The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


correspondence - The Third EyeC Carter Blakey1889v5-Decemberp356
1890! On the New Year's Morrow(HPB)y1890v5-Januaryp357
Names & ThingsHarij (= Jirah D Buck)y1890v5-Januaryp365
The Old House in the Canongate (3)JW Brodie-Innesy1890v5-Januaryp368
I Feel a Strife within my Heart (vf)Josiah Malletty1890v5-Januaryp373
AwakeningErnest Hawthorny1890v5-Januaryp374
Psychic Fire (3)Thomas Williamsy1890v5-Januaryp377
Some Thoughts About FairiesFrancis Annesleyy1890v5-Januaryp382
Was Cagliostro a "Charlatan"? (Alessandro de Cagliostro (1743?-1795?))HPBy1890v5-Januaryp389
MatterE Adamsy1890v5-Januaryp396
Honours (vf)Jean Ingelowy1890v5-Januaryp401
Her False Right HandEvelyn Pyney1890v5-Januaryp402
Numbers, Their Occult Power & Mystic Virtues (6)W Wynn Westcotty1890v5-Januaryp408
Ecclesiastical Christianity (1)SEG (? Susan E Gayy1890v5-Januaryp412
The Talking Image of Urur (14)Franz Hartmanny1890v5-Januaryp419
review - The Vegetarian (a penny weekly), anonanony1890v5-Januaryp425
review - Great Thoughts (a weekly journal) published by AW Hallanony1890v5-Januaryp425
review - Chaplet of Amaranth (from the author of From Over the Tomb)anony1890v5-Januaryp426
review - Logic Taught by Love by Mary Booleanony1890v5-Januaryp426
Lucifer Fund, sums received this monthanony1890v5-Januaryp427
Theosophical Activities - Karma in the Animal Kingdom(Mrs) P Sinnetty1890v5-Januaryp428
British Section Council Meeting(WRO)y1890v5-Januaryp432
Rules of the BS of the Theosophical SocietyWR Old (1864-1929)y1890v5-Januaryp433
"Blavatsky Lodge"anony1890v5-Januaryp435
Rules of the "Blavatsky Lodge" of the TSanony1890v5-Januaryp436
American Sectionanony1890v5-Januaryp437
Theosophy in Indiaanony1890v5-Januaryp440
"Going To & Fro in the Earth"anony1890v5-Januaryp442
Dublin Lodgeanony1890v5-Januaryp442
Miscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1890v5-Januaryp442
(July 18 1886 view from Boston of the SPR's clumsy attempt to stab Mme Blavatsky)anony1890v5-Januaryp443
The Last Song of the Swan(HPB)y1890v5-Februaryp445
The Survival of the FittestCEB (? Charles E Benham)y1890v5-Februaryp453
Numbers, Their Occult Power & Mystic Virtues (7)W Wynn Westcotty1890v5-Februaryp454
A SakiaWaiknay1890v5-Februaryp460
The Locomotive Engineer (vf)anony1890v5-Februaryp465
The Old House in the Canongate (4)JW Brodie-Innesy1890v5-Februaryp466
About the Ego & the Unmanifested BeingV de F (? Vicompte de Figuaniére)y1890v5-Februaryp471
Miscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1890v5-Februaryp477
The Numerical Basis of the Solar SystemFrank H Nortony1890v5-Februaryp481
The Talking Image of Urur (15)Franz Hartmanny1890v5-Februaryp491
Ecclesiastical Christianity (2)SEGy1890v5-Februaryp499
(untitled) (vf)EB Browningy1890v5-Februaryp504
MetaphorCharles E Benhamy1890v5-Februaryp505
Annual Report for 1889 - Swedish BranchG Zandery1890v5-Februaryp513
Theosophical Activities - Theosophical Lectures in Americaanony1890v5-Februaryp513
(Lecture on Theosophy, reported)Herbert Burrowsy1890v5-Februaryp514
LetterJhonghie Khorshedji Dajny1890v5-Februaryp516
Muddled MeddlersHP Blavatskyy1890v5-Februaryp517
obituary - N Bashya Charya(`Theosophist`)y1890v5-Februaryp519
Showing 801 to 850 of 2866 entries