The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


Leslie’s Seasonal Quiz - the answers[Leslie Price]y2015v11i1Januaryp34
Books we have reviewedanony2015v11i1Januaryp36
How to obtain this free JournalPaul J Gaunty2015v11i1Januaryp37
Catharine Elizabeth Wood (1852 - 1884): The Final Two YearsLis Warwoody2015v11i2Februaryp39
SPR Recognises Dawson Rogers at lastLeslie Pricey2015v11i2Februaryp56
Helen DuncanPaul J Gaunty2015v11i2Februaryp57
A Scottish MediumJames Soutary2015v11i2Februaryp60
The Mediumship of Mrs DuncanHarvey Metcalfey2015v11i2Februaryp62
The Duncan Mediumship - Graham Moffatt's TestimonyGraham Moffatt, anony2015v11i2Februaryp65
Moses, Massey and The Theosophical SocietyLeslie Pricey2015v11i2Februaryp71
FOTA: Friends of Theosophical Archives[Leslie Price]y2015v11i2Februaryp76
Books we have reviewedanony2015v11i2Februaryp77
How to obtain this free JournalPaul J Gaunty2015v11i2Februaryp78
The Hands of the Fair Daguerreotypist: Spirit Photography Before MumlerMarc Demarest [Introductory Note by LP (Leslie Price)]y2015v11i3Marchp80
The Actual Likeness of Spirits: The Early Career of William H MumlerMarc Demaresty2015v11i3Marchp86
[review] 'Asia Mysteriosa The Oracle of Astral Force' (2012) by Zam Bhotiva [translated] [preface by Colum Hayward]Alistair Coombs [Introductory Note by LP (Leslie Price)]y2015v11i3Marchp94
'The Quest' Old and New: Retrospect and ProspectGRS Mead [Introductory Note by LP (Leslie Price)]y2015v11i3Marchp97
Notes by the Way: A Christian Parapsychologist Passes [re: Michael Perry]Leslie Pricey2015v11i3Marchp108
Books we have reviewedanony2015v11i3Marchp109
How to obtain this free JournalPaul J Gaunty2015v11i3Marchp110
Conan Doyle Proves His Survival [extract: 'Across the Gulf' 1940 pages 49-62]Maurice Barbanell [and Note by LP]y2015v11i4-5April-Mayp112
Direct Voice Some Difficulties and a Warning ['Light' November 26th 1942 front page-379]Mercy Phillimore [and Note by LP]y2015v11i4-5April-Mayp119
Direct Voice Phenomena - From an Address given at the London Spiritualist Alliance on Thursday, June 26th 1947 ['Light' August 1947 pages 227-231]Brigadier R C Firebrace CBEy2015v11i4-5April-Mayp124
The Pioneer [The SNU Pioneer]Leslie Pricey2015v11i4-5April-Mayp129
Some Experiences of CW Leadbeater [includes extracts: 'So Rich a Life', 'Charles Webster Leadbeater 1854-1934 - A Biographical Study' [and a quotation from a footnote in 'The Masters and The Path' by CW Leadbeater]Clara Codd, Gregory Tillett [and Note by LP]y2015v11i4-5April-Mayp130
Waite and Spiritualism ['Light' June 4th 1942 page 180]C.R.C. (Charles Richard Cammell Editor of 'Light'), [and Note by LP]y2015v11i4-5April-Mayp134
Arthur Edward Waite: an Appreciation ['Light' June 4th 1942 page 181]Lewis Spencey2015v11i4-5April-Mayp135
L S A Comments and Records - Arthur Edward Waite ['Light' June 25th 1942 page 207]Mercy Phillimorey2015v11i4-5April-Mayp137
Shadows of Life and Thought [extracts: 'Shadows of Life and Thought']Arthur Edward Waitey2015v11i4-5April-Mayp138
Books we have reviewedanony2015v11i4-5April-Mayp143
How to obtain this free JournalPaul J Gaunty2015v11i4-5April-Mayp144
Spirit Drawings by Georgiana Houghton - Featured in an exhibition portraying Spiritualist practices: 'Believe Not Every Spirit But Try The Spirits' - Monash University Museum of Art Melbourne [report]Garth Willey [GAW]y2015v11i6-7June-Julyp146
The Medium and Daybreak - Georgiana Houghton ['The Medium and Daybreak' No 731 Vol XV April 4 1884 p216; No 732 Vol XV April 11 1884 p234][sourced by Lis Warwood]y2015v11i6-7June-Julyp150
Notes by the Way: William Crookes and Madame BlavatskyLP [Leslie Price]y2015v11i6-7June-Julyp152
'The Russell Connection - Reuniting Parents with their Children in the Spirit World through Physical and Trance Mediumship' by Gwen Byrne [review][Steve Hume]y2015v11i6-7June-Julyp156
A Voice from Beyond - Seance Conversation in Icelandic [including extract 'Light' March 17th 1933 p166]Sigurdur Arnalds [and Note by LP]y2015v11i6-7June-Julyp158
Stainton Moses Returns Painfully [extracts: 'Children of the Dawn']Katharine Bates [and Note by LP]y2015v11i6-7June-Julyp160
William Stainton Moses November 5th 1839 - September 5th 1892 [picture]anony2015v11i6-7June-Julyp162
Association of Art Historians 41st Annual Conference Session 19: Modernism Occultism and Evolution [report]Lynda Harris [and Note by LP]y2015v11i6-7June-Julyp163
Mr Oxley ['The Two Worlds' December 16th 1898 front page and p830] [re: William Oxley, "founded ... Angelic Order of Life based on teachings received by a medium, whose last known member left the records to the Theosophical Society in London about 1990]AD [and Note by LP]y2015v11i6-7June-Julyp165
William Oxley [obituary: from 'The Two Worlds' July 14th 1905 p355]anony2015v11i6-7June-Julyp170
Paraffin Wax Moulds [extract: 'The Facts of Psychic Science']Campbell Holmsy2015v11i6-7June-Julyp172
Wax Gloves Procured From Materialized Hands [extract: 'Psychic Science']The Principal [James Hewat McKenzie]y2015v11i6-7June-Julyp176
Wax Spirit Moulds [by Paul J Gaunt] - [reprinted review for the SPR - Society for Psychical Research]Tom Rufflesy2015v11i6-7June-Julyp179
Books we have reviewedanony2015v11i6-7June-Julyp181
How to obtain this free JournalPaul J Gaunty2015v11i6-7June-Julyp182
William Eglington - Visit to India [from 'Twixt Two Worlds: a narrative of The Life and Work of William Eglington' pp89-97]John S Farmer [and note by LP]y2015v11i8-9August-Septemberp184
How I came to believe in Materialisations [from 'The Spiritual Record' (Glasgow) Vol 1 May 1884 pages 663/5]Mrs Mary SG Nicholsy2015v11i8-9August-Septemberp194
The Work of the Painter-Mediums - Marjan Gruzewski And Augustin Lesage [from the 'British Journal of Psychical Research' (Official Organ of the National Laboratory of Psychical Research London): Volume 2 No 13 May-June 1928 pages 1/7]Doctor Eugene Ostyy2015v11i8-9August-Septemberp196
How I Became A Theosophist - No I [from the 'Theosophical Review' (London) Vol 1 No 1 January 1925 pages 20/23]EL Gardner General Secretary of the TS in England [and Introductory Note by LP]y2015v11i8-9August-Septemberp202
Showing 1151 to 1200 of 1280 entries