The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

The Theosophist

Statistics of Colonel Olcott's Bengal Tour (cases treated, 2812)Nivaran Chandra Mukerjey1883v4-June+p11
[Jamshedji N Unwala - on a short visit to the Headquarters]anony1883v4-June+p12
[Kavasji M Shroff - new head of the Jami-Jamshed journal]anony1883v4-June+p12
[Maharaja of Durbhanga - converted to theosophy] (rprnt Indian Mirror)anony1883v4-June+p12
[Colonel W Gordon - visited Meerut branch]anony1883v4-June+p12
[Anadi Bai Joshi mentioned]anony1883v4-June+p12
[Gopal Vinayek Joshi - visited the Theosophical Headquarters]anony1883v4-June+p12
Personal Itemsvariousy1883v4-June+p12
obituary - G Narasimhooloo ChettyHSO & HPBy1883v4-June+p12
[Besant and Bradlaugh mentioned]anony1883v4-June+p12
[Daji Râjâ Chandra Singhjee - a passenger on a ship that burned; passengers safe]anony1883v4-June+p12
[Shyamaji Pandit Krishnavarma - earning the respect of many men of eminence]anony1883v4-June+p12
[HS Olcott - arrived at Madras]anony1883v4-June+p12
[Pundita Romabai - left for England]anony1883v4-June+p12
The Theosophist, Madras, June, 1883Editory1883v4-Junep209
Electroscope & "Astral doubles"anon (HPB)y1883v4-Junep209
Will - Schopenhauer & AdwaitismLA Sandersy1883v4-Junep209
Esoteric Spiritualism, The Law of "Influx" & "Efflux" & W Oxley's Philosophy of SpiritWilliam Yeatesy1883v4-Junep210
footnotes to "Esoteric Spiritualism, The Law of Influx & Efflux"(HPB)y1883v4-Junep210
a note (to "Will - Schopenhauer & Adwaitism")anon (HPB)y1883v4-Junep210
A Few Thoughts on Some Wise Words (The Essentials of Religion by Raj Narain Bose)anon (HPB)y1883v4-Junep213
Mahabharata in English "Datavya Bharat Karyalaya"Pratab Chandra Royy1883v4-Junep213
Suggestive Comparisons (statistics of Infidel & Christian Morality)Ed. Theosy1883v4-Junep217
Ormazd & Ahriman & the Allegorical Writings of the AncientsNMPy1883v4-Junep217
Should men cut their Hair? (rprnt Phrenology Journal)Alexander Wildery1883v4-Junep218
Editor's Note (to "Should men cut their Hair?")anon (HPB)y1883v4-Junep218
Homoeopathy & harmonyKrishnadhan Mukerjiy1883v4-Junep219
The Religion of a Great Statesman (Leon Gambetta 1838-1882)Frederick Harrisony1883v4-Junep220
A mode of Divination among the ParsisJN Unwalay1883v4-Junep220
The Efficacy of Funeral CeremoniesNDKy1883v4-Junep221
Editor's Note [to "The Efficacy of Funeral Ceremonies"]anon (HPB)y1883v4-Junep221
Gambetta's Eye & Brainanon (HPB)y1883v4-Junep222
By "Bell, Book & Candle" (2) (rprnt Catholic Mirror)a missionary priest (HPB)y1883v4-Junep223
Swami Dayanund - A Freethinkeranon (HPB)y1883v4-Junep224
Zoroastrianism in the Light of Occult Philosophy (1)anon (HPB)y1883v4-Junep224
The TantrasTSy1883v4-Junep226
footnote to "The Tantras"(HPB)y1883v4-Junep226
Visishtadwaita PhilosophyA. Govinda Charluy1883v4-Junep228
footnote to "Visishtadvaita Philosophy"(HPB)y1883v4-Junep228
The Visishthadwaita Catechism Dissectedan Adwaiteey1883v4-Junep229
Cosmical Rings & Rounds (Difficulties in the theory)ST K * * * Chary (HPB)y1883v4-Junep231
[Reply to "Cosmical Rings and Rounds"]ST K * * * Charyy1883v4-Junep232
Editor's Note to "Lay Chela"anon (HPB)y1883v4-Junep232
Ltte - Subhuti's Sopara RelicPeter D' Abrewy1883v4-Junep233
The NadigrandhamsN Chedumburam Iyery1883v4-Junep233
Light's VelocityDMS (? DM Strong)y1883v4-Junep234
Explanation Wanted (Runic Arne Saknussem)A Junior Studenty1883v4-Junep234
Editor's Note [to "Explanation Wanted"]Ed. (HPB)y1883v4-Junep234
Pertinent Questions: What is a Yogi? Is Vegetarianism necessary for advancement in Occultism?HN Vakily1883v4-Junep235
How a Man Becomes a Hindu & a BrahmanA. Sankariahy1883v4-Junep235
Showing 2001 to 2050 of 26591 entries