The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


filler - "we are part of an infinite series"Alfred North Whitehead (L)y1959v9i1Octoberp28
You Asked For It!John P Van Mater (L)y1959v9i1Octoberp29
filler - I know of no safe depositary of the ultimate powersThomas Jefferson (L)y1959v9i1Octoberp32z+
filler - "Shall we never cease to stamp human nature ... like coins"Friederich Froebel (L)y1959v9i1Octoberp32y+
filler - "Many people talk for the sake of talking ... be more careful"William Q Judge (L)y1959v9i1Octoberp32
Living the MysteryGeorge J Lindemans (L)y1959v9i2Novemberp33
Twice I Sought DeathMrs Marty Mann (L)y1959v9i2Novemberp37
Land of the IncasElsa-Brita Titchenell (L)y1959v9i2Novemberp39
What Price 'Salvation'?Clifton Meek (L)y1959v9i2Novemberp46
filler - "If we would only stop lying, if we would only testify to truth"Leo Tolstoy (L)y1959v9i2Novemberp48
Hierarchies of Space - Inner and Outervarious - round tablesy1959v9i2Novemberp49
Group TogethernessJean B Van Mater (L)y1959v9i2Novemberp59
Autumn InterludeMadeline Clark (L)y1959v9i2Novemberp63
filler - "We are born for a higher destiny than that of earth"Sir Edward George Bulwer-Lytton 1803-1873 (L)y1959v9i2Novemberp64
filler - How do the Heavens speak to us?Confucius (L)y1959v9i2Novemberp64z+
Light from a StarGrace F Knoche (L)y1959v9i3Decemberp65
filler - "Whatever may happen to thee, it was prepared for thee"Marcus Aurelius (L)y1959v9i3Decemberp68
Creative SolitudeIngrid Van Mater (L)y1959v9i3Decemberp69
filler - "Solitude, the safeguard of mediocrity, is to genius"Ralph Waldo Emerson (L)y1959v9i3Decemberp72
A Fragment of TruthWilliam C Beller (L)y1959v9i3Decemberp73
John Donne Was RightMax T Krone (L)y1959v9i3Decemberp79
Christmas ... On The MountainVirginia Page (L)y1959v9i3Decemberp81
filler - "How much takes place in that night"Lucius Annaeus Seneca (L)y1959v9i3Decemberp85
In Spite of EverythingIngeborg Nilsson (L)y1959v9i3Decemberp86
Living MessengersJohn Simons (L)y1959v9i3Decemberp88
filler - "No man is an island, entire of itself"John Donne (L)y1959v9i3Decemberp90
Ltte - "Visit to a Buddhist Temple in Korea"Rutger Bergstrom (L)y1959v9i3Decemberp91
filler - "There is one thing I learned - learn from everything"G de Purucker (L)y1959v9i3Decemberp93
Universal ChristmasHazel Boyer Braun (L)y1959v9i3Decemberp94
filler - Unveil, O thou that givest sustenance to the UniverseRig Veda (L)y1959v9i3Decemberp96z+
filler - "Art is to grasp life, as an eagle its prey"Romain Rolland (L)y1959v9i3Decemberp96y+
As One Human ...James A. Long (L)y1960v9i4Januaryp97
ConfuciusWill Durant (L)y1960v9i4Januaryp101
"What we are is the fruit of our thoughts" (vf)Dhammapada (L)y1960v9i4Januaryp103
To Be and Then to Be Not (Kalahari)Jean B Van Mater (L)y1960v9i4Januaryp104
filler - "We live only for the future."Emily Selinger (L)y1960v9i4Januaryp109
Lift Thine EyesCurtis Beach (L)y1960v9i4Januaryp110
The Sacred Rights of MankindNorman Cousins (L)y1960v9i4Januaryp112
Ships that PassHerbert Miller (L)y1960v9i4Januaryp117
Shall We Teach Materialism?Robert Treat (L)y1960v9i4Januaryp119
Pursuit of HappinessMadeline Clark (L)y1960v9i4Januaryp124
World TreesHazel S Minot (L)y1960v9i4Januaryp125
I carry a beautiful picture enshrined in my mind.Charles F Dole (L)y1960v9i4Januaryp128z+
Birds of PassageGertrude W van Pelt (L)y1960v9i5Februaryp129
The Nature of the Gospel StoryGeorge J Lindemans (L)y1960v9i5Februaryp132
filler - "A man be he a heretic ... truth he holds becomes his heresy"John Milton (L)y1960v9i5Februaryp137
Closer Than My Own Back YardWilliam B Sears (L)y1960v9i5Februaryp138
Bhagavad-Gita - Universal Impulse Toward Actionvarious - round tablesy1960v9i5Februaryp140
Language, The Mirror of ManJohn Simons (L)y1960v9i5Februaryp150
Parting the VeilG de Purucker (L)y1960v9i5Februaryp156
Showing 1451 to 1500 of 6911 entries