The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


The True ... and the FalseGrace F Knoche (L)y1964v13i11Augustp321
filler - "Seek this wisdom by doing service" from the Bhagavad Gitaanon (L)y1964v13i11Augustp327
Intelligence in ActionI Manuel Oderberg (L)y1964v13i11Augustp328
filler - "We can be unconquered. Avoid the blows [of destiny] we cannot"Lucius Annaeus Seneca (L)y1964v13i11Augustp332
Does Religion Belong in Our Schools?Peter H Samsom (L)y1964v13i11Augustp333
A Quiet MorningGM Geerlings (L)y1964v13i11Augustp340
filler - "Down the ages truth has suffered through fanatic crusaders"Elizabeth M Duffie (L)y1964v13i11Augustp341
Honest DefectionElsa-Brita Titchenell (L)y1964v13i11Augustp342
filler - "integration is no mean task. Awareness of oneself"E Herman (L)y1964v13i11Augustp347
The Search for Continuity in History & EducationJohn P Van Mater (L)y1964v13i11Augustp348
filler - When a world or a system comes to the end of certain great cyclesWilliam Q Judge (L)y1964v13i11Augustp352z+
filler - "fault of others is easily perceived"Buddha (L)y1964v13i11Augustp352y+
Fellowship of the SpiritEA Holmes (L)y1964v13i12Septemberp353
filler - "Sometimes one would know a man for years in prison"Fyodor Dostoevski (L)y1964v13i12Septemberp355
filler - "Brave worms, and Earth!"Henry Vaughan (L)y1964v13i12Septemberp355
The Illusion of the Two Cultures (1)Loren Eiseley (L)y1964v13i12Septemberp356
Philosophy of the SoulHerbert Coryn (L)y1964v13i12Septemberp363
filler - "No man ... can wear one face to himself"Nathaniel Hawthorne (L)y1964v13i12Septemberp364
In the Flow of LightB Hagelin (L)y1964v13i12Septemberp365
Ring of ReturnMadeline Clark (L)y1964v13i12Septemberp371
Toward a New Science - of Man!Ernst Krauss (L)y1964v13i12Septemberp377
filler - there are as many centers as worlds swung by their own weightGiordano Bruno (L)y1964v13i12Septemberp384z+
filler - "All men know the existence of beauty."Tao Teh Ching (L)y1964v13i12Septemberp384
Our Common EndowmentJames A. Long (L)y1964v14i1Octoberp1
"If a man could feel ..." (vf)Elizabeth Barrett Browning (L)y1964v14i1Octoberp3
A Fresh Look At EvolutionI Manuel Oderberg (L)y1964v14i1Octoberp4
filler - "each moment ... keeping an endless sacred festival"Katherine Tingley (L)y1964v14i1Octoberp10
To Make All Things NewJules van Betgen (L)y1964v14i1Octoberp11
filler - "Nothing grows in a spot where"Leonardo Da Vinci (L)y1964v14i1Octoberp13
God's Last LaughFletcher B Thompson (L)y1964v14i1Octoberp14
filler - "Man's intellectual equivalent may occupy thousands of planets"Michael Cosser (L)y1964v14i1Octoberp15
The Illusion of the Two Cultures (2)Loren Eiseley (L)y1964v14i1Octoberp16
Autumn Rivulets (vf)Walt Whitman (L)y1964v14i1Octoberp21
A Place of One's OwnElizabeth M Duffie (L)y1964v14i1Octoberp22
filler - "This is the spirit of altruism at work."W Fekken (L)y1964v14i1Octoberp25
Ltte - "poverty ... brotherhood ... education ... selfishness"Joan Brickman (L)y1964v14i1Octoberp26
Ltte - "youth ... education ... responsibilities"Tine Van Der Ven (L)y1964v14i1Octoberp27
The Kernel and Its ShellSydney James (L)y1964v14i1Octoberp29
filler - Time is needed for all growth, and all changeWilliam Q Judge (L)y1964v14i1Octoberp32z+
filler - "What makes the times grave is man's ignorance of his true Self"John Simons (L)y1964v14i1Octoberp32
The Voice of the BardMadeline Clark (L)y1964v14i2Novemberp33
The Search for RightFrances Carson (L)y1964v14i2Novemberp38
For the Lord Thy GodEA Holmes (L)y1964v14i2Novemberp43
filler - "origin of thought"Margaret Burmester (L)y1964v14i2Novemberp46
That Mysterious EssenceGeorge E Davis (L)y1964v14i2Novemberp47
Buddhism, A Religion In Process of RevolutionPeter H Samsom (L)y1964v14i2Novemberp48
filler - "Seeds germinate; ... moving aside the surface of the earth"Charles James (L)y1964v14i2Novemberp53
Fountain of EquityT Henry (L)y1964v14i2Novemberp54
Creative SparkMichael Cosser (L)y1964v14i2Novemberp57
filler - "Pestilence once met a caravan upon the desert-way" (an Arabian folktale)anon (L)y1964v14i2Novemberp59
Showing 2201 to 2250 of 6911 entries