The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


The Elixir of the Devil (6)ETA Hoffmanny1889v4-Junep318
Theosophical Activities - "Attention, Theosophists!"anon (HPB)y1889v4-Junep326
Theosophical LeavenErnest Hawthorny1889v4-Junep328
correspondence - "Modern Spiritual History" & the Theosophical SocietyAD Bathelly1889v4-Junep333
Miscellaneous Notesanon (HPB)y1889v4-Junep334
Letter to James BurnsAD Bathelly1889v4-Junep334
LetterAD Bathelly1889v4-Junep335
Letter to AD BathellJ Burnsy1889v4-Junep335
LetterAD Bathelly1889v4-Junep337
Miscellaneous Notesanon (HPB)y1889v4-Junep341
The Third Eye (the 2nd volume of the SD)anony1889v4-Junep341
noteEditor (HPB)y1889v4-Junep341
Miscellaneous Notesanon (HPB)y1889v4-Junep345
Existing AtlanteansC Carter Blakey1889v4-Junep346
A Few QueriesCS (? C Scholander)y1889v4-Junep347
footnotes to A Few Queries by CSanon (HPB)y1889v4-Junep347
noteEditor (HPB)y1889v4-Junep347
Miscellaneous Notesanon (HPB)y1889v4-Junep347
Miscellaneous Notesanon (HPB)y1889v4-Junep348
Rosicrucian Society of EnglandSL Mac Gregor-Mathersy1889v4-Junep350
To the British TheosophistsAAM de Pallandty1889v4-Junep351
Is the Bud(d)hist an Atheist?C Pfoundesy1889v4-Junep351
Force of Prejudice(HPB)y1889v4-Julyp353
Some Words of ExplanationCharles Bradlaugh (1833-1891)y1889v4-Julyp355
A Prisoned Soul (vf)Evelyn Pyney1889v4-Julyp360
The First RaceC Carter Blakey1889v4-Julyp361
The Vision of Scipio - A Version of Cicero's "Somnium Scipionis" (MT Cicero 106-43 BC)EE Thetay1889v4-Julyp363
Miscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1889v4-Julyp369
The Search for ChristHelen Faggy1889v4-Julyp370
Street Music (vf)Herbert Burrows (1845-1922)y1889v4-Julyp376
What is his Name? (vf)Wm C Eldon Serjeanty1889v4-Julyp378
Oriental GleaningsCJy1889v4-Julyp379
A Woman's Mission (Mary Merivale) (vf)Evelyn Pyney1889v4-Julyp383
review - The Yoga Philosophy (Aphorisms) of Patanjali - by William Quan JudgeKatharine Hillardy1889v4-Julyp387
The Nature of Matter & the PersonalityHenry Travers Edge (1867-1946)y1889v4-Julyp393
The Talking Image of Urur (8)Franz Hartmanny1889v4-Julyp395
The Seven Mystery NamesJakob Bonggreny1889v4-Julyp404
Notes on the Seven Mystery NamesSepharialy1889v4-Julyp407
Miscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1889v4-Julyp415
Theosophical Activities - The Secret DoctrineWilliam Kingslandy1889v4-Julyp416
Colonel Olcott in JapanH Dhammapalay1889v4-Julyp420
An American Missionary of Buddhismanony1889v4-Julyp424
"La Kabbale"Walter Richard Old ("Sepharial", 1864-1929)y1889v4-Julyp425
Theosophy in Londonanony1889v4-Julyp426
The Work of the "Esoteric Section of the Theosophical Society"HP Blavatskyy1889v4-Julyp427
A Few Addresses to Mme Blavatsky (from Horus Lodge)(President)y1889v4-Julyp428
from Point Loma LodgeT Dockingy1889v4-Julyp429
from Golden Gate LodgeTheo G Ed Wolleby1889v4-Julyp429
Showing 601 to 650 of 2866 entries