The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

The Theosophist

By "Bell, Book & Candle" - Leaves from the Note-Book of a Missionary Priest (3) (rprnt Catholic Mirror)anon (HPB)y1883v4-Augustp272
Allah (in Atharvan Veda, the source of Mahomedanism)NBy1883v4-Augustp273
The Essentials of ReligionRaj Narain Bosey1883v4-Augustp274
a note (to "The Essentials of Religion")anon (HPB)y1883v4-Augustp274
Divination (among the Parsees)NDKy1883v4-Augustp275
Victims of Hinduism - (Suicide for the sake of Salvation)anony1883v4-Augustp276
Victims of Christianity (rprnt New York World)anony1883v4-Augustp276
Astrology & Modern Science - Michel de NostradamusDr Fortiny1883v4-Augustp277
Esoteric Buddhism a new book by AP Sinnett (rprnt Bombay Gazette)anon (+ a note, anon)y1883v4-Augustp277
Ltte - A Human Storage Battery: W Underwood, exhaling fire through his mouthSE Woodmany1883v4-Augustp279
Editor's Note [to "A Human Storage Battery"]anon (HPB)y1883v4-Augustp280
The Perils of Dabbling in MesmerismABC & HSO (ABC =? Manilal N Dvivedi)y1883v4-Augustp280
Mesmerising WaterPTS (? PT Srinivasaingar)y1883v4-Augustp281
Funeral Rites among Savage RacesWD (+ a note, HPB)y1883v4-Augustp281
Whence the SoulA Theosophisty1883v4-Augustp281
The Teachings of Allen Kardec (1803-1869)Inquirery1883v4-Augustp281
Editor's Note - The Work of Allan Kardecanon (HPB)y1883v4-Augustp281
Physical Changes of the Earthanony1883v4-Augustp281
"The Sahara Sea"Kumud Chander Mukerjeey1883v4-Augustp281
The Seven Human BodiesXYZy1883v4-Augustp282
reply to "The Seven Human Bodies"* * * TARA NATH * * * * FTSy1883v4-Augustp282
Is Foeticide a crime?An "MD" FTS (? Franz Hartmann)y1883v4-Augustp282
Editor's Note [to "Is Foeticide a crime?"]anon (HPB)y1883v4-Augustp283
A Gloomy Prospect (Zenana Mission)* * *y1883v4-Augustp283
Narcotics versus OccultismA Would-Be Yogiy1883v4-Augustp283
A "Buddha" wantedDMSy1883v4-Augustp283
Editor's Note [to "A Buddha Wanted"]anony1883v4-Augustp283
reply to "Narcotics versus Occultism"* * * TARA NATH * * * *y1883v4-Augustp283
Prof John Tyndall on the Blasphemy Prosecution, etcEdy1883v4-Augustp284
The Following is Prof Tyndall's ReplyHenry G Atkinsony1883v4-Augustp284
Efficacy of Funeral Ceremonies (among Savages)R......jee C......jeey1883v4-Augustp284
Editor's Note to "Efficacy of Funeral Ceremonies"(HPB)y1883v4-Augustp284
Transmigration of the Life-atomsNDKy1883v4-Augustp286
Editor's Note [to "Transmigration of the Life-atoms"]anon (HPB)y1883v4-Augustp286
review - Esoteric Buddhism by AP Sinnett (rprnt Light)CC Masseyy1883v4-Augustp288
The American Bureau of Ethnologyanony1883v4-Augustp290
The "Ceylon Freethinker"anony1883v4-Augustp291
Witch Tragedies (a review of Witch Stories collected by E Lynn Lynton)anony1883v4-Augustp291
Colonel Olcott at TrevandrumP Govinda Pillayy1883v4-Sept+p1
The President's South Indian Tour of 1883 - local reportsvariousy1883v4-Sept+p1
At SrivilliputturT Krishna Rowy1883v4-Sept+p1
Address of Welcome to HS OlcottV Cooppooswamy & 72 othersy1883v4-Sept+p2
Reception at Trichinopolyanony1883v4-Sept+p3
At MaduraV Coopooswamy Iyery1883v4-Sept+p3
At Negapatam [we find Colonel Olcott]SA Saminada Aiery1883v4-Sept+p3
At TrichinopolyS Kristnamachariary1883v4-Sept+p4
At CombaconumN Soondram Aiyary1883v4-Sept+p4
At MayavaramV Coopooswamy Iyery1883v4-Sept+p5
At CuddaloreA. Rama Rowy1883v4-Sept+p5
Medical Report on Colonel Olcott's Cures at Maya VaramDS Amirthasawmy Pillayy1883v4-Sept+p5
Showing 2151 to 2200 of 26591 entries