review: 'The Sacred Art of Shakespeare: To Take upon Us the Mystery of Things' by Martin Lings | John Algeo | y2001 | v89 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p196 |
review: 'Yoga for Wellness: Healing with the Timeless Teachings of Viniyoga' Gary Kraftsow | Diana Amato | y2001 | v89 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p196 |
review: 'The Practice of Mahamudra: The Teachings of His Holiness, The Drikung Kyabgong, Chetsang Rinpoche' ed Ani K Trinlay Chodron | Mike Wilson | y2001 | v89 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p196 |
review: 'Martial Arts Teaching Tales of Power and Paradox: Freeing the Mind, Focusing Chi, and Mastering the Self' by Pascal Fauliot | Robert Ellwood | y2001 | v89 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p197 |
review: 'Rogue Messiahs: Tales of Self-Proclaimed Saviors' by Colin Wilson | Gary Lachman | y2001 | v89 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p197 |
review: 'Sources of the Grail: An Anthology' selected by John Matthews | Joy Mills | y2001 | v89 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p198 |
review: 'All Is One Life: Golden Moments of Insight, Inspiration, and Awareness' by Bert Gerlitz | Coral Peterson | y2001 | v89 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p199 |
review: 'Religions of the World' by Huston Smith | Daniel Ross Chandler | y2001 | v89 | i5 | Sep-Oct | p199 |
Viewpoint: Inaugural Address - 4th Term of Office, 2001 | Radha Burnier | y2001 | v89 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p202 |
Christianity-Theosophy Conference [6]: Christmas [adapted] | Ruben Cabigting | y2001 | v89 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p205 |
The Weather Coming Off All Things | John P O'Grady | y2001 | v89 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p207 |
The Theosophical Odyssey of DM Bennett [2] [abstract] | Roderick Bradford | y2001 | v89 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p212 |
Harry Potter and the Perennial Quest | Helene Vachet | y2001 | v89 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p218 |
How Ancient China Came to America: The I Ching as Bible | Dana Wilde | y2001 | v89 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p222 |
President's Diary | John Algeo | y2001 | v89 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p228 |
letter: Vegetarianism | Rick Cook | y2001 | v89 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p231 |
letter: Vegetarianism | Elizabeth Peryam Reshower | y2001 | v89 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p231 |
letter: Reincarnation in the Comics | John De Hoff | y2001 | v89 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p231 |
letter: Light on Lucifer | Liz Schreiber | y2001 | v89 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p231 |
September 11, 2001 | [ed] | y2001 | v89 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p231 |
News and Notes | anon | y2001 | v89 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p232 |
News and Notes: Rerikh Movement in Russia | anon | y2001 | v89 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p232 |
News and Notes: Science and the Spiritual Quest | anon | y2001 | v89 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p232 |
News and Notes: Ethics in Science and Engineering | anon | y2001 | v89 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p232 |
News and Notes: Vegetarian School Lunches | anon | y2001 | v89 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p233 |
News and Notes: Living in a Multiverse | anon | y2001 | v89 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p233 |
News and Notes: Is Someone Looking at You? | anon | y2001 | v89 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p233 |
review: 'The Mystic Heart: Discovering a Universal Spirituality in the World's Religions' by Wayne Teasdale | John Algeo | y2001 | v89 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p236 |
review: 'The Esoteric World of Madame Blavatsky' collected by Daniel H Caldwell | Robert Ellwood | y2001 | v89 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p236 |
review: 'A Greater Psychology: An Introduction to Sri Aurobindo's Psychological Thought' by Aurobindo Ghose | Jay G Williams | y2001 | v89 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p237 |
review: 'An Introduction to Comparative Philosophy: A Travel Guide to Philosophical Space' by Walter Benesch | Ralph H Hannon | y2001 | v89 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p237 |
review: 'Essentials of Significant Living' by Elmore Giles, Jr | Dara Eklund | y2001 | v89 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p238 |
review: 'The Art of Spiritual Warfare: A Guide to Lasting Inner Peace Based on Sun Tzu's "The Art of War"' by Grant Schnarr | Michael W Fox | y2001 | v89 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p238 |
review: 'History of Energy Transference: Exploring the Foundations of Modern Healing' by Willy Schrodter | Mike Wilson | y2001 | v89 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p239 |
review: 'Altars: Bringing Sacred Shrines into Your Everyday Life' by Denise Linn | Daniel Ross Chandler | y2001 | v89 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p239 |
review: 'The Way of the Saints: Prayers, Practices, and Meditations' by Tom Cowan | Robert Ellwood | y2001 | v89 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p239 |
review: 'The awakening of Freddy Tadpole: A Story for Seekers of All Ages' by Victor B Eichler | John Algeo | y2001 | v89 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p239 |
obituary: Austin Bee (1914-2001) | John Algeo | y2001 | v89 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p240 |
obituary: Norma Y Sastry (1909-2001) | Ananya Rajan | y2001 | v89 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p240 |
Viewpoint: September 11, 2001 | John Algeo | y2002 | v90 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p2 |
Speaking from the Right Heart | Ravi Ravindra | y2002 | v90 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p4 |
Silence: The Essence of Perfect Meditation | Alistair Conwell | y2002 | v90 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p8 |
An Infinity Within to Give | Diana Dunningham-Chapotin | y2002 | v90 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p12 |
Break On Through to the Other Side: Disruptions in Time | Andrew P Johnson | y2002 | v90 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p18 |
Joy: The Deepest Secret of the Universe [abstract] | Robert Ellwood | y2002 | v90 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p24 |
Explorations: All Holiness Is One | Helen Michelson | y2002 | v90 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p26 |
President's Diary | John Algeo | y2002 | v90 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p28 |
News and Notes | anon | y2002 | v90 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p30 |
review: 'The Foundations of Tibetan Buddhism: The Gem Ornament of Manifold Oral Instructions' by HE Kalu Rinpoche | Mike Wilson | y2002 | v90 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p34 |
review: 'Freud, Jung, and Spiritual Psychology' by Rudolf Steiner | Robert S Corrington | y2002 | v90 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p34 |