review: 'Winds Across the Sky: A Love Story' by Chris Foster | Georg Feuerstein | y1992 | v5 | i4 | Winter | p90 |
review: 'The Yoga of Vibration and Divine Pulsation: A Translation of the Spanda Karikas with Kshemaraja's Commentary' by Jaideva Singh | Georg Feuerstein | y1992 | v5 | i4 | Winter | p91 |
review: 'Plotinus The Enneads: A New, Definitive Edition with Comparisons to Other Translations on Hundreds of Key Passages' by Stephen MacKenna | Georg Feuerstein | y1992 | v5 | i4 | Winter | p91 |
review: 'In the Absence of the Sacred: The Failure of Technology and the Survival of the Indian Nations' by Jerry Mander | Georg Feuerstein | y1992 | v5 | i4 | Winter | p92 |
Cinema/Video: Spiritual Themes on Film and Video: A Consumer's Guide | Ray Grasse | y1992 | v5 | i4 | Winter | p93 |
This Talking Earth: Nature's Eloquence | Bruce Vance | y1992 | v5 | i4 | Winter | p96 |
letter: War and the Evolution of Consciousness | Mary Porter-Chase | y1993 | v6 | i1 | Spring | p4 |
letter: More on Shamanism, Practical Spirituality | Wayne Henderson | y1993 | v6 | i1 | Spring | p4 |
letter: The Neo-Perennial Philosophy | Robert E Wilkinson | y1993 | v6 | i1 | Spring | p4 |
letter: Ken Wilber Replies | Ken Wilber | y1993 | v6 | i1 | Spring | p5 |
letter: Correction and Clarification | Gilah Yelin Hirsch | y1993 | v6 | i1 | Spring | p6 |
Explorations: Wheel of God's Being: Black Holes, White Holes, and the Joy of Communion | Mark Nepo | y1993 | v6 | i1 | Spring | p9 |
Parliament of Religions 1893/1993: The Year of No Longer Waiting | Anton Lysy | y1993 | v6 | i1 | Spring | p12 |
The World Wound [extract] | Joan Halifax | y1993 | v6 | i1 | Spring | p16 |
The Mystery of Meeting: An Incursion into the Enigma of Relationships | Richard Leviton | y1993 | v6 | i1 | Spring | p24 |
Despair, Hope and the Meditation Pillow: When All That Sitting Isn't Getting You Anywhere | Christine Cox | y1993 | v6 | i1 | Spring | p34 |
Breath, Concentration, and Subtle Attention [rprnt] | Jack Kornfield | y1993 | v6 | i1 | Spring | p37 |
Looking God in the Eye: The Religious and Spiritual Roots of Perfectionism [excerpt] | Steven J Hendlin | y1993 | v6 | i1 | Spring | p40 |
On Fasting | G Naganathan | y1993 | v6 | i1 | Spring | p50 |
Collage Art of Donnabeth Mitchell: Mythology of the Ordinary | anon | y1993 | v6 | i1 | Spring | p55 |
Towards an Esoteric Cosmology | Harvey H Bird | y1993 | v6 | i1 | Spring | p58 |
The Spiritual Ecology of Dry Places | Ronald Grunloh | y1993 | v6 | i1 | Spring | p66 |
Towards a New Sacred Theatre | Paul Meier | y1993 | v6 | i1 | Spring | p74 |
Music of the Spheres: Healers, Therapists, and the Spiritual Quest | Don G Campbell | y1993 | v6 | i1 | Spring | p84 |
review: 'H P B: The Extraordinary Life and Influence of Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky' by Sylvia Cranston | Stephan A Hoeller | y1993 | v6 | i1 | Spring | p86 |
review: 'Care of the Soul: A Guide for Cultivating Depth and Sacredness in Everyday Life' by Thomas Moore | Margaret Firestone | y1993 | v6 | i1 | Spring | p87 |
review: 'Facing the World with Soul: A Reimagination of Modern Life' by Robert Sardello | Margaret Firestone | y1993 | v6 | i1 | Spring | p87 |
review: 'Burma: The Next Killing Fields?' by Alan Clements | Roger Walsh | y1993 | v6 | i1 | Spring | p88 |
mini-review: 'Life Force: The Psycho-Historical Recovery of the Self' by Jean Houston | anon | y1993 | v6 | i1 | Spring | p89 |
mini-review: 'Web in the Sea: Jung, Sophia, and the Geometry of the Soul' by Alice O Howell | anon | y1993 | v6 | i1 | Spring | p89 |
review: 'Biosphere Politics: A New Consciousness for a New Century' by Jeremy Rifkin | Georg Feuerstein | y1993 | v6 | i1 | Spring | p90 |
review: 'Home Coming: Reclaiming and Championing Your Inner Child' by John Bradshaw | Georg Feuerstein | y1993 | v6 | i1 | Spring | p92 |
review: 'Paradigms in Progress: Life Beyond Economics' by Hazel Henderson | Georg Feuerstein | y1993 | v6 | i1 | Spring | p92 |
Personal Glimpses | Georg Feuerstein | y1993 | v6 | i1 | Spring | p96 |
letter: Jesus in Himalaya | Mary Lou Skinner Ross | y1993 | v6 | i2 | Summer | p4 |
letter: Buddhism and Science | John A Wilkinson | y1993 | v6 | i2 | Summer | p4 |
letter: On Joseph Campbell's Life | Patricia Barrett | y1993 | v6 | i2 | Summer | p5 |
letter: Irish Roots in Egypt | J R Donahue | y1993 | v6 | i2 | Summer | p5 |
letter: Following My Bliss | Margaret Verrall | y1993 | v6 | i2 | Summer | p5 |
letter: On Joseph Campbell's Life | Barry Hatfield | y1993 | v6 | i2 | Summer | p5 |
Explorations: DeeDee, The Educated Rat [rprnt] | P M H Atwater | y1993 | v6 | i2 | Summer | p6 |
Parliament of Religions 1893/1993: The Next Generation of Compassion | Anton Lysy | y1993 | v6 | i2 | Summer | p10 |
Parliament of Religions 1893/1993: Make Ribbons for the Parliament of the World's Religions | anon | y1993 | v6 | i2 | Summer | p12 |
Parliament of Religions 1893/1993: Universal Declaration on Non-Violence: The Incompatibility of Religion and War | anon | y1993 | v6 | i2 | Summer | p12 |
Glimpses of the 1993 Parliament | anon | y1993 | v6 | i2 | Summer | p13 |
Three Views of the New Millennium: extracts from 'Voices on the Threshold of Tomorrow' ed by Georg Feuerstein and Trisha Lamb Feuerstein | anon | y1993 | v6 | i2 | Summer | p16 |
David Chethlahe Paladin [note on the cover artist] | anon | y1993 | v6 | i2 | Summer | p17 |
The Directive Power of Love [rprnt] | Catherine Ingram | y1993 | v6 | i2 | Summer | p18 |
Consciousness Will Change Everything [rprnt] | Colin Wilson | y1993 | v6 | i2 | Summer | p19 |
Man Thinks, God Laughs [rprnt] | Mark Matousek | y1993 | v6 | i2 | Summer | p21 |