(Running reply to [WM] Hubbe-Schleiden) | HP Blavatsky | y1889 | v4 | - | July | p430 |
correspondence - World-Improvement or World-Deliverance | [Wilhelm] Hübbe-Schleiden (1846-1916) | y1889 | v4 | - | July | p430 |
review - The Banquet (Il Convito) of Dante Alighieri tr Katherine Hillard | anon | y1889 | v4 | - | July | p437 |
review - Hertha, or the Spiritual Side of the Woman Question, by Elizabeth Hughes | anon | y1889 | v4 | - | July | p439 |
review - The Nationalist (May 1889, V1,#1, a journal anent Edward Bellamy Looking Backward), various | anon | y1889 | v4 | - | July | p440 |
Lucifer, August 15th, 1889. p522, p523 erratum - The Light of Egypt | TH Burgoyne | y1889 | v4 | - | August | p441a+ |
The "Nine Days' Wonder" Press | (HPB) | y1889 | v4 | - | August | p441 |
The Restoration of Theosophy | HPM | y1889 | v4 | - | August | p450 |
A Poetical translation of Chapter I of The Dhammapada in Verse | Edwin Arnold (1832-1904) | y1889 | v4 | - | August | p452 |
The Dhammapada (rprnt from the "Buddhist"; July 12 1889) | Unanse H Sumangala (1827-1911) | y1889 | v4 | - | August | p454 |
Karma & Social Improvement | Annie Besant | y1889 | v4 | - | August | p457 |
errata | sub-ed | y1889 | v4 | - | August | p463 |
A Mysterious Adventure in the Himalayas (I) | Remsen Whitehouse | y1889 | v4 | - | August | p464 |
Numbers, Their Occult Power & Mystic Virtues (1) | W Wynn Westcott | y1889 | v4 | - | August | p469 |
Absolute Motion | Toss Williams | y1889 | v4 | - | August | p474 |
The Talking Image of Urur (9) | Franz Hartmann | y1889 | v4 | - | August | p478 |
Annie Besant & Theosophy | (Annie Besant) | y1889 | v4 | - | August | p486 |
Why I Became a Theosophist (1) | Annie Besant | y1889 | v4 | - | August | p488 |
The Deeper Meaning (vf) | Marguerite | y1889 | v4 | - | August | p499 |
Theosophical Activities - The President's Return (from Japan) | Peter d'Abrew | y1889 | v4 | - | August | p500 |
(Colonel Olcott gave a brief Sketch of his trip to Japan) | HS Olcott | y1889 | v4 | - | August | p501 |
Colonel Olcott in Japan | anon | y1889 | v4 | - | August | p505 |
A Puzzle from Adyar (BK, the ES, an acting editor) | HP Blavatsky | y1889 | v4 | - | August | p506 |
Miscellaneous Notes | (HPB) | y1889 | v4 | - | August | p510 |
correspondence | David Lund | y1889 | v4 | - | August | p511 |
(Mr Lund says my statements are puerile & foolish) | One who has been Duped | y1889 | v4 | - | August | p514 |
(Lund & Duped) | W Wynn Westcott | y1889 | v4 | - | August | p517 |
"Modern Spiritual History" & the Theosophical Society | AD Bathell | y1889 | v4 | - | August | p518 |
review - Clothed with the Sun, ... the Illuminations of Anna Bonus Kingsford, ed by Edward Maitland | anon | y1889 | v4 | - | August | p519 |
review - The Light of Egypt by Mrs Emma Hardinge Britten (or TH Burgoyne) | anon (HPB ?) | y1889 | v4 | - | August | p522 |
review - Addresses Delivered Before the London Spiritualist Alliance, During the Years 1884 to 1889 - anon | anon | y1889 | v4 | - | August | p523 |
review - Mystical Lays: Poems by AF Tindall | anon | y1889 | v4 | - | August | p524 |
review - Kosmo-nomia - Growth of Worlds & Cause of Gravitation by J Stanley Grimes | anon | y1889 | v4 | - | August | p525 |
review - Geonomy - Creation of Continents by Ocean Currents by J Stanley Grimes | anon | y1889 | v4 | - | August | p525 |
review - The Lingualumina or Language of Light by FW Dyer | anon | y1889 | v4 | - | August | p526 |
review - The Power of the Will by Tom Robinson | anon | y1889 | v4 | - | August | p527 |
The Soul's True Glory & Immortality (vf) | FW Dyer | y1889 | v4 | - | August | p527 |
Our Three Objects | (HPB) | y1889 | v5 | - | September | p1 |
"An Over-shot Mark" | GAH Johnston | y1889 | v5 | - | September | p8 |
Why Bud(d)hism? | anon | y1889 | v5 | - | September | p12 |
"Light through the Crannies" | Emily C Reader | y1889 | v5 | - | September | p13 |
Numbers, Their Occult Power & Mystic Virtues (2) | W Wynn Westcott | y1889 | v5 | - | September | p17 |
Traces of India in Ancient Egypt | Charles Johnston | y1889 | v5 | - | September | p23 |
A Mysterious Adventure in the Himalayas (II, III) | Remsen Whitehouse | y1889 | v5 | - | September | p29 |
The Talking Image of Urur (10) | Franz Hartmann | y1889 | v5 | - | September | p34 |
Visions in the Crystal | Violet Chambers | y1889 | v5 | - | September | p41 |
Fraternitas - A Theosophical House of Retreat | A. Pioda | y1889 | v5 | - | September | p46 |
Why I Became a Theosophist (2) | Annie Besant | y1889 | v5 | - | September | p47 |
Miscellaneous Notes | (HPB) | y1889 | v5 | - | September | p52 |
The Astral Plague & Looking-Glass | George Robert Stowe Mead (1863-1933) | y1889 | v5 | - | September | p54 |