filler - "Is man perhaps a miniature ocean" | Ingrid Van Mater (L) | y1958 | v8 | i3 | December | p74 |
A Reporter Quotes His Sources | William L Shirer (L) | y1958 | v8 | i3 | December | p75 |
Ancient Druidism | Kenneth Morris (L) | y1958 | v8 | i3 | December | p77 |
filler - "voluntary obedience, a necessitated freedom" | Ralph Waldo Emerson (L) | y1958 | v8 | i3 | December | p82 |
The Jewel of Truth | Grace F Knoche (L) | y1958 | v8 | i3 | December | p83 |
Growing Pains | Jen Merryweather (L) | y1958 | v8 | i3 | December | p86 |
On Old Age | Marcus Tulluis Cicero (L) | y1958 | v8 | i3 | December | p88 |
filler - "You never enjoy the world aright till the sea itself" | Thomas Traherne (L) | y1958 | v8 | i3 | December | p92 |
A Piece or String | Herbert Miller (L) | y1958 | v8 | i3 | December | p93 |
"I am the wind which breathes upon the sea" (vf) | from the Celtic (L) | y1958 | v8 | i3 | December | p95 |
A Tree to Remember | Hazel S Minot (L) | y1958 | v8 | i3 | December | p96 |
Answer (vf) | AE (George W Russell) (L) | y1958 | v8 | i3 | December | p96z+ |
One Life-Force | James A. Long (L) | y1959 | v8 | i4 | January | p97 |
Am I My Brother's Keeper? | Dwight David Eisenhower (L) | y1959 | v8 | i4 | January | p99 |
"What Part of Me is Me?" | Grace F Knoche (L) | y1959 | v8 | i4 | January | p100 |
filler - "Human nature is not a machine ... but a tree" | John Stuart Mill (L) | y1959 | v8 | i4 | January | p101 |
Flame of Fire - Giordano Bruno | Gertrude W van Pelt (L) | y1959 | v8 | i4 | January | p102 |
Moment of Awareness | Fred A. Lindemans (L) | y1959 | v8 | i4 | January | p107 |
Moment or Awareness | Fred A. Lindemans (L) | y1959 | v8 | i4 | January | p107 |
The Strange and Wonderful Thing | Robert M MacIver (L) | y1959 | v8 | i4 | January | p108 |
The Ups and Downs of Civilization | Clifton Meek (L) | y1959 | v8 | i4 | January | p110 |
filler - "Everything that enlarges the sphere of human powers" | Samuel Johnson (L) | y1959 | v8 | i4 | January | p112 |
Archaeology and Divine Man | Astrid Berg (L) | y1959 | v8 | i4 | January | p113 |
filler - "How much more durable the monuments of genius and learning" | Sir Francis Bacon (L) | y1959 | v8 | i4 | January | p117 |
Mystery of the Three Kings | Madeline Clark (L) | y1959 | v8 | i4 | January | p118 |
filler - "Who is so foolish as to believe that God ... planted a garden" | Origen (L) | y1959 | v8 | i4 | January | p120 |
Through the Mists of Pain | John P Van Mater (L) | y1959 | v8 | i4 | January | p121 |
The River of Life | Willy Ph Felthuis (L) | y1959 | v8 | i4 | January | p124 |
filler - "The way gets clearer as we go on" | William Q Judge (L) | y1959 | v8 | i4 | January | p125 |
The King's Son | Herbert Coryn (L) | y1959 | v8 | i4 | January | p126 |
filler - In the sacredness of the silence, great and wonderful things | Katherine Tingley (L) | y1959 | v8 | i4 | January | p128z+ |
filler - "serious scientific workers are ... profoundly religious" | Albert Einstein (L) | y1959 | v8 | i4 | January | p128y+ |
filler - The Ever-Present Spirit (vf) | Richard Realf (L) | y1959 | v8 | i4 | January | p128 |
The Whole Man | John P Van Mater (L) | y1959 | v8 | i5 | February | p129 |
No Mortal Answer | Charles Wyzanski (L) | y1959 | v8 | i5 | February | p133 |
Education and Survival | Laurence M Gould (L) | y1959 | v8 | i5 | February | p135 |
Noblest of the Sciences | Charles J Ryan (L) | y1959 | v8 | i5 | February | p143 |
filler - "The art of education is never easy." | Alfred North Whitehead (L) | y1959 | v8 | i5 | February | p145 |
Bhagavad-Gita - Our Unsought Opportunities | various - round tables | y1959 | v8 | i5 | February | p146 |
Immortality Without Memory | J Ellis McTaggert (L) | y1959 | v8 | i5 | February | p154 |
The Heretic | Clifton Meek (L) | y1959 | v8 | i5 | February | p156 |
Clarion Call | Elsa-Brita Titchenell (L) | y1959 | v8 | i5 | February | p159 |
filler - "The inner world of the atom is strange" | John Simons (L) | y1959 | v8 | i5 | February | p160y+ |
filler - How much more there is to learn! | G de Purucker (L) | y1959 | v8 | i5 | February | p160z+ |
"At the moment of leaving" (vf) | John A. Llewllyn (L) | y1959 | v8 | i5 | February | p160 |
Our Rising Sun | James A. Long (L) | y1959 | v8 | i6 | March | p161 |
filler - "The essential self within us wears no mask" | Frederick Mayer (L) | y1959 | v8 | i6 | March | p162 |
Thomasius | Gertrude W van Pelt (L) | y1959 | v8 | i6 | March | p163 |
filler - "Life and literature need the inspiration which idealism" | Amos Bronson Alcott (L) | y1959 | v8 | i6 | March | p167 |
The Hidden World Around Us | Harry A. Overstreet (L) | y1959 | v8 | i6 | March | p168 |