A New Look At Holy Writ | Martin O Scott (L) | y1963 | v12 | i12 | September | p353 |
The Water of Life | Leon James (L) | y1963 | v12 | i12 | September | p359 |
Our Challenge: Understanding | Bruce D Corker (L) | y1963 | v12 | i12 | September | p361 |
A Pebble-Cast in Time | Elsa-Brita Titchenell (L) | y1963 | v12 | i12 | September | p362 |
The Distant Drummer | HD Thoreau (L) | y1963 | v12 | i12 | September | p369 |
filler - "What we have to do is to be for ever curiously testing" | Walter Pater (L) | y1963 | v12 | i12 | September | p374 |
The Prodigal Son | Ingeborg Nilsson (L) | y1963 | v12 | i12 | September | p375 |
Call of Cell to Cell | I Manuel Oderberg (L) | y1963 | v12 | i12 | September | p377 |
Weighed, and Found Wanting? | Elizabeth M Duffie (L) | y1963 | v12 | i12 | September | p381 |
filler - "You may see the disc of Divinity" | Coventry Patmore (L) | y1963 | v12 | i12 | September | p383 |
filler - "In your world" said the little prince | Antoine De Saint-Exupery (L) | y1963 | v12 | i12 | September | p384z+ |
filler - "A lovely thing to see" | Issa (L) | y1963 | v12 | i12 | September | p384y+ |
The Light Shineth | Paul North (L) | y1963 | v12 | i12 | September | p384 |
Points of Agreement in All Religions | William Q Judge (L) | y1963 | v13 | i1 | October | p1 |
Excursion into History | Kenneth Morris (L) | y1963 | v13 | i1 | October | p8 |
filler - "In passing one day by a very ancient ..." (a Moslem legend) | anon (L) | y1963 | v13 | i1 | October | p11 |
On the Monads of Leibniz | Charles J Ryan (L) | y1963 | v13 | i1 | October | p12 |
Judge Not That Ye Be Not Judged | Gertrude Wyckoff (L) | y1963 | v13 | i1 | October | p16 |
Gold in the Crucible | I Manuel Oderberg (L) | y1963 | v13 | i1 | October | p18 |
filler - "We may think of the Divine as a fire whose outgoing warmth" | Plotinus (L) | y1963 | v13 | i1 | October | p24 |
The Hardest Science of All | Lucius Annaeus Seneca (L) | y1963 | v13 | i1 | October | p25 |
filler - "I cannot see the bottom of the sky, because I" | HD Thoreau (L) | y1963 | v13 | i1 | October | p28 |
Exploring For Truth | Robert Treat (L) | y1963 | v13 | i1 | October | p29 |
filler - What I must do is all that concerns me, not what the people think | Ralph Waldo Emerson (L) | y1963 | v13 | i1 | October | p32z+ |
filler - "There is one single act, for which the whole life of man" | Henry Fielding (L) | y1963 | v13 | i1 | October | p32 |
The Courage to Be | Hugh M Roberts (L) | y1963 | v13 | i2 | November | p33 |
"We Men, who in our morn of youth defied" (vf) | William Wordsworth (L) | y1963 | v13 | i2 | November | p35 |
The Eclectic School of Alexandria | Alexander Wilder (L) | y1963 | v13 | i2 | November | p36 |
Ltte - "discovering the meaning in his own life -" | Rutger Bergstrom (L) | y1963 | v13 | i2 | November | p46 |
filler - "God is an angel in an angel, and a stone in a stone" | John Donne (L) | y1963 | v13 | i2 | November | p47 |
The Fate of Men and Nations | RM Willoughby (L) | y1963 | v13 | i2 | November | p48 |
filler - "That is truly grand of which the contemplation" | Longinus (L) | y1963 | v13 | i2 | November | p51 |
Jewish-Christian "Way of Love" The | Peter H Samsom (L) | y1963 | v13 | i2 | November | p52 |
Miracles (vf) | Walt Whitman (L) | y1963 | v13 | i2 | November | p57 |
I Suffer ... | Elizabeth M Duffie (L) | y1963 | v13 | i2 | November | p58 |
filler - "power ... wealth ... honor ... happiness ... liberty" | Robert G Ingersoll (L) | y1963 | v13 | i2 | November | p60 |
Cosmic Design | Peter Flach (L) | y1963 | v13 | i2 | November | p61 |
filler - "Those who desire the truth, those who have the courage" | Katherine Tingley (L) | y1963 | v13 | i2 | November | p64z+ |
filler - "It may make a difference to all eternity whether we do right" | James Freeman Clarke (L) | y1963 | v13 | i2 | November | p64 |
The Perennial Story | EA Holmes (L) | y1963 | v13 | i3 | December | p65 |
Religion, Science and the Spirit of Man | Bruce T Lundin (L) | y1963 | v13 | i3 | December | p69 |
"Wherein lies happiness? In that which becks" (vf) | John Keats (L) | y1963 | v13 | i3 | December | p79 |
The Open String | Grace F Knoche (L) | y1963 | v13 | i3 | December | p80 |
The Phenomenal Pilot (rprnt from The Ensign) | anon (L) | y1963 | v13 | i3 | December | p83 |
Welcome as an Angel | Elizabeth M Duffie (L) | y1963 | v13 | i3 | December | p84 |
Ltte - "there is a simple reality upon which we may safely rest." | Ernest J Dadd (L) | y1963 | v13 | i3 | December | p86 |
Ltte - "conflict ... accepting the responsibilities ... progress" | AH van der Laan (L) | y1963 | v13 | i3 | December | p87 |
Ltte - "Sunrise means more to me than" | Clara E Miller (L) | y1963 | v13 | i3 | December | p87 |
filler - "in important personal questions ... decide against one's" | Marquis de Lafayette (L) | y1963 | v13 | i3 | December | p88 |
Worlds Without End | Elsa-Brita Titchenell (L) | y1963 | v13 | i3 | December | p89 |