The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

The Magnet

Address by Corresponding Secretary [EST Convention Sunday, 4 June 1922]Esther Brighty1922v3i2Julp40
Address by Lady Emily LutyensEmily Lutyensy1922v3i2Julp44
The EST in EgyptMrs Duckworthy1922v3i2Julp51
The Planes and PrinciplesEL Gardnery1922v3i2Julp54
Martin's Act Centenary CelebrationR Spurriery1922v3i2Julp60
On FriendlinessEsther Brighty1922v3i2Julp63
Our Russian Brothersanony1922v3i2Julp64
[This is a combined issue 3 and 4 for October 1922 and January 1923]-y1922v3i3Octp69
Conference EST 6-8 October 1922: Social Gathering Friday EveningEsther Bright and othersy1922v3i3Octp71
Conference EST 6-8 October 1922: First Degree, Saturday MorningEsther Bright, Josephine Ranson, Madam Kamenskyy1922v3i3Octp76
Conference EST 6-8 October 1922: General Meeting, Saturday MorningMr Baillie-Weaver, Mrs Duckworth, Hilda M Powelly1922v3i3Octp83
Conference EST 6-8 October 1922: General Discussion Saturday Evening: How the ES Can Help Theosophical Workvariousy1922v3i3Octp92
Conference EST 6-8 October 1922: General Meeting Sunday MorningEsther Bright, Mrs Baillie-Weaver, Mrs Sharpey1922v3i3Octp103
Conference EST 6-8 October 1922: General Discussion, Sunday Afternoonvariousy1922v3i3Octp119
NoticesEsther Brighty1922v3i3Octp131
[The above is a combined issue 3 and 4 for October 1922 and January 1923]-y1923v3i4Janp132
From the Corresponding SecretaryEsther Brighty1923v4i1Aprp3
The Aura of the LordCW Leadbeatery1923v4i1Aprp4
Little FailingsC Jinarajadasay1923v4i1Aprp6
Forty-Seventh Convention Adyar 1922: Impressions of the ConventionDCBy1923v4i1Aprp14
Forty-Seventh Convention Adyar 1922: From Adyar and its ConventionRSy1923v4i1Aprp15
Forty-Seventh Convention Adyar 1922: From a Personal Letteranony1923v4i1Aprp20
Forty-Seventh Convention Adyar 1922: Concluding Remarks from the Presidential AddressAnnie Besanty1923v4i1Aprp21
Algiers and the DesertJosephine Ransomy1923v4i1Aprp22
'Messages' from the AstralEsther Brighty1923v4i1Aprp25
Little Things (vf)James Stephensy1923v4i1Aprp26
Healing by AdjustmentAdelaide Gardnery1923v4i1Aprp27
The Masters of Wisdom and BrotherhoodArthur Burgessy1923v4i1Aprp31
EST General Meeting, London 21 January 1923Esther Brighty1923v4i1Aprp34
Universal Brotherhood Campaign, Autumn 1923DGPy1923v4i1Aprp46
NoticesEsther Brighty1923v4i1Aprp48
[This is a combined issue 2 and 3 for July and October 1923]-y1923v4i2Julp54
From the Corresponding SecretaryEsther Brighty1923v4i2Julp55
Address by the OH [Annual Convention Adyar 25 December 1922]Annie Besanty1923v4i2Julp56
Address by Mr C Jinarajadasa [Mortimer Halls Convention 3 June 1923]C Jinarajadasay1923v4i2Julp67
Address by Mr J Krishnamurti [Mortimer Hall 17 June 1923]J Krishnamurtiy1923v4i2Julp81
An ES Libraryanony1923v4i2Julp88
South AfricaKSWy1923v4i2Julp90
Letter: An AppealEE Wheatlandy1923v4i2Julp92
The Lord Vaivasvata Manu [reprint 'The Young Citizen' June 1923]anony1923v4i2Julp92
[The above is a combined issue 2 and 3 for July and October 1923]-y1923v4i3Octp96
Annie Besant's Birthday Message, 1923Annie Besanty1924v4i4Janp99
To Dr Annie Besant (vf)FH Aldhousey1924v4i4Janp100
To All Who Thought of Me on October 1Annie Besanty1924v4i4Janp100
Showing 101 to 150 of 331 entries