Allegory of the Soul | Francis M Hazleton (L) | y1964 | v14 | i2 | November | p60 |
filler - Rousseau said: "Man cries for freedom" | Leslie T Titchenell (L) | y1964 | v14 | i2 | November | p64 |
filler - Plato was right: ideas rule the world (ML-APS-6) | KH (L) | y1964 | v14 | i2 | November | p64z+ |
Beyond Death - New Life | James A. Long (L) | y1964 | v14 | i3 | December | p65 |
filler - "Nature allows many chances but no escape from the necessity" | HWM (L) | y1964 | v14 | i3 | December | p67 |
The Dignity of Man & the Brotherhood of Peoples | Sarvepalli Redhakrishnan (L) | y1964 | v14 | i3 | December | p68 |
A New Picture of Worlds | Michael Cosser (L) | y1964 | v14 | i3 | December | p74 |
"For A God Goes With It" | Madeline Clark (L) | y1964 | v14 | i3 | December | p78 |
filler - "spiritual force and energy" | Alice Mason (L) | y1964 | v14 | i3 | December | p81 |
Heroic Heretics | Anthony Wedgwood Benn (L) | y1964 | v14 | i3 | December | p82 |
filler - "My mother-in-law is a remarkable woman." | Ann Craig (L) | y1964 | v14 | i3 | December | p84 |
The Secret Adam | I Manuel Oderberg (L) | y1964 | v14 | i3 | December | p85 |
filler - "Who learns and learns but acts not" (an Oriental proverb) | anon (L) | y1964 | v14 | i3 | December | p90 |
Ltte - "To travel is more important than to arrive." | EA Holmes (L) | y1964 | v14 | i3 | December | p91 |
Ltte - "life is a teacher and the future will bring" | Rutger Bergstrom (L) | y1964 | v14 | i3 | December | p92 |
filler - "Man is a center of light and joy" | Gertrude W Hockinson (L) | y1964 | v14 | i3 | December | p93 |
Not with the Blaring of Trumpets | W Rinsma (L) | y1964 | v14 | i3 | December | p94 |
filler - Life is so generous a giver, but we, judging its gifts | Fra Giovanni (L) | y1964 | v14 | i3 | December | p96z+ |
filler - "retire into yourself." | Marcus Aurelius (L) | y1964 | v14 | i3 | December | p96 |
The Royal Road | Ingrid Van Mater (L) | y1965 | v14 | i4 | January | p97 |
filler - "As the sun returns in the east, so let our patience" | Robert Louis Stevenson (L) | y1965 | v14 | i4 | January | p100 |
The Great Galileo | Edward W Strong (L) | y1965 | v14 | i4 | January | p101 |
A New Beginning | Leslie T Titchenell (L) | y1965 | v14 | i4 | January | p107 |
filler - "new worlds ... are the spiritual worlds within" | Arnold J Toynbee (L) | y1965 | v14 | i4 | January | p109 |
Hourglass Reflections | Alice Mason (L) | y1965 | v14 | i4 | January | p110 |
filler - "crazy race across the desert with a cloud." | Marilinda Taylor Johnson (L) | y1965 | v14 | i4 | January | p112 |
Man Will Rise More Glorious | John P Van Mater (L) | y1965 | v14 | i4 | January | p113 |
Offerings | Catherine Mann (L) | y1965 | v14 | i4 | January | p122 |
Our Challenging Age | Ona Lacy Hunter (L) | y1965 | v14 | i4 | January | p125 |
At the Threshold | Michael Cosser (L) | y1965 | v14 | i4 | January | p127 |
filler - Why should I feel lonely? | HD Thoreau (L) | y1965 | v14 | i4 | January | p128z+ |
That Thou Art | I Manuel Oderberg (L) | y1965 | v14 | i5 | February | p129 |
filler - "Can any true history be written?" | R Murray (L) | y1965 | v14 | i5 | February | p133 |
Giving and Receiving | Adolf Gustaf VI King of Sweden (L) | y1965 | v14 | i5 | February | p135 |
filler - "For though a man wander from the path and err" | Katherine Tingley (L) | y1965 | v14 | i5 | February | p137 |
Two Voices: Science and Literature | Marjorie Hope Nicholson (L) | y1965 | v14 | i5 | February | p138 |
Until the Stars Grew Pale | Talbot Mundy (L) | y1965 | v14 | i5 | February | p148 |
The Gospel According to Mark Twain | Peter H Samsom (L) | y1965 | v14 | i5 | February | p150 |
The Golden Horde | Robert K Davidson (L) | y1965 | v14 | i5 | February | p157 |
filler - "God grant, that not only the love of liberty" | Benjamin Franklin (L) | y1965 | v14 | i5 | February | p160z+ |
filler - "We have ... loved, honored, and obeyed reason" | Laurens Van der Post (L) | y1965 | v14 | i5 | February | p160 |
Tomorrow's Faith | Ida Perrine Ryder (L) | y1965 | v14 | i6 | March | p161 |
filler - "The heavens are still" | Shao Yung (L) | y1965 | v14 | i6 | March | p165 |
The Quiet Battlefield | Alice Comerford (L) | y1965 | v14 | i6 | March | p166 |
filler - "Faith is knowing there is an ocean" | Anonymous (L) | y1965 | v14 | i6 | March | p167 |
From Novice to Genius | Madeline Clark (L) | y1965 | v14 | i6 | March | p168 |
Are the Stars Rushing Away From Us? | Michael Cosser (L) | y1965 | v14 | i6 | March | p172 |
filler - "Chance has no place in any hypothesis" | David Hume (L) | y1965 | v14 | i6 | March | p174 |
Two Voices: Science and Literature | Marjorie Hope Nicholson (L) | y1965 | v14 | i6 | March | p175 |
Ltte - "Carlyle ... Churchill ... Smuts ... fear" | Rose Barrett (L) | y1965 | v14 | i6 | March | p186 |