The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


Intuition, Intellect and the Racial Question (1)Laurens Van der Post (L)y1964v13i7Aprilp197
Root of Moral DecayClifton Meek (L)y1964v13i7Aprilp207
filler - "During the eternal struggle between the higher and the lower"Erik O Hjertberg (L)y1964v13i7Aprilp209
Was Alchemy a Fiction?Arne Wettermark (L)y1964v13i7Aprilp210
filler - "Alchemy was, and is ... a spiritual philosophy"HP Blavatsky (L)y1964v13i7Aprilp216
Making Religion RealHenry Travers (L)y1964v13i7Aprilp217
filler - "inclinations towards virtue, faith, prayer, and work"Louis Claude de Saint-Martin (L)y1964v13i7Aprilp219
Ltte - "Is the world really a better place"GM Geerlings (L)y1964v13i7Aprilp220
Ltte - "Ideals"Kate Dunigan (L)y1964v13i7Aprilp221
Ltte - "tune in ... disharmonies ... tune up"Annie B Johnson (L)y1964v13i7Aprilp222
The MirrorNellie M Davis (L)y1964v13i7Aprilp223
filler - Were not the eye itself of the sunGoethe (L)y1964v13i7Aprilp224z+
filler - "Ethics are man's way of expressing his consciousness"G de Purucker (L)y1964v13i7Aprilp224
Science/Religion - A Joint Philosophy?Elsa-Brita Titchenell (L)y1964v13i8Mayp225
filler - "That which exists is one; Sages call it variously."Rig Veda (L)y1964v13i8Mayp229
The Man and the MineHugh M Roberts (L)y1964v13i8Mayp230
In Search of MeaningMichael Cosser (L)y1964v13i8Mayp237
filler - "There are vast realms of consciousness still undreamed of"DH Lawrence (L)y1964v13i8Mayp242
Intuition, Intellect and the Racial Question (2)Laurens Van der Post (L)y1964v13i8Mayp243
Ltte - "music ... brotherhood"Rutger Bergstrom (L)y1964v13i8Mayp251
Ltte - "Which has more merit, a man's life, or what he writes?"Rose Barrett (L)y1964v13i8Mayp252
filler - "Basis of all scientific work is ... a religious sentiment."Albert Einstein (L)y1964v13i8Mayp253
Levels of AwarenessAlice Mason (L)y1964v13i8Mayp254
filler - "opposites are in constant tendency to union"Samuel T Coleridge (L)y1964v13i8Mayp256z+
filler - "One thought of folly"Rokusodangyo II (L)y1964v13i8Mayp256y+
filler - "Is there, as the medieval mystics taught, a 'spark'"William R Inge (L)y1964v13i8Mayp256
Why Do These Things Happen?Ernst Krauss (L)y1964v13i9Junep257
filler - "past departs not: no truth or goodness ... ever dies"Thomas Carlyle (L)y1964v13i9Junep262
Sum and SubstanceLew Ayres (L)y1964v13i9Junep263
Getting and SpendingElizabeth M Duffie (L)y1964v13i9Junep270
The Divine Discontent of Gautama-BuddhaJane Macdonald (L)y1964v13i9Junep273
Stream of HumanityJohn P Van Mater (L)y1964v13i9Junep277
Decline, Revolt or Progress?W Rinsma (L)y1964v13i9Junep284
In Quest of CivilizationI Manuel Oderberg (L)y1964v13i9Junep286
filler - Look within. Within is the fountain of GoodMarcus Aurelius (L)y1964v13i9Junep288z+
filler - "Set thy heart aright, and constantly endure"Ecclesiasticus (L)y1964v13i9Junep288
Man His Own RevealerRM Willoughby (L)y1964v13i10Julyp289
Moving On (vf)Venita Seibert White (L)y1964v13i10Julyp292
What Shakespeare TeachesTravis Bogard (L)y1964v13i10Julyp293
Our Two WorldsAlphonse Bihr (L)y1964v13i10Julyp299
filler - "Know first that the heavens, and th'Earth"Virgil (L)y1964v13i10Julyp300
ImmortalityStephen Waters (L)y1964v13i10Julyp301
Vessel of the Spirit (Rubinstein)Ingrid Van Mater (L)y1964v13i10Julyp307
filler - "Great ideas come into the world as gently as doves."Albert Camus (L)y1964v13i10Julyp308
Like an IcebergNellie M Davis (L)y1964v13i10Julyp309
filler - "We may have aspirations"Katherine Tingley (L)y1964v13i10Julyp310
The Sufis of TodayJean B Van Mater (L)y1964v13i10Julyp311
Transformations of ManMichael Cosser (L)y1964v13i10Julyp317
filler - "Incarnation ... is renewed in the body of every one"Coventry Patmore (L)y1964v13i10Julyp320y+
filler - Who can set bounds to the possibilities of man?Ralph Waldo Emerson (L)y1964v13i10Julyp320z+
Showing 2151 to 2200 of 6911 entries