The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


letter: Web PageMaria Nobrey2001v89i3May-Junp118
obituary: Elizabeth Lee Jens (1915-2001)Ruthann Fowlery2001v89i3May-Junp118
obituary: Kenneth A Murison (1923-2001)anony2001v89i3May-Junp118
Viewpoint: Our Younger BrothersJohn Algeoy2001v89i4Jul-Augp122
Do Horses Gallop in Their Sleep? The Problem of Animal Consciousness [rprnt]Matt Cartmilly2001v89i4Jul-Augp124
Animals and Humans: Evolving Together in a Conscious UniverseJudith Hensely2001v89i4Jul-Augp132
Christianity-Theosophy Conference [4]: What Is a Christian?Stephan A Hoellery2001v89i4Jul-Augp135
Shojin and Samadhi: The Journey toward CompassionWill Tuttley2001v89i4Jul-Augp136
The Non-Existent Princes: That Which Ought to Be KnownJoy Millsy2001v89i4Jul-Augp142
Explorations: A Notable Theosophist: Benjamin Lee WhorfJohn Algeoy2001v89i4Jul-Augp148
President's DiaryJohn Algeoy2001v89i4Jul-Augp150
News and Notesanony2001v89i4Jul-Augp152
News and Notes: The Mozart Effectanony2001v89i4Jul-Augp152
review: 'American Dreamer: The Life and Times of Henry A Wallace' by John C Culver and John HydeRobert Ellwoody2001v89i4Jul-Augp156
review: 'Future Memory' by PMH AtwaterMike Wilsony2001v89i4Jul-Augp157
review: 'Kalachakra Tantra: Rite of Initiation: For the Stage of Generation' by Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai LamaJay G Williamsy2001v89i4Jul-Augp157
review: 'Realizing the Self Within' by Sue PrescottShirley J Nicholsony2001v89i4Jul-Augp158
review: 'Historical Dictionary of Hinduism' by Bruce M SullivanJohn Algeoy2001v89i4Jul-Augp158
review: 'Historical Dictionary of Judaism' by Norman SolomonJohn Algeoy2001v89i4Jul-Augp158
review: 'Historical Dictionary of Taoism' by Julian F PasJohn Algeoy2001v89i4Jul-Augp159
review: 'Historical Dictionary of the Baha'i Faith' by Hugh C Adamson and Philip HainsworthJohn Algeoy2001v89i4Jul-Augp159
review: 'To Bathe in the Golden River of Love: Lessons of Death by a Registered Nurse' by EV ElamBetty Blandy2001v89i4Jul-Augp159
review: 'The Monk and the Philosopher: A Father and Son Discuss the Meaning of Life' by Jean-Francois Revel and Matthieu RicardDavid R Bishopy2001v89i4Jul-Augp160
obituary: Marie Minor (1926-2001)anony2001v89i4Jul-Augp160
Viewpoint: Lucifer: What's in a Name?John Algeoy2001v89i5Sep-Octp162
obituary: Katherine Heath Swanson (1899-2001)Peter M Morrisy2001v89i5Sep-Octp164
obituary: John Shelton Davis (1921-2000)anony2001v89i5Sep-Octp164
Christianity-Theosophy Conference [5]: What Is a Christian Scripture?Stephan A Hoellery2001v89i5Sep-Octp165
Climbing Mount AnalogueGary Lachmany2001v89i5Sep-Octp166
The Theosophical Odyssey of DM Bennett [1] [abstract]Roderick Bradfordy2001v89i5Sep-Octp172
The Mystic Path to Inner PeaceEdward Abdilly2001v89i5Sep-Octp178
Spiritual Offerings: The Uses of IncenseDave Sterny2001v89i5Sep-Octp184
President's DiaryJohn Algeoy2001v89i5Sep-Octp187
News and Notesanony2001v89i5Sep-Octp188
News and Notes: Social Services at Adyaranony2001v89i5Sep-Octp188
News and Notes: Lost Your Karma?anony2001v89i5Sep-Octp188
News and Notes: Consciousness after Brain Deathanony2001v89i5Sep-Octp189
letters: Human Evolution?Ronald Laurence Byrnesy2001v89i5Sep-Octp192
letters: Human Evolution? - replyRobert Ellwoody2001v89i5Sep-Octp192
letters: Theosophical RadioRuss Nelsony2001v89i5Sep-Octp193
letters: Benjamin Lee WhorfPeter M Morris, Jry2001v89i5Sep-Octp193
letters: Benjamin Lee WhorfGary Corseriy2001v89i5Sep-Octp193
letters: Kalachakra Tantra and RiteJay Williamsy2001v89i5Sep-Octp193
letters: Kalachakra Tantra and RiteNicholas Weeksy2001v89i5Sep-Octp193
letters: Animal ConsciousnessML Sharpy2001v89i5Sep-Octp193
letters: Animal ConsciousnessVirginia Lewisy2001v89i5Sep-Octp193
letters: Animal ConsciousnessMichael W Foxy2001v89i5Sep-Octp193
letters: Animal ConsciousnessVytenis Babrauskasy2001v89i5Sep-Octp193
review: 'John Dee's Conversations with Angels: Cabala, Alchemy, and the End of Nature' by Deborah E HarknessJay G Williamsy2001v89i5Sep-Octp194
review: 'Science and the Sacred' by Ravi RavindraAnna F Lemkowy2001v89i5Sep-Octp194
Showing 1701 to 1750 of 4126 entries