"A Brotherhood Chorus" (vf) | Smythe, Albert E.S. | y1899 | v3 | i34 | December | p176 |
"The Brotherhood of Power" | Smythe, Albert E.S. | y1900 | v3 | i35 | January | p177 |
"The Fountains of Youth" (vf) | AE - Russell, George W. | y1900 | v3 | i35 | January | p178 |
"War" (vf) | Smythe, Albert E.S. [Ben Madighan] | y1900 | v3 | i35 | January | p178 |
"Our English Letter" | Dunlop, Daniel N. | y1900 | v3 | i35 | January | p180 |
Yeats, William Butler mentioned | - | y1900 | v3 | i35 | January | p180 |
"A Study in Leadership" (Basil Woodward Crump) | Harris, Thomas Lake | y1900 | v3 | i35 | January | p181 |
quoted (from 'Secret Societies') : "Knowledge of the Ancients" | Heckethorn, C.W. | y1900 | v3 | i35 | January | p182 |
Ruskin, John quoted: (miscellaneous) | - | y1900 | v3 | i35 | January | p183 |
Walsh, Marie A. mentioned | - | y1900 | v3 | i35 | January | p184 |
Editorial Notes | Smythe, Albert E.S. | y1900 | v3 | i35 | January | p184 |
Allen, Grant biography started | - | y1900 | v3 | i35 | January | p184 |
Stevenson, Robert Louis mentioned | - | y1900 | v3 | i35 | January | p185 |
Allen, Grant mentioned | - | y1900 | v3 | i35 | January | p185 |
Coffin, George M. mentioned | - | y1900 | v3 | i35 | January | p185 |
Crump, Basil Woodward mentioned | - | y1900 | v3 | i35 | January | p185 |
Yeats, William Butler mentioned | - | y1900 | v3 | i35 | January | p185 |
Hubbard, Elbert mentioned | - | y1900 | v3 | i35 | January | p186 |
Pryse, James M. new edition announced | - | y1900 | v3 | i35 | January | p186 |
Allen, Grant quoted | - | y1900 | v3 | i35 | January | p188 |
Universal Brotherhood Organization Toronto Lodge of Universal Brotherhood No. 49 : charter revoked | - | y1900 | v3 | i35 | January | p188 |
Tingley, Katherine A. mentioned | - | y1900 | v3 | i35 | January | p190 |
Coues, Elliot death noted | - | y1900 | v3 | i35 | January | p190 |
Smythe, Albert E.S. expelled from United Brotherhood Organization | - | y1900 | v3 | i35 | January | p190 |
Pierce, Frank M. reaction to his pamphlet entitled "Facts" | - | y1900 | v3 | i35 | January | p191 |
"Facts" | Smythe, Albert E.S. | y1900 | v3 | i35 | January | p191 |
letter to Editor | Buck, Jirah D. | y1900 | v3 | i35 | January | p194 |
Letter to Editor | 'A Universal Brother' (pseudonym of ??) | y1900 | v3 | i35 | January | p195 |
"Road-Song of the Bander Log" (vf) | Kipling, Rudyard | y1900 | v3 | i35 | January | p195 |
Pierce, Frank M. reaction to his pamphlet entitled "Facts" | - | y1900 | v3 | i35 | January | p195 |
"Thoughts" | Maeterlinck, Maurice | y1900 | v3 | i36 | February | p196 |
'Leaves of Grass' quoted | Whitman, Walt | y1900 | v3 | i36 | February | p196 |
"The Lake Isle of Innisfree" (vf) | Yeats, William Butler | y1900 | v3 | i36 | February | p196 |
"The Brotherhood of Peace" | Smythe, Albert E.S. | y1900 | v3 | i36 | February | p197 |
"War" (vf) | Smythe, Albert E.S. [Ben Madighan] | y1900 | v3 | i36 | February | p198 |
"An Autumn Field" (vf) | AE - Russell, George W. | y1900 | v3 | i36 | February | p198 |
Ruskin, John quoted: (miscellaneous) | - | y1900 | v3 | i36 | February | p201 |
"The Wars of Love" (vf) | Gregan, Paul | y1900 | v3 | i36 | February | p201 |
articles signed `Jasper Niemand' : "Lest We Forget" | Keightley, Julia W.L. | y1900 | v3 | i36 | February | p201 |
"Interview with Mrs. Alice L. Cleather" | E.H.D. | y1900 | v3 | i36 | February | p206 |
letters (signed `Blue Star' or `B.S.') "The Temple" | LaDue, Francis | y1900 | v3 | i36 | February | p209 |
Yeats, William Butler mentioned | - | y1900 | v3 | i36 | February | p210 |
Editorial Notes | Smythe, Albert E.S. | y1900 | v3 | i36 | February | p210 |
Ruskin, John quoted: (miscellaneous) | - | y1900 | v3 | i36 | February | p210 |
Olcott, Henry Steel mentioned | - | y1900 | v3 | i36 | February | p210 |
Crump, Basil Woodward mentioned | - | y1900 | v3 | i36 | February | p210 |
Burton, Richard mentioned | - | y1900 | v3 | i36 | February | p210 |
Pierce, Frank M. reaction to his pamphlet entitled "Facts" | - | y1900 | v3 | i36 | February | p210 |
Tingley, Katherine A. mentioned | - | y1900 | v3 | i36 | February | p210 |
Pfoundes, C. mentioned | - | y1900 | v3 | i36 | February | p211 |