The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

The Theosophist

Antiquity of the Vedas (5)Krishna Shastri Godboley1881v3-Decemberp72
A Pious "Fiasco"anony1881v3-Decemberp74
The Grand Inquisitor, an extract from "The Brothers Karamazof" (2)M Dostoevskyy1881v3-Decemberp75
Weird PhenomenaRam Das Seny1881v3-Decemberp75
("Weird Phenomena", comments)(HPB)y1881v3-Decemberp75
Is Creation Possible for Man?H.y1881v3-Decemberp79
Our Answer [to "Is Creation Possible for Man?"]Ed. (HPB)y1881v3-Decemberp79
The Theosophists (rprnt Light)Gerald Massey (1828-1907)y1881v3-Decemberp80
Editor's Note[Ed.] (HPB)y1881v3-Decemberp81
Paragraph Flashes from the Four Quartersvariousy1881v3-Decemberp82
The Pupil of Swami Dayanand at the Congress of Orientalists (Shyamaji Krishnavarman)anony1881v3-Decemberp82
A New Steameranony1881v3-Decemberp82
Silver in sea-wateranony1881v3-Decemberp82
The Alleged discovery of the Aztec Mysteriesanony1881v3-Decemberp83
Faber's Talking Automatonanony1881v3-Decemberp83
The oldest man in the worldanony1881v3-Decemberp83
The Crimes of Preachers in the United Statesanony1881v3-Decemberp84
Cursing and Swearinganony1881v3-Decemberp84
A Posthumous Censureanony1881v3-Decemberp84
A New Thaumaturgistanony1881v3-Decemberp84
Miscellaneous Notesanon (HPB)y1881v3-Decemberp84
[A Bishop on the Secret Societies in Europe]anony1881v3-Decemberp85
Infidelity in Germanyanony1881v3-Decemberp85
[two remarkable hills (? ancient Temples) discovered in the Mangya Tungya range]anony1881v3-Decemberp86
[Jain fasting for 91 days] (rprnt Amrita Bazar Patrika)anony1881v3-Decemberp86
LetterSanderson & Coy1882v3-Jan+p1
A Personal ExplanationHP Blavatsky & HS Olcotty1882v3-Jan+p1
LetterMajor-General Rostislav Fadeewy1882v3-Jan+p2
Our Branch Societies - The Colombo (Ceylon Branch)HS Olcott & 12 othersy1882v3-Jan+p3
Articles of AgreementHS Olcott & 21 othersy1882v3-Jan+p4
Return of a Series of Lectures delivered by Colonel HS Olcott in the Western Province of CeylonWF Wijeyesekaray1882v3-Jan+p6
Annual Meeting of the General CouncilDK Mavalankary1882v3-Jan+p8
The Galle BranchDamodar K Mavalankary1882v3-Jan+p8
Note to "War in Heaven"Mirza Moorad Alee Begy1882v3-Jan+p8
The Galle Branch Ceylon [summary of the [buddhist] Priests' Convention; Olcott's work in Galle]anony1882v3-Jan+p8
acknowledge, with thanks, (the following) subscriptions for volume III, all paid in advance.The Proprietors of the `Theosophist`y1882v3-Jan+p9
The Theosophist, Bombay, January, 1882Editory1882v3-Januaryp87
The Civilization that India needsHS Olcotty1882v3-Januaryp87
Notice [imperfect copies of the previous issue of the Theosophist may be exchanged]anony1882v3-Januaryp87
"Is it Idle to Argue Further?"anon (HPB)y1882v3-Januaryp90
Esoteric Axioms & Spiritual Speculations (quote from review by A. Lillie in Psychological Review)anon (HPB)y1882v3-Januaryp92
The Aryan-Arhat Esoteric Tenets on the Sevenfold Principle in ManT Subba Rowy1882v3-Januaryp93
Editorial Appendix to "The Aryan-Arhat Esoteric Tenets on the Sevenfold Principle in Man", by T Subba RowHPBy1882v3-Januaryp98
Supplemental Note to "The Beni-Elohim"Mirza Moorad Alee Begy1882v3-Januaryp99
Lakshmibai (The Authentic story of a Bhut)Piarai Lall Chachondiay1882v3-Januaryp100
footnotes to "Lakshmibai"(HPB)y1882v3-Januaryp100
The Universe in a Nut-shellJehangir Cursetji Tarachandy1882v3-Januaryp102
Editor's AnswerEd. (HPB)y1882v3-Januaryp103
Dream-Land & Somnambulismanony1882v3-Januaryp103
Showing 1001 to 1050 of 26591 entries