The Long Perspective | Jean B Van Mater (L) | y1959 | v8 | i9 | June | p286 |
filler - "Your world is glorious if only you actively make it so." | Immanuel Kant (L) | y1959 | v8 | i9 | June | p288y+ |
A Living Universe? | Kenneth Morris (L) | y1959 | v8 | i10 | July | p289 |
filler - "We can no more change permanent ethical values than" | Oluf Tyberg (L) | y1959 | v8 | i10 | July | p292 |
Education, The Servant of all our Purposes | John W Gardner (L) | y1959 | v8 | i10 | July | p293 |
The Law of the Heart | J George Frederick (L) | y1959 | v8 | i10 | July | p300 |
On Ethics in Business | various - round tables | y1959 | v8 | i10 | July | p302 |
filler - "For mankind are one in spirit" | James Russell Lowell (L) | y1959 | v8 | i10 | July | p310 |
Handiwork of Divinity | John P Van Mater (L) | y1959 | v8 | i10 | July | p311 |
The Understanding Heart | Richard Winkelman (L) | y1959 | v8 | i10 | July | p313 |
Cha no Yu - Japanese Tea Ceremony | Ida Perrine Ryder (L) | y1959 | v8 | i10 | July | p314 |
Promise of Eternal Progress | Katherine Tingley (L) | y1959 | v8 | i10 | July | p319 |
filler - The Enduring Spirit of Man | William Faulkner (L) | y1959 | v8 | i10 | July | p320z+ |
filler - "The shadows of our own desires stand between us and" | Charles Dickens (L) | y1959 | v8 | i10 | July | p320 |
The Wine and the Bottles | James A. Long (L) | y1959 | v8 | i11 | August | p321 |
In the Beginning ... | Hazel S Minot (L) | y1959 | v8 | i11 | August | p324 |
Discovery in a Thunderstorm | Nelson Glueck (L) | y1959 | v8 | i11 | August | p328 |
Transcendentalists on Reincarnation (Ripley, Lowell, Emerson, Potter, Clarke, & Thoreau) | various (L) | y1959 | v8 | i11 | August | p330 |
filler - "great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me." | Isaac Newton (L) | y1959 | v8 | i11 | August | p334 |
Man of True Distinction | H Percy Leonard (L) | y1959 | v8 | i11 | August | p335 |
'Singing' Statues | Donald Hatch Andrews (L) | y1959 | v8 | i11 | August | p336 |
filler - "musical harmonies throughout Nature ... Music of the Spheres" | G de Purucker (L) | y1959 | v8 | i11 | August | p338 |
The Call for Synthesis | George J Lindemans (L) | y1959 | v8 | i11 | August | p339 |
Dogma Industry, Inc. | Clifton Meek (L) | y1959 | v8 | i11 | August | p345 |
filler - "Truth has not been a great ideal or idea" | Norman Cousins (L) | y1959 | v8 | i11 | August | p346 |
Squaring the Circle | Alice Mason (L) | y1959 | v8 | i11 | August | p347 |
filler - "All of us want to stand erect, with our faces to the sun." | Bernard Baruch (L) | y1959 | v8 | i11 | August | p348 |
Man the Unfinished | Herbert Miller (L) | y1959 | v8 | i11 | August | p349 |
filler - "There is no idleness for the Mystic." | William Q Judge (L) | y1959 | v8 | i11 | August | p352y+ |
filler - "What we say is only a footnote to our actions. Knowledge is" | Frederick Mayer (L) | y1959 | v8 | i11 | August | p352 |
filler - The soul is indestructible | Goethe (L) | y1959 | v8 | i11 | August | p352z+ |
filler - "Perpetually telling of the unity of man with God" | William James (L) | y1959 | v8 | i11 | August | p352 |
The Soul's Destiny | Herbert Coryn (L) | y1959 | v8 | i12 | September | p353 |
Solidarity Among All Peoples | Dag Hammarskjold (L) | y1959 | v8 | i12 | September | p356 |
Revelations on a Bomb Run | Lloyd Jordan (L) | y1959 | v8 | i12 | September | p362 |
Giant Awakes (Ancient Science in Western World) | John P Van Mater (L) | y1959 | v8 | i12 | September | p364 |
Ltte - from Sweden | Rutger (L) | y1959 | v8 | i12 | September | p371 |
Bhagavad-Gita - On the Direction & Use of Senses | various - round tables | y1959 | v8 | i12 | September | p373 |
The World Mirror | EA Holmes (L) | y1959 | v8 | i12 | September | p382 |
filler - Trying to be kind and honest seems an affair too simple | Robert Louis Stevenson (L) | y1959 | v8 | i12 | September | p384z+ |
filler - "Without this negation called darkness how little we" | John Burroughs (L) | y1959 | v8 | i12 | September | p384y+ |
The Sun of Truth | James A. Long (L) | y1959 | v9 | i1 | October | p1 |
I See No Doom Down an Alley | Herbert Hoover (L) | y1959 | v9 | i1 | October | p2 |
On the Hierarchical Basis of Life | various - round tables | y1959 | v9 | i1 | October | p4 |
filler - "If the way is long and circuitous" | Socrates (L) | y1959 | v9 | i1 | October | p11 |
Current of Progress | Douglas A. Russell (L) | y1959 | v9 | i1 | October | p12 |
filler - "Universal history, the poets, the romancers, do not" | Ralph Waldo Emerson (L) | y1959 | v9 | i1 | October | p16 |
One Wisdom - Many Forms | Sydney James (L) | y1959 | v9 | i1 | October | p17 |
filler - "The whole earth is the sepulchre of famous men" | Pericles (L) | y1959 | v9 | i1 | October | p23 |
Intelligence in Evolution | Charles J Ryan (L) | y1959 | v9 | i1 | October | p24 |