Mantra and the Energetics of Sound | David Frawley | y1994 | v7 | i1 | Spring | p34 |
The Holy Fool: Hasidism for Modern Americans (vf) | Reb Avram Davis | y1994 | v7 | i1 | Spring | p38 |
Stages of Meditation: An Interview | Ken Wilber | y1994 | v7 | i1 | Spring | p42 |
Nurturing Our Spiritual Body [excerpt] | David Sheinkin | y1994 | v7 | i1 | Spring | p47 |
Re-Visioning Childhood Experience | Edward Hoffman | y1994 | v7 | i1 | Spring | p49 |
Our Common Journey Toward Freedom | Anna Lemkow | y1994 | v7 | i1 | Spring | p55 |
The Shapes of Sophia: Alice Howell's Geometry of the Soul | Richard Leviton | y1994 | v7 | i1 | Spring | p64 |
Many Traditions, One God: Shadow Puppet Theatre in Malaysia | Mary Beth Osnes | y1994 | v7 | i1 | Spring | p70 |
Spiritual Journey - Sacred Place: Koto-in Zen Buddhist Temple, Kyoto, Japan | Thomas Barrie | y1994 | v7 | i1 | Spring | p74 |
On Loving the Abject Self | Elliot Robertson | y1994 | v7 | i1 | Spring | p79 |
review: 'Cosmic Consciousness Revisited: The Modern Origins and Development of a Western Spiritual Psychology' by Robert M May | Mary Jane Newcomb | y1994 | v7 | i1 | Spring | p90 |
review: 'The Making of a Mystic: Seasons in the Life of Teresa of Avila' by Francis L Gross, Jr | William Metzger | y1994 | v7 | i1 | Spring | p90 |
review: 'The Spiritual Athlete' ed by Ray Berry | Brian Riggs | y1994 | v7 | i1 | Spring | p91 |
review: 'Youth: Creators of the Future' by Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov | Georg Feuerstein | y1994 | v7 | i1 | Spring | p92 |
Music of the Spheres: Wonderful Words of Life | Don Campbell | y1994 | v7 | i1 | Spring | p93 |
Personal Glimpses | Catherine Ingram | y1994 | v7 | i1 | Spring | p96 |
letter: Absolute Skepticism: An Act of Will | Joe Kelly | y1994 | v7 | i2 | Summer | p4 |
letter: Self-Transcendence and Spiritual Advancement | Nasira Alma | y1994 | v7 | i2 | Summer | p4 |
letter: Wiccans at the Parliament | Tamara Siuda-Legan | y1994 | v7 | i2 | Summer | p5 |
Explorations: Dialogue with a Master | John Krajewski | y1994 | v7 | i2 | Summer | p6 |
Theosophical Views: Death and Meditation | John Algeo | y1994 | v7 | i2 | Summer | p10 |
The Passing of the Second Dalai Lama [excerpts] | Glenn Mullin | y1994 | v7 | i2 | Summer | p12 |
Death and Deathlessness | Mark Matousek, Andrew Harvey | y1994 | v7 | i2 | Summer | p18 |
The Culture of Ritual and the Quest for Enlightenment | David Frawley | y1994 | v7 | i2 | Summer | p24 |
A Yogic Approach to Conscious Dying | David Blair (Swami Kripananda) | y1994 | v7 | i2 | Summer | p32 |
A Yogic Perspective on Near-Death Experiences | Ray Grasse | y1994 | v7 | i2 | Summer | p35 |
On Almost Hearing the Word of Return: Perspectives on the Near-Death Experience | Richard Leviton | y1994 | v7 | i2 | Summer | p38 |
Soundscapes: The Environmental Music of R Murray Schafer | Debra Sykes | y1994 | v7 | i2 | Summer | p42 |
Journeys on the Edge of Thought: The Art of Helen Nelson-Reed | Helen Nelson-Reed | y1994 | v7 | i2 | Summer | p48 |
Connective Aesthetics: Art After Individualism | Suzi Gablik | y1994 | v7 | i2 | Summer | p50 |
The Nature of Mother Wisdom [excerpts] | Lex Hixon | y1994 | v7 | i2 | Summer | p56 |
Human Phone Home | Scott Miners | y1994 | v7 | i2 | Summer | p62 |
Vipassana Meditation: Video Camera of the Psyche | Kenneth S Leong | y1994 | v7 | i2 | Summer | p70 |
Mother and Son: Poem | James Mahood | y1994 | v7 | i2 | Summer | p84 |
Know Thyself! Poem | Abdul M Mandani | y1994 | v7 | i2 | Summer | p84 |
Satori: Poem | Jay G Williams | y1994 | v7 | i2 | Summer | p84 |
Music of the Spheres: Ritual Music | Don G Campbell | y1994 | v7 | i2 | Summer | p85 |
review: 'The Transcendental Universe: Six Lectures on Occult Science, Theosophy, and the Catholic Faith' by C G Harrison | Richard Leviton | y1994 | v7 | i2 | Summer | p86 |
review: 'The Healing Path: A Soul Approach to Illness' by Marc Ian Barasch | Katherine Ramsland | y1994 | v7 | i2 | Summer | p87 |
review: 'Evolution's End: Claiming the Potential of Our Intelligence' by Joseph Chilton Pearce | Mary Jane Newcomb | y1994 | v7 | i2 | Summer | p88 |
mini-review: 'Mother of the Universe: Visions of the Goddess and Tantric Hymns of Enlightenment' by Lex Hixon | anon | y1994 | v7 | i2 | Summer | p89 |
mini-review: 'Dialogues with a Modern Mystic' by Andrew Harvey and Mark Matousek | anon | y1994 | v7 | i2 | Summer | p89 |
mini-review: 'Spiritual Parenting: A Sourcebook for Parents and Teachers' by Steven M Rosman | anon | y1994 | v7 | i2 | Summer | p89 |
mini-review: 'Mystical Verses of a Mad Dalai Lama' by Glenn H Mullin | anon | y1994 | v7 | i2 | Summer | p89 |
mini-review: 'Beethoven and the Spiritual Path' by David Tame | anon | y1994 | v7 | i2 | Summer | p90 |
review: 'Sonic Theology: Hinduism and Sacred Sound' by Guy L Beck | Georg Feuerstein | y1994 | v7 | i2 | Summer | p90 |
mini-review: 'Hidden Wisdom in the Holy Bible: Vol 2' by Geoffrey Hodson | anon | y1994 | v7 | i2 | Summer | p90 |
review: 'Origins of the Modern Mind: Three Stages in the Evolution of Culture and Cognition' by Merlin Donald | Georg Feuerstein | y1994 | v7 | i2 | Summer | p90 |
Personal Glimpses | Larry Dossey | y1994 | v7 | i2 | Summer | p96 |
letter: Honoring Piscine Life | Susan Gordon | y1994 | v7 | i3 | Autumn | p4 |