The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Psychic Notes

The Object of These Notes (is a knowledge of the fact on which spiritualists ... base their speculations)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v1i1Jan 2p1
Phenomenal Research (ignorant critics vs experienced investigators)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v1i1Jan 2p2
(Mr Stuart Cumberland declined the challenge ...)Ed. of <em>Light</em>y1882v1i1Jan 2+p3
Facts to be Kept in Mind (list of 57 names (from Light) of careful investigators)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v1i1Jan 2p3
fillers - Note - Business Notices - subscribersvariousy1882v1i1Jan 2+p3
Mr Fowler's Challenge to the Conjurers. L1000 to L100 - (from John Fowler)(editor) <em>Light</em>y1882v1i1Jan 2+p3
advertisementsvariousy1882v1i1Jan 2+p4
Seances in Calcutta (1) At a seance held at Mr Meugen's house, on Tuesday, Nov 29th, ... (John Williams)RHCy1882v1i1Jan 2p5
Séances in Calcutta (1) At a séance held at Mr Meugen's house, on Tuesday, Nov 29th, ... (John Williams)RHCy1882v1i1Jan 2p5
(On Sunday 20th November, a séance was held at Colonel Gordon's house at Howrah. Mr Eglinton was present.)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v1i1Jan 2p6
A Challenge (The conviction which can enable a man to deny should be the result of positive knowledge ...)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v1i1Jan 2p6
(On Sunday 20th November, a seance was held at Colonel Gordon's house at Howrah. Mr Eglinton was present.)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v1i1Jan 2p6
Mesmerism (some Lstte Lancet ... the writer pleaded that there might be something in it)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v1i1Jan 2p7
filler - (thou wilt not leave us in the dust)Tennysony1882v1i1Jan 2p8
Our Answer (to H.)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v1i1Jan 2p8
Ltte The Theosophist - Is Creation Possible for Man?H.y1882v1i1Jan 2p8
Ltte Revue Spirite - (Davenport brothers) The Testimony of Another Conjuror on Spiritual PhenomenaE Jacobsy1882v2i2Jan 16+p3
2 fillers - Note - Business Notices - subscribersvariousy1882v2i2Jan 16+p3
advertisementsvariousy1882v2i2Jan 16+p4
Scientists & Psychic Phenomena (for 33 years these psychic phenomena have been steadily increasing ...)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v2i2Jan 16p9
Credulity & Incredulity (There is as much ignorance often shown by incredulity as by credulity)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v2i2Jan 16p9
Rev Canon Wilberforce (1) (rprnt Light - The Duty of the Church in respect to ... Spiritualism)Rev Canon Basil Wilberforcey1882v2i2Jan 16p10
Seances in Calcutta (2) (The 2nd Seance at Col Gordon's house was a failure no manifestations occurring.)anony1882v2i2Jan 16p11
(Since the seance, which Peary Chand Mittra & his son had with Mr Eglinton ...) (Indian Mirror Jan 4 1882)anony1882v2i2Jan 16p11
Séances in Calcutta (2) (The 2nd Séance at Col Gordon's house was a failure no manifestations occurring.)anony1882v2i2Jan 16p11
(Since the séance, which Peary Chand Mittra & his son had with Mr Eglinton ...) (Indian Mirror Jan 4 1882)anony1882v2i2Jan 16p11
The Platitudes of Sceptics (objections against belief in the reality of spiritual phenomena ... fallacies)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v2i2Jan 16p12
A Remonstrance(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v2i2Jan 16p12
Ltte - A Daylight Séance (with Mr Eglinton {1857-1933}) Jan 11 1882RH Cheethamy1882v2i2Jan 16p13
Ltte - A Séance with the Duke of Cumberland (10th Dec 1881)W Eglinton (1857-1933)y1882v2i2Jan 16p14
Ltte Indian Mirror The SameAnti-Scepticy1882v2i2Jan 16p15
Ltte Indian Mirror Phenomenal Spiritualism in CalcuttaJG Meugensy1882v2i2Jan 16p15
Ltte - The Himalayan Brothers (republished from Spiritualist)Alice Gordony1882v2i2Jan 16p15
A Plea for Candid Investigation (by the author of Friends in Council)anony1882v2i2Jan 16p16
4 fillersvariousy1882v2i2Jan 16p16
2 fillers - 2 Business Noticesvariousy1882v3i3Jan 27+p3
rprnt Light - Hermann, the Conjuror, & Mrs Simpson, the Medium (Religio-Philosophical Journal)anony1882v3i3Jan 27+p3
advertisementsvariousy1882v3i3Jan 27+p4
Enlightened Scepticism (... deny nothing, doubt much ...)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v3i3Jan 27p17
The Scepticism which is not "Enlightened" (... have not capacity for "enlightenment" of any kind ...)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v3i3Jan 27p17
Cui Bono? (If true what use is it?) (Professor Christiol)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v3i3Jan 27p18
Is it Conjuring? (Dr Potter)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v3i3Jan 27p19
Personal Experiences (On Tuesday, 11th January, a party of friends of Mr Eglinton's dined at Mr Meugens ...)A. Gordony1882v3i3Jan 27p19
Rev Canon Wilberforce (2) (The effects have been summed up by Professor Barrett, Dublin)Rev Canon Wilberforcey1882v3i3Jan 27p20
Reflections (It is interesting to review the mental changes of one's own mind & trace its progress.)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v3i3Jan 27p21
Séances in Calcutta (3) (On the 1st of January another séance was held at Colonel Gordon's.)anony1882v3i3Jan 27p22
Seances in Calcutta (3) (On the 1st of January another seance was held at Colonel Gordon's.)anony1882v3i3Jan 27p22
Ltte - Facts More Strange than Fiction (the mediumship of Mr Eglinton)JG Meugensy1882v3i3Jan 27p23
rprnt Indian Mirror Jan 7 1882 (The last séance, held with Mr Eglinton on Thursday ...)anony1882v3i3Jan 27p23
rprnt Indian Mirror Jan 7 1882 (The last seance, held with Mr Eglinton on Thursday ...)anony1882v3i3Jan 27p23
Showing 1 to 50 of 184 entries