The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


SPR was conceived by a Spiritualistanony2004v1i1Mayp1
Time? Has the time come for a regular gathering of students interested in the pioneers of the psychic field?anony2004v1i1Mayp3
Millions of witches killed - or possibly notanony2004v1i1Mayp3
In the Historian's Chair - Paul Gauntanon, Paul Gaunty2004v1i1Mayp4
Mysterious Developments in Western New York [biographical: AJ Davis (1)]AJ Davis, LPy2004v1i1Mayp8
The Psychic Pioneer Project Reincarnatesanony2004v1i1Mayp8
Justice for the Fox Sisters [review: 'Talking to the Dead: Kate and Maggie Fox and the rise of Spiritualism' by Barbara Weisberg]Paul Gaunty2004v1i2Junp9
The Psychic Pioneer Project Stirsanony2004v1i2Junp11
The Prime Minister was a Lyceumist [re Alfred Deakin 1856-1919]anony2004v1i2Junp11
Stainton Moses Funeral [biographical: Stainton Moses (1)]anony2004v1i2Junp12
Blavatsky Spiritualist up to a pointLPy2004v1i2Junp13
Davis and "The Other Side of Salvation" [review: 'The Other Side of Salvation - Spiritualism and the Nineteenth Century Religious Experience' by John B Buescher] [biographical: AJ Davis (2)]LPy2004v1i2Junp13
The Eddys and the HolmesesLPy2004v1i2Junp14
The woman of Endor to have home page?anony2004v1i2Junp15
Miss Cordelia Grylls [obituary reprint: Light 26 November 1942]anony2004v1i2Junp16
AJ Davis in Germany [biographical: AJ Davis (3)]LPy2004v1i2Junp16
Did AJ Davis found the Movement? [biographical: AJ Davis (4)]anony2004v1i3Julp17
How the Lyceum came to Australia [review: 'Messages from Beyond' by Al Gabay]LPy2004v1i3Julp19
Stainton Moses and the Crystal Visions [biographical: Stainton Moses (2)]LPy2004v1i3Julp20
News from Keighleyanony2004v1i3Julp21
Early Spiritualists and SexismLPy2004v1i3Julp22
Emma's Library [biographical: Emma Hardinge Britten (1)]LPy2004v1i3Julp24
Abraham Lincoln Spiritualism EmancipationLPy2004v1i4Augp25
Notes by the Wayanony2004v1i4Augp27
Psychic birds (or what?)anony2004v1i4Augp27
Work of the "Confraternity" [includes extract: Light July 9 1936] [Before the Fellowship (1)]anony2004v1i4Augp28
AJ Davis editor and bookselleranony2004v1i4Augp29
Psychics put to death on web siteLPy2004v1i4Augp30
German Pioneer Researchanony2004v1i4Augp31
A Preacher returns?anony2004v1i4Augp31
Australian apportsanony2004v1i4Augp32
And finallyanony2004v1i4Augp32
The Final Conan Doyle MysteryLPy2004v1i5Sepp33
Mrs Britten versus Mr George Spriggsanony2004v1i5Sepp36
The Emergence of Dr Davisanony2004v1i5Sepp37
Maurice Elliott Testimonial [includes extract: Light January 28 1937] [Before the Fellowship (2)]anony2004v1i5Sepp38
Emma Mystery Deepensanony2004v1i5Sepp39
Stainton Moses and Masonry [includes extract letter: John Hamill]anony2004v1i6Octp41
Davis Letters in UK?anony2004v1i6Octp42
New Light on Monckanony2004v1i6Octp43
Endor - questions rather than answersanony2004v1i6Octp43
Searching for Anglican Spiritualists [Before the Fellowship (3)]anony2004v1i6Octp44
Stainton Moses and the editorship of Lightanony2004v1i6Octp44
Is Reincarnation proved?anony2004v1i6Octp45
The Spiritual Commandments of Indiaanony2004v1i6Octp46
Rasputin Reconsideredanony2004v1i6Octp47
Noah's Ark Society closureanony2004v1i6Octp47
Notes by the Way: God Spiritualism and Modern TheosophyLeslie Pricey2004v1i6Octp48
The Whistle Blower (updated from the former Pioneer web site)anony2004v1i6Octp50
Tasmania was firstanony2004v1i6Octp52
Showing 1 to 50 of 1280 entries