The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

The Magnet

NoticesEsther Brighty1925v5i4Janp165
From the Corresponding SecretaryEsther Brighty1925v6i1Aprp3
Daily Dedicationanony1925v6i1Aprp6
Address by the OH [India 2 January 1921]Annie Besanty1925v6i1Aprp9
Address by C Jinarajadasa [Benares 26 December 1921]C Jinarajadasay1925v6i1Aprp24
Vision (vf) [reprint from 'The Bell-Branch']James H Cousinsy1925v6i1Aprp33
An Address by Dr GS Arundale [from Notes at Mortimer Hall 26 October 1924]GS Arundaley1925v6i1Aprp34
Quarterly Letter from the Vice-PresidentC Jinarajadasay1925v6i1Aprp45
The Endurance of PainGCy1925v6i1Aprp47
A ReminderC Jinarajadasay1925v6i1Aprp50
An ES Talk by C Jinarajadasa [extract, Chicago 9 August 1924] [reprint from the 'American EST Bulletin']C Jinarajadasay1925v6i1Aprp51
ES Libraryanony1925v6i1Aprp53
From the Corresponding SecretaryEsther Brighty1925v6i2Octp59
Address by the OH [Mortimer Hall 12 September 1925]Annie Besanty1925v6i2Octp61
Ommen Star Camp, August 1925: Address by Dr Besant [11 August]Annie Besanty1925v6i2Octp72
Ommen Star Camp, August 1925: Address Delivered by Rev. Oscar Kollerstrom [11 August]Oscar Kollerstromy1925v6i2Octp87
Ommen Star Camp, August 1925: Bishop Arundale Spoke as FollowsGS Arundaley1925v6i2Octp90
Ommen Star Camp, August 1925: Dr Besant's Concluding WordsAnnie Besanty1925v6i2Octp94
Ommen Star Camp, August 1925: Address by Bishop Arundale [12 August]GS Arundaley1925v6i2Octp95
Ommen Star Camp, August 1925: Address by Bishop Wedgwood [13 August]JI Wedgwoody1925v6i2Octp105
Ommen Star Camp, August 1925: Dr Besant's Concluding AddressAnnie Besanty1925v6i2Octp120
The Star Camp, 1925Emily Lutyensy1925v6i2Octp128
An Interesting GatheringFW Pigotty1925v6i2Octp130
A GlimpseWayfarery1925v6i2Octp131
Notes from an Address by the Corresponding Secretary [London 31 May 1925]Esther Brighty1925v6i2Octp132
Address by Mrs Cannan [Mortimer Hall 5 July 1925]Julia H Cannany1925v6i2Octp144
An ES Libraryanony1925v6i2Octp156
From the Corresponding SecretaryEsther Brighty1926v7i1Aprp3
CWL's Arrival in AdyarEsther Brighty1926v7i1Aprp5
An Address by J Krishnamurti to Members Only [Star Day Adyar 28 December 1925]J Krishnamurtiy1926v7i1Aprp7
An Address by C Jinarajadasa [28 December 1925]C Jinarajadasay1926v7i1Aprp10
An Address by J KrishnamurtiJ Krishnamurtiy1926v7i1Aprp16
Dr Besant Concludes the Addresses delivered on 28 December 1925Annie Besanty1926v7i1Aprp19
Address by Mrs Rukmini Arundale [General Meeting of the ES Adyar 3 January 1926]Rukmini Arundaley1926v7i1Aprp22
Address by Bishop JI Wedgwood [General Meeting of the ES Adyar 3 January 1926]JI Wedgwoody1926v7i1Aprp24
Krishnaji and His Brother [extract Herald of the Star]J Krishnamurtiy1926v7i1Aprp30
Krishnaji's Message to the Self-Preparation Group [Adyar January 1926]J Krishnamurtiy1926v7i1Aprp33
Glimpses of AdyarEsther Brighty1926v7i1Aprp35
National Societies, in Order as Charteredanony1926v7i1Aprp38
The ES Libraryanony1926v7i1Aprp39
obituary: Harold Baillie-WeaverEsther Brighty1926v7i1Aprp42
From the Corresponding SecretaryEsther Brighty1926v7i2Octp47
If (vf)K Browningy1926v7i2Octp50
Showing 201 to 250 of 331 entries