The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

The Theosophist

(Buddhist Catechism - a note)anony1881v3-Octoberp24
The War in Heaven (1)Mirza Moorad Alee Begy1881v3-Octoberp24
Sarasavi Sandaresa (Singhalese Weekly Journal, Colombo) (rprnt Sun)anony1881v3-Octoberp25
Paragraph Flashes from the Four Quartersvariousy1881v3-Octoberp25
[Christianity and Buddhism in Ceylon]anony1881v3-Octoberp26
Miscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1881v3-Octoberp26
[End of World prophecies for 1881]anony1881v3-Octoberp26
[Cremation is dangerous to the Bible Christians]anon (HPB)y1881v3-Octoberp26
[World population in 300 years prophesied]anony1881v3-Octoberp26
To Subscribersanony1881v3-Octoberp27
Table of Contentsanony1881v3-Octoberp27
Special Noticesanony1881v3-Octoberp27
[Art found in Pompei]anony1881v3-Octoberp27
[Hidden tunnel found in Jerusalem]anony1881v3-Octoberp27
Our Branches - ColomboAndrew Pereray1881v3-Nov+p1
Our Ceylon Workvariousy1881v3-Nov+p1
The Colombo Theosophical Societyanony1881v3-Nov+p1
The Visit from Ceylon to South IndiaW de Abrewy1881v3-Nov+p2
Galle TS (Galle, Ceylon) [Head-Master of the high school forced to resign by resolution of the Society]anony1881v3-Nov+p2
Bombay (Branch) TS [notice of lecture delivered by Sohrabji J Padshah]anony1881v3-Nov+p3
Kandy TS (Ceylon) [foundation for Theosophical Hall laid despite protests from the Church of England]anony1881v3-Nov+p3
The Theosophists in CeylonWilliam Quan Judgey1881v3-Nov+p3
Dayanand Saraswati & His Followersanon (HPB)y1881v3-Nov+p3
Editor's Note [to "Dayanand Saraswati & His Followers"]anon (HPB)y1881v3-Nov+p3
Bentota TS (Ceylon) [general update]anony1881v3-Nov+p3
[Note from several people claiming to have been misled by the reputation of Dayanand Saraswati]Pandit Jugulkishore Pathaky1881v3-Nov+p3
Western "Adepts" & Eastern Theosophistsanon (HPB)y1881v3-Nov+p4
The Theosophist, Bombay, November, 1881Editory1881v3-Novemberp29
review - Nature of The Soul by Pearychand Mittraanony1881v3-Novemberp29
The Six-pointed & Five-pointed starsKrishnashankar Lalshankary1881v3-Novemberp30
Our Answer (on pointed Stars)anon (HPB)y1881v3-Novemberp31
Occult Telegraphyanony1881v3-Novemberp33
Antiquity of the Vedas (4)Krishna Shastri Godboley1881v3-Novemberp34
The New "Convulsionnaires"anony1881v3-Novemberp35
The War in Heaven (2)Mirza Moorad Alee Begy1881v3-Novemberp36
Occultism in Calcutta University (Dr Rajendralala Mittra)anony1881v3-Novemberp36
"Present-Day Problems" - announcement/advertisementanony1881v3-Novemberp36
The Grand Inquisitor, an extract from "The Brothers Karamazof" (1)M Dostoevskyy1881v3-Novemberp38
The Twelve Signs of the ZodiacT Subba Row (1856-1890) (T = Tiruvalum)y1881v3-Novemberp41
footnotes to "The Twelve Signs of the Zodiac"(HPB)y1881v3-Novemberp41
What Theosophy has Done for CeylonPeter de Abrewy1881v3-Novemberp44
The Bright Spot of LightP (HPB)y1881v3-Novemberp45
The Celestial Imperial Familyanony1881v3-Novemberp45
The Witchcraft & Demonology of Pictaviaanony1881v3-Novemberp46
Hindu Old Shipsanony1881v3-Novemberp48
Miscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1881v3-Novemberp48
The Yogi's NationalityA. Sankariahy1881v3-Novemberp48
Advice from a Swamianony1881v3-Novemberp48
Occultism [Ltte of the Bombay Gazette]H.y1881v3-Novemberp49
Animal Magnetism & Homoeopathy (rprnt St Thomas Times)CE Taylory1881v3-Novemberp49
Showing 901 to 950 of 26591 entries