The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

The Theosophist

Editor's Noteanony1882v3-Januaryp103
Editor's Note - "Dreams are interludes which Fancy makes" Dryden tells usEd. (HPB)y1882v3-Januaryp104
Are Dreams But Idle Visions?Navin K Sarman Banerjeey1882v3-Januaryp104
[Swami Dayánund arrived in Bombay on the 29th from Indore]anony1882v3-Januaryp105
A Voice from the WestJD Bucky1882v3-Januaryp106
On "Theosophism" in India - The Church Missionary SocietyEd (HPB)y1882v3-Januaryp106
An Astrological Calculation VerifiedBarad Kau Majumdary1882v3-Januaryp107
The Planting of CoconutS Ramaswamier ( ? - 1893)y1882v3-Januaryp107
A Few Words to Ladies Desiring to Join the Ladies' Theosophical Societyanony1882v3-Januaryp108
[Excerpt from a letter to Dr Ramdas Sen]F Max Müller (1823-1900) (Muller)y1882v3-Januaryp108
Mr Eglinton's PhenomenaJG Meugensy1882v3-Januaryp111
The Buddhist Temple of Bodha Gaya (rprnt Englishman)anony1882v3-Januaryp111
[The Anglo-Indian Padris appear to be in hot water ...] (rprnt Pioneer)anony1882v3-Januaryp111
Paragraph Flashes from the Four Quartersvariousy1882v3-Januaryp111
MA Oxon quoted re HS Olcott's Buddhist Catechismanony1882v3-Januaryp112
The wondrous "veil" of Bulwer's "coming race" ... electricityanony1882v3-Januaryp112
The Prayag Theosophical SocietyAvinas Chandra Banerjiy1882v3-Feb+p1
The Adi-Bhoutic Bhratru Theosophical Society or the Psycho-Scientific Brotherhood - Rules & Bye-Lawsanony1882v3-Feb+p1
The Adhi-Bhoutic Bhratru TS (Berhampore, Bengal) [office bearers for 1882]Nobin K Bannerjeey1882v3-Feb+p1
A Report on a meeting to celebrate the 6th Anniversary of the Theosophical Societyanony1882v3-Feb+p2
The Poona Theosophical SocietyGangaram Bhau Muskey1882v3-Feb+p2
The TS MovementHS Olcotty1882v3-Feb+p3
LetterRoss Scotty1882v3-Feb+p3
[Letter (Dec. 3, 1881) I think yourself and your Society can render ... service to India in various ways]R Ragoonath Raoy1882v3-Feb+p7
RemarksDM Bennetty1882v3-Feb+p8
Some RemarksMirza Moorad Alee Begy1882v3-Feb+p8
RemarksKM Shroffy1882v3-Feb+p10
[replies (via letter to Joseph Cook) re an offer to meet for a religious debate]Saraswati Dayánund (1825-1883)y1882v3-Feb+p12
reply to Mr Joseph CookDayanand Saraswatiy1882v3-Feb+p12
[Letter to Joseph Cook - You have defamed my character, impugned my motives ...]DM Bennetty1882v3-Feb+p13
Further Development, a lecture delivered by Joseph Cookanony1882v3-Feb+p13
reply to Mr Joseph CookHS Olcotty1882v3-Feb+p13
reply to Mr Joseph CookDM Bennetty1882v3-Feb+p13
LetterHP Blavatskyy1882v3-Feb+p15
LetterJoseph Cooky1882v3-Feb+p15
LetterA. Banony1882v3-Feb+p15
LetterJoseph Cooky1882v3-Feb+p15
Daji Raja Chandrasinghjee will be in Bombayanony1882v3-Feb+p16
[A Marriage of Theosophists, daughter of AO Hume]anony1882v3-Feb+p16
LetterA. Banony1882v3-Feb+p16
The Theosophist, Bombay, February, 1882Editory1882v3-Februaryp113
Spiritualism & Occult Truthanon (HPB)y1882v3-Februaryp113
"Nature-spirits & Elementals" (a letter to Light by Emma Hardinge Britten is quoted at length)anon (HPB)y1882v3-Februaryp115
In Desperate Straits (letter to Dr Sexton, re HSO & Christianity in Ceylon)JA Spaar (HPB)y1882v3-Februaryp116
Buddhism & Brahmanism - extracts from The Indian Empire by Dr Hunteranony1882v3-Februaryp117
The Pisacha-dancersanon (HPB footnote)y1882v3-Februaryp119
The Mysterious Brothers - An old tale Retold (1)P Davidsony1882v3-Februaryp120
The RosicruciansPJGy1882v3-Februaryp122
Gleanings from the Works of Swami Dayanand Saraswati(`Il Penseroso`)y1882v3-Februaryp122
"A Glimpse Through the Corridors of Time"anony1882v3-Februaryp124
Showing 1051 to 1100 of 26591 entries