30Januaryp89
Blavatsky, H.P. miscellaneous-y1897v3i30Januaryp90
"Carols to the Lotus" (vf)Thurston, Emma R.y1897v3i30Januaryp90
"What is the `Daily Initiation'?" (Hadji Erinn, pseudonym) (rprnt 'The Path')Judge, William Q.y1897v3i30Januaryp91
karma - "Cycles and Karma" (H.P. Blavatsky, rprnt 'The Secret Doctrine')-y1897v3i30Januaryp91
"Glimpses"Griggs, A.B.y1897v3i30Januaryp92
Blavatsky, H.P. miscellaneous-y1897v3i30Januaryp92
Smythe, Albert E.S. TS lecturing (Canada)-y1897v3i30Januaryp94
Port, Robert Edwin TS lecturing-y1897v3i30Januaryp94
TS lecturingHarris, E.y1897v3i30Januaryp94
TS lecturingBrown, H.A.y1897v3i30Januaryp94
Brown, Francis Josef [Broun] TS lecturing-y1897v3i30Januaryp94
Blavatsky, H.P. miscellaneous-y1897v3i30Januaryp94
Beckett, Samuel L. TS lecturing-y1897v3i30Januaryp94
Theosophical Society Branches/Lodges monthly program-y1897v3i30Januaryp94
Armstrong, Charles H. TS lecturing-y1897v3i30Januaryp94
"The Brotherhood of Life"Smythe, Albert E.S.y1899v3i31Septemberp97
"The Growth of Love" (vf)Bridges, Roberty1899v3i31Septemberp98
(signed 'Ian Mor') : "The Set of the Soul"Dunlop, Daniel N.y1899v3i31Septemberp98
"To Found a Superb Friendship" (vf)Smythe, Albert E.S. [Grace Hill]y1899v3i31Septemberp99
"Purity and Occult Progress" (vf)Smythe, Albert E.S. [Grace Hill]y1899v3i31Septemberp100
"The Dreyfus Case" (vf)Smythe, Albert E.S. [Grace Hill]y1899v3i31Septemberp101
"The Star-Dawn of the Heart"Hill, Iris H.y1899v3i31Septemberp102
"Peruvian Mysteries"Heckethorn, C.W.y1899v3i31Septemberp103
"The Path" (vf)Gregan, Pauly1899v3i31Septemberp103
"A Lesson on Occultism"Judge, William Q.y1899v3i31Septemberp103
Editorial NotesSmythe, Albert E.S.y1899v3i31Septemberp104
Yeats, William Butler mentioned-y1899v3i31Septemberp106
Russell, George W. mentioned-y1899v3i31Septemberp106
Comments on "Modern Mysticism"[AESS]y1899v3i31Septemberp107
"By Nature and Grace"`Pathfinder' (pseudonym of ??)y1899v3i31Septemberp108
"The Angels Behold His Face" (vf)Smythe, Albert E.S. [Ben Madighan]y1899v3i31Septemberp109
"Prophetic Vision & Ecstasy" (vf)Smythe, Albert E.S. [Ben Madighan]y1899v3i31Septemberp110
Tingley, Mrs. Katharine: remarks onSmythe, Albert E.S.y1899v3i31Septemberp110
'Leaves of Grass' quotedWhitman, Walty1899v3i31Septemberp112
Burton, Richard "The Modern Saint" (vf) [rprnt from 'The Independent']-y1899v3i31Septemberp112
Bhagavad-Gita quoted-y1899v3i31Septemberp112
Blavatsky, H.P. on earth's poles-y1899v3i31Septemberp112
"The Brotherhood of ... Work"Smythe, Albert E.S.y1899v3i32Octoberp113
(signed 'Ian Mor') : "Without Partiality"Dunlop, Daniel N.y1899v3i32Octoberp114
"Meditation" (vf)Smythe, Albert E.S. [Grace Hill]y1899v3i32Octoberp115
"As Others See Us" view'A Lover of Theosophy' (pseudonym of ??)y1899v3i32Octoberp118
"Loyalty" (vf)Smythe, Albert E.S. [Ben Madighan]y1899v3i32Octoberp118
Editorial NotesSmythe, Albert E.S.y1899v3i32Octoberp120
Tingley, Katherine A. leases 19 Avenue Road, London-y1899v3i32Octoberp120
Showing 1051 to 1100 of 1483 entries