The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


A New Look At Holy WritMartin O Scott (L)y1963v12i12Septemberp353
The Water of LifeLeon James (L)y1963v12i12Septemberp359
Our Challenge: UnderstandingBruce D Corker (L)y1963v12i12Septemberp361
A Pebble-Cast in TimeElsa-Brita Titchenell (L)y1963v12i12Septemberp362
The Distant DrummerHD Thoreau (L)y1963v12i12Septemberp369
filler - "What we have to do is to be for ever curiously testing"Walter Pater (L)y1963v12i12Septemberp374
The Prodigal SonIngeborg Nilsson (L)y1963v12i12Septemberp375
Call of Cell to CellI Manuel Oderberg (L)y1963v12i12Septemberp377
Weighed, and Found Wanting?Elizabeth M Duffie (L)y1963v12i12Septemberp381
filler - "You may see the disc of Divinity"Coventry Patmore (L)y1963v12i12Septemberp383
filler - "In your world" said the little princeAntoine De Saint-Exupery (L)y1963v12i12Septemberp384z+
filler - "A lovely thing to see"Issa (L)y1963v12i12Septemberp384y+
The Light ShinethPaul North (L)y1963v12i12Septemberp384
Points of Agreement in All ReligionsWilliam Q Judge (L)y1963v13i1Octoberp1
Excursion into HistoryKenneth Morris (L)y1963v13i1Octoberp8
filler - "In passing one day by a very ancient ..." (a Moslem legend)anon (L)y1963v13i1Octoberp11
On the Monads of LeibnizCharles J Ryan (L)y1963v13i1Octoberp12
Judge Not That Ye Be Not JudgedGertrude Wyckoff (L)y1963v13i1Octoberp16
Gold in the CrucibleI Manuel Oderberg (L)y1963v13i1Octoberp18
filler - "We may think of the Divine as a fire whose outgoing warmth"Plotinus (L)y1963v13i1Octoberp24
The Hardest Science of AllLucius Annaeus Seneca (L)y1963v13i1Octoberp25
filler - "I cannot see the bottom of the sky, because I"HD Thoreau (L)y1963v13i1Octoberp28
Exploring For TruthRobert Treat (L)y1963v13i1Octoberp29
filler - What I must do is all that concerns me, not what the people thinkRalph Waldo Emerson (L)y1963v13i1Octoberp32z+
filler - "There is one single act, for which the whole life of man"Henry Fielding (L)y1963v13i1Octoberp32
The Courage to BeHugh M Roberts (L)y1963v13i2Novemberp33
"We Men, who in our morn of youth defied" (vf)William Wordsworth (L)y1963v13i2Novemberp35
The Eclectic School of AlexandriaAlexander Wilder (L)y1963v13i2Novemberp36
Ltte - "discovering the meaning in his own life -"Rutger Bergstrom (L)y1963v13i2Novemberp46
filler - "God is an angel in an angel, and a stone in a stone"John Donne (L)y1963v13i2Novemberp47
The Fate of Men and NationsRM Willoughby (L)y1963v13i2Novemberp48
filler - "That is truly grand of which the contemplation"Longinus (L)y1963v13i2Novemberp51
Jewish-Christian "Way of Love" ThePeter H Samsom (L)y1963v13i2Novemberp52
Miracles (vf)Walt Whitman (L)y1963v13i2Novemberp57
I Suffer ...Elizabeth M Duffie (L)y1963v13i2Novemberp58
filler - "power ... wealth ... honor ... happiness ... liberty"Robert G Ingersoll (L)y1963v13i2Novemberp60
Cosmic DesignPeter Flach (L)y1963v13i2Novemberp61
filler - "Those who desire the truth, those who have the courage"Katherine Tingley (L)y1963v13i2Novemberp64z+
filler - "It may make a difference to all eternity whether we do right"James Freeman Clarke (L)y1963v13i2Novemberp64
The Perennial StoryEA Holmes (L)y1963v13i3Decemberp65
Religion, Science and the Spirit of ManBruce T Lundin (L)y1963v13i3Decemberp69
"Wherein lies happiness? In that which becks" (vf)John Keats (L)y1963v13i3Decemberp79
The Open StringGrace F Knoche (L)y1963v13i3Decemberp80
The Phenomenal Pilot (rprnt from The Ensign)anon (L)y1963v13i3Decemberp83
Welcome as an AngelElizabeth M Duffie (L)y1963v13i3Decemberp84
Ltte - "there is a simple reality upon which we may safely rest."Ernest J Dadd (L)y1963v13i3Decemberp86
Ltte - "conflict ... accepting the responsibilities ... progress"AH van der Laan (L)y1963v13i3Decemberp87
Ltte - "Sunrise means more to me than"Clara E Miller (L)y1963v13i3Decemberp87
filler - "in important personal questions ... decide against one's"Marquis de Lafayette (L)y1963v13i3Decemberp88
Worlds Without EndElsa-Brita Titchenell (L)y1963v13i3Decemberp89
Showing 2051 to 2100 of 6911 entries