The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


Men and the Mythopoetic TraditionJeff Zethy1991v4i4Winterp40
The Inner Roots of World Peace: Thich Nhat Hanh, Buddhism, and the Peace MovementPatricia Hunt-Perryy1991v4i4Winterp48
Thich Nhat Hanh on Mindfulness in Daily LifeThich Nhat Hanhy1991v4i4Winterp56
Meeting a Man of the WayJohn Daido Looriy1991v4i4Winterp58
Taproots of the New: New Thought and the New AgeDell deChanty1991v4i4Winterp68
God Becomes HumanJoan Pricey1991v4i4Winterp78
Music of the Spheres: Voicing the FutureDon G Campbelly1991v4i4Winterp84
review: 'Grace and Grit: Spirituality and Healing in the Life and Death of Treya Killam Wilber' by Ken WilberWilliam Metzgery1991v4i4Winterp86
review: 'The Earth Mother: Legends, Ritual Arts, and Goddesses of India' by Pupul JayakarJoy Millsy1991v4i4Winterp88
review: 'Serpent in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt' by John Anthony WestRosemary Clarky1991v4i4Winterp88
review: 'The Traveler's Key to Ancient Egypt' by John Anthony WestRosemary Clarky1991v4i4Winterp88
mini-review: 'The Soul of Economies: Spiritual Evolution Goes to the Marketplace' by Denise Breton and Christopher Largentanony1991v4i4Winterp90
mini-review: 'Ethics of Environment and Development: Global Challenge and International Response' ed by J Ronald Engel and Joan Gibb Engelanony1991v4i4Winterp90
mini-review: 'At One with All Life: A Personal Journey in Gaian Communities' by Judith L Boiceanony1991v4i4Winterp90
mini-review: 'A Passion for This Earth: Exploring a New Partnership of Man, Woman, and Nature' by Valerie Andrewsanony1991v4i4Winterp90
mini-review: 'With the Tongues of Men and Angels: A Study of Channeling' by Arthur Hastingsanony1991v4i4Winterp91
review: 'Seeing Through the Visible World: Jung, Gnosis, and Chaos' by June SingerGeorg Feuersteiny1991v4i4Winterp91
review: 'To Be Human Against All Odds' by Frederick FranckGeorg Feuersteiny1991v4i4Winterp92
review: 'The Song of Songs: A New Translation and Interpretation' by Marcia FalkGeorg Feuersteiny1991v4i4Winterp93
review: 'The Enlightened Mind: An Anthology of Sacred Prose' ed by Stephen MitchellGeorg Feuersteiny1991v4i4Winterp93
This Talking Earth: Storytelling WindsBruce Vancey1991v4i4Winterp96
letter: West Does a DisserviceMichael D Calabriay1992v5i1Springp4
letter: John Anthony West RespondsJohn Anthony Westy1992v5i1Springp4
letter: Defending MuktanandaMedini Longwelly1992v5i1Springp5
letter: Georg Feuerstein RepliesGeorg Feuersteiny1992v5i1Springp5
letter: Appreciating HPBBrett Forrayy1992v5i1Springp6
letter: Foundations of New Age ThoughtBruce N Walcky1992v5i1Springp6
Explorations: Our Unconscious Mind and God [excerpts]Walter R Townsendy1992v5i1Springp8
Walking in Albion: Chronicles of Plan-Net Geomancy (1)Richard Levitony1992v5i1Springp10
Star Wars, Archetypes, and the Mythic QuestJohn W Tiguey1992v5i1Springp22
Myths, Dreams and Movies: Exploring the Archetypal Roots of CinemaKeith Cunninghamy1992v5i1Springp30
Birthing into Space!Austin A Mardony1992v5i1Springp42
Hermetic vs Puritan America: Perennial Opposites in Our Society [extract]Stephan A Hoellery1992v5i1Springp48
Mysteries of the Spiritual Voice: An Interview with Khen RimpocheDon G Campbelly1992v5i1Springp58
From Mozart to Mysticism: Art as a Spiritual PathChristine Coxy1992v5i1Springp64
Becoming Intimate with GodGarry Stewarty1992v5i1Springp70
Thinking Aloud: When Love Meets Wisdom: The Paradox of Religious DifferencesMarjorie Schock Derricky1992v5i1Springp80
Music of the Spheres: Overtones from the Year of TibetDon G Campbelly1992v5i1Springp82
review: 'Holy Madness: The Shock Tactics and Radical Teachings of Crazy-Wise Adepts, Holy Fools, and Rascal Gurus' by Georg FeuersteinFrederick Francky1992v5i1Springp83
review: 'Biosphere Politics: A New Consciousness for a New Century' by Jeremy RifkinDaniel Ross Chandlery1992v5i1Springp84
review: 'On a Spaceship with Beelzebub, by a Grandson of Gurdjieff' by David KherdianWalter Scheery1992v5i1Springp85
mini-review: 'Putting the Giants to Sleep' by David Sheinkinanony1992v5i1Springp88
mini-review: 'Cinderella's Gold Slipper' by Samuel Denis Fohranony1992v5i1Springp88
mini-review: 'Looking in, Seeing Out: Consciousness and Cosmos' by Menas Kafatos, Thalia Kafatouanony1992v5i1Springp88
review: 'The Journey of a Master: Swami Chinmayananda The Man, the Path, the Teaching' by Nancy PatchenGeorg Feuersteiny1992v5i1Springp88
mini-review: 'The Opening of the Wisdom Eye' by Tenzin Gyatso Dalai Lamaanony1992v5i1Springp88
mini-review: 'The Personal Aura' by Dora Kunzanony1992v5i1Springp88
review: 'The Book of Revelations: A Commentary' by Omraam Mikhael AivanhovGeorg Feuersteiny1992v5i1Springp89
review: 'Toward a Superconsciousness: Meditational Theory and Practice' by Hiroshi MotoyamaGeorg Feuersteiny1992v5i1Springp90
review: 'Gaia 2: Emergence, The New Science of Becoming' ed by William Irwin ThompsonGeorg Feuersteiny1992v5i1Springp91
Showing 351 to 400 of 4126 entries