Intuition, Intellect and the Racial Question (1) | Laurens Van der Post (L) | y1964 | v13 | i7 | April | p197 |
Root of Moral Decay | Clifton Meek (L) | y1964 | v13 | i7 | April | p207 |
filler - "During the eternal struggle between the higher and the lower" | Erik O Hjertberg (L) | y1964 | v13 | i7 | April | p209 |
Was Alchemy a Fiction? | Arne Wettermark (L) | y1964 | v13 | i7 | April | p210 |
filler - "Alchemy was, and is ... a spiritual philosophy" | HP Blavatsky (L) | y1964 | v13 | i7 | April | p216 |
Making Religion Real | Henry Travers (L) | y1964 | v13 | i7 | April | p217 |
filler - "inclinations towards virtue, faith, prayer, and work" | Louis Claude de Saint-Martin (L) | y1964 | v13 | i7 | April | p219 |
Ltte - "Is the world really a better place" | GM Geerlings (L) | y1964 | v13 | i7 | April | p220 |
Ltte - "Ideals" | Kate Dunigan (L) | y1964 | v13 | i7 | April | p221 |
Ltte - "tune in ... disharmonies ... tune up" | Annie B Johnson (L) | y1964 | v13 | i7 | April | p222 |
The Mirror | Nellie M Davis (L) | y1964 | v13 | i7 | April | p223 |
filler - Were not the eye itself of the sun | Goethe (L) | y1964 | v13 | i7 | April | p224z+ |
filler - "Ethics are man's way of expressing his consciousness" | G de Purucker (L) | y1964 | v13 | i7 | April | p224 |
Science/Religion - A Joint Philosophy? | Elsa-Brita Titchenell (L) | y1964 | v13 | i8 | May | p225 |
filler - "That which exists is one; Sages call it variously." | Rig Veda (L) | y1964 | v13 | i8 | May | p229 |
The Man and the Mine | Hugh M Roberts (L) | y1964 | v13 | i8 | May | p230 |
In Search of Meaning | Michael Cosser (L) | y1964 | v13 | i8 | May | p237 |
filler - "There are vast realms of consciousness still undreamed of" | DH Lawrence (L) | y1964 | v13 | i8 | May | p242 |
Intuition, Intellect and the Racial Question (2) | Laurens Van der Post (L) | y1964 | v13 | i8 | May | p243 |
Ltte - "music ... brotherhood" | Rutger Bergstrom (L) | y1964 | v13 | i8 | May | p251 |
Ltte - "Which has more merit, a man's life, or what he writes?" | Rose Barrett (L) | y1964 | v13 | i8 | May | p252 |
filler - "Basis of all scientific work is ... a religious sentiment." | Albert Einstein (L) | y1964 | v13 | i8 | May | p253 |
Levels of Awareness | Alice Mason (L) | y1964 | v13 | i8 | May | p254 |
filler - "opposites are in constant tendency to union" | Samuel T Coleridge (L) | y1964 | v13 | i8 | May | p256z+ |
filler - "One thought of folly" | Rokusodangyo II (L) | y1964 | v13 | i8 | May | p256y+ |
filler - "Is there, as the medieval mystics taught, a 'spark'" | William R Inge (L) | y1964 | v13 | i8 | May | p256 |
Why Do These Things Happen? | Ernst Krauss (L) | y1964 | v13 | i9 | June | p257 |
filler - "past departs not: no truth or goodness ... ever dies" | Thomas Carlyle (L) | y1964 | v13 | i9 | June | p262 |
Sum and Substance | Lew Ayres (L) | y1964 | v13 | i9 | June | p263 |
Getting and Spending | Elizabeth M Duffie (L) | y1964 | v13 | i9 | June | p270 |
The Divine Discontent of Gautama-Buddha | Jane Macdonald (L) | y1964 | v13 | i9 | June | p273 |
Stream of Humanity | John P Van Mater (L) | y1964 | v13 | i9 | June | p277 |
Decline, Revolt or Progress? | W Rinsma (L) | y1964 | v13 | i9 | June | p284 |
In Quest of Civilization | I Manuel Oderberg (L) | y1964 | v13 | i9 | June | p286 |
filler - Look within. Within is the fountain of Good | Marcus Aurelius (L) | y1964 | v13 | i9 | June | p288z+ |
filler - "Set thy heart aright, and constantly endure" | Ecclesiasticus (L) | y1964 | v13 | i9 | June | p288 |
Man His Own Revealer | RM Willoughby (L) | y1964 | v13 | i10 | July | p289 |
Moving On (vf) | Venita Seibert White (L) | y1964 | v13 | i10 | July | p292 |
What Shakespeare Teaches | Travis Bogard (L) | y1964 | v13 | i10 | July | p293 |
Our Two Worlds | Alphonse Bihr (L) | y1964 | v13 | i10 | July | p299 |
filler - "Know first that the heavens, and th'Earth" | Virgil (L) | y1964 | v13 | i10 | July | p300 |
Immortality | Stephen Waters (L) | y1964 | v13 | i10 | July | p301 |
Vessel of the Spirit (Rubinstein) | Ingrid Van Mater (L) | y1964 | v13 | i10 | July | p307 |
filler - "Great ideas come into the world as gently as doves." | Albert Camus (L) | y1964 | v13 | i10 | July | p308 |
Like an Iceberg | Nellie M Davis (L) | y1964 | v13 | i10 | July | p309 |
filler - "We may have aspirations" | Katherine Tingley (L) | y1964 | v13 | i10 | July | p310 |
The Sufis of Today | Jean B Van Mater (L) | y1964 | v13 | i10 | July | p311 |
Transformations of Man | Michael Cosser (L) | y1964 | v13 | i10 | July | p317 |
filler - "Incarnation ... is renewed in the body of every one" | Coventry Patmore (L) | y1964 | v13 | i10 | July | p320y+ |
filler - Who can set bounds to the possibilities of man? | Ralph Waldo Emerson (L) | y1964 | v13 | i10 | July | p320z+ |