The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

The Theosophist

Psychometry & ArchaeologyPoorna Chundra Mookherjiy1883v4-Junep235
Pertinent Questions: What is a Yogi? Is Vegetarianism necessary for advancement in Occultism?HN Vakily1883v4-Junep235
Editor's Note (Denton's Soul of Things)anon (HPB)y1883v4-Junep236
What is a "Perahera"?A Ceylon Buddhisty1883v4-Junep236
How to become a BrahmanT Sarmany1883v4-Junep236
The Summum bonum of Hinduism & BuddhismSMy1883v4-Junep236
Prof Max Muller's opinion wanted: Interpretation of Christ's last words by the Maya Vocables of Yucatananon (rprnt `Psychometric Circular`)y1883v4-Junep236
An Attempt at a new Calendar - The Paine Hall Calendar - The era of the Martyrdom of Giordano Brunoanony1883v4-Junep237
Madras Hindu Charity High SchoolV Rama Raoy1883v4-Junep237
The Calcutta School of HomoeopathyShooshee Bhoosun Mookerji (Mukerji)y1883v4-Junep238
The First Anniversary of the Bengal Theosophical Societyanony1883v4-July+p1
To Colonel HS OlcottPeary Chand Mittray1883v4-July+p1
[Annual Report of the Bengal Theosophical Society]Mohini Mohun Chatterjiy1883v4-July+p1
[Address delivered at the First Anniversary of the Bengal Theosophical Society]N Nath Sen (`Indian Mirror` editor)y1883v4-July+p2
[Address delivered at the First Anniversary of the Bengal Theosophical Society]Dijendra Nath Tagorey1883v4-July+p3
(The Observations of Dr Yaeger of Stutgart (Stuttgart))Leopold Salzery1883v4-July+p4
Colonel Olcott's Lecture on "Dr Esdaile & Mesmerism in Calcutta 36 years ago"HS Olcotty1883v4-July+p7
Chelas & Lay Chelas (referred to by KH in ML #59; p335 ML-APS)anon (HPB)y1883v4-July+p10
A Description of the Tantrik Mystic Rites & Ceremonies Known as "Savasadhana" (2)Kunja B Bhuttacharji (Bhattacharya)y1883v4-July+p11
Bengal TS (Calcutta, Bengal) [office-bearers elected May 1883]Mohini Mohan Chatterjiy1883v4-July+p12
Healing - A Warning from Colonel OlcottHS Olcotty1883v4-July+p12
The Programme of the P-F's TourDamodar K Mavalankary1883v4-July+p12
Our Branchesvariousy1883v4-July+p12
Note to "A Description of the Tantrik Mystic Rites & Ceremonies Known as "Savasadhana""(HPB)y1883v4-July+p12
The New Hall at KandyAB Silvay1883v4-July+p13
Malabar TS (Palghaut) [formation and general establishment of branch]N Sarvothama Raoy1883v4-July+p13
Pioneer TS of St Louis (Missouri) [charter issued]William Q Judgey1883v4-July+p13
Queensland TS (Brisbane, Australia) [list of officers; general notes on meeting]George Smithy1883v4-July+p13
The Bankura Sanjivani TS [resolutions passed]Thedar Nath Thulabhiy1883v4-July+p13
The Gorakhpur Sarv Hitkari TS [formation; office-bearers elected; approval by Olcott]T Ganesh Singy1883v4-July+p13
Personal Itemsvariousy1883v4-July+p14
Politics & TheosophyHSO & HPBy1883v4-July+p14
[Otho Alexander - brought the Ionian Branch into contact with the Society for Psychical Research]anony1883v4-July+p14
Galle TS [Governor honors Don Siman deSilva; fourth anniversary celebrated; office-bearers elected]GCA Jayasekaray1883v4-July+p14
[Rastomji Dhunjibhoy Sethna - has become the Native Secretary of the Northbrook Indian Club in London]anony1883v4-July+p14
[JA Venkataramayya - delivered a lecture on "Theosophy"]anony1883v4-July+p14
The Theosophist, Madras, July, 1883Editory1883v4-Julyp239
The Soul of Things (of William Denton)anon (HPB)y1883v4-Julyp239
Zoroastrianism in the Light of Occult Philosophy (2)anony1883v4-Julyp240
Hierosophy & TheosophyWilliam Oxleyy1883v4-Julyp244
footnotes to "Hierosophy & Theosophy"(HPB)y1883v4-Julyp244
The Almora Swami upon Philosophy in General & our Failings in Particularanon (HPB)y1883v4-Julyp245
The Swami of Almora to His OpponentsSwami of Almoray1883v4-Julyp246
footnotes to "The Swami of Almora to His Opponents"(HPB)y1883v4-Julyp246
Prakriti & PurushaT Subba Rowy1883v4-Julyp248
"Odorigen" & JivatmaDharanidar Kauthumiy1883v4-Julyp251
Prof Edard's new Electro-magnetic apparatus for the treatment of Diseasesanony1883v4-Julyp251
Karma (An Appendix to Fragments of Occult Truth)anon (HPB)y1883v4-Julyp252
The Septenary Principle in Esotericismanon (HPB)y1883v4-Julyp253
Esoteric Buddhism (of AP Sinnett)anon (HPB)y1883v4-Julyp253
Showing 2051 to 2100 of 26591 entries