Isostasy Proves Assertions of HPB | Cyrus Field Willard, CJ Ryan | y1939 | v14 | i2 | Feb | p144 |
review: 'I Have Been Here Before' by JB Priestley | MMT | y1939 | v14 | i2 | Feb | p147 |
review: 'Zen Buddhism and Its Influence on Japanese Culture' by Daisetz Taitaro Suzuki | Grace Knoche | y1939 | v14 | i2 | Feb | p148 |
review: 'Medieval Number Symbolism' by Vincent Foster Hopper | HT Edge | y1939 | v14 | i2 | Feb | p151 |
review: 'The New Age Bible Interpretation: Old Testament' Vol I by Corinne Dunklee | HT Edge | y1939 | v14 | i2 | Feb | p153 |
review: 'Himalayas of the Soul' by J Mascaro | Judith Tyberg | y1939 | v14 | i2 | Feb | p153 |
review: 'Oneness: The Concept of Oneness with the Interpretation of the British Kabala as Revealed by the Swastika' | HT Edge | y1939 | v14 | i2 | Feb | p154 |
Periodicals Reviewed | various | y1939 | v14 | i2 | Feb | p155 |
The Six Great Schools of the Ancients | G de Purucker | y1939 | v14 | i3 | Mar | p161 |
Truth is Like the Sun [reprint from 'Keshub Babu To Maestro Wagner'] | HP Blavatsky | y1939 | v14 | i3 | Mar | p164 |
Modern Science and the Message of HP Blavatsky (3) | H Groot | y1939 | v14 | i3 | Mar | p165 |
The Golden Verses (vf) | Pythagoras | y1939 | v14 | i3 | Mar | p179 |
Harmony in Word and Act | G van Pelt | y1939 | v14 | i3 | Mar | p180 |
Introduction to Electromagnetic Solar System | Cornelius O'Connor | y1939 | v14 | i3 | Mar | p181 |
Note by CJ Ryan | CJ Ryan | y1939 | v14 | i3 | Mar | p185 |
Theosophy an Objective Idealism | Abbott Clark | y1939 | v14 | i3 | Mar | p190 |
Time, Duration, and the Eternal Now | G de Purucker | y1939 | v14 | i3 | Mar | p191 |
The Eleusinian Mysteries: An Easter Masque (2) | FS Darrow | y1939 | v14 | i3 | Mar | p195 |
False Time and Real Time | HT Edge | y1939 | v14 | i3 | Mar | p209 |
In the Temple (7): Four Steps to Truth | Grace Frances Knoche | y1939 | v14 | i3 | Mar | p213 |
The Endless Pilgrimage | Inga Sjostedt | y1939 | v14 | i3 | Mar | p214 |
Answers to Questioners [reprint The Path] | William Q Judge | y1939 | v14 | i3 | Mar | p220 |
review: 'Early Japanese History: (c. 40 BC - AD 1167)' by Robert Karl Reischauer | Grace Knoche | y1939 | v14 | i3 | Mar | p225 |
review: 'The Criminals We Deserve: A Survey of Some Aspects of Crime in the Modern World' by Henry TF Rhodes | OIC and MC | y1939 | v14 | i3 | Mar | p227 |
review: 'The Story of Instruction: The Church, the Renaissances, and the Reformations' by Ernest Carroll Moore | HTE | y1939 | v14 | i3 | Mar | p229 |
review: 'Keshub Chunder Sen' by PK Sen | Judith Tyberg | y1939 | v14 | i3 | Mar | p231 |
review: 'The Mystery-Teachings in The West' by Jean Delaire | CQ Wesner | y1939 | v14 | i3 | Mar | p232 |
review: 'Bird Voices: Sonnets: Battledore: Unconventional Verse, etc' by William Bacon Evans | M Clark | y1939 | v14 | i3 | Mar | p233 |
Periodicals Reviewed | various | y1939 | v14 | i3 | Mar | p233 |
The Meaning of Easter | G de Purucker | y1939 | v14 | i4 | Apr | p241 |
When the Sleeper Awakes | Marjorie M Tyberg | y1939 | v14 | i4 | Apr | p242 |
The Eleusinian Mysteries: An Easter Masque (3) | FS Darrow | y1939 | v14 | i4 | Apr | p246 |
Call Me Not Dead (vf) [reprint from 'Bowl of Petunias'] | Clare Louise Burt | y1939 | v14 | i4 | Apr | p261 |
HP Blavatsky Speaks For Herself: Paracelsus - The Most Wondrous Intellect of His Age | HP Blavatsky | y1939 | v14 | i4 | Apr | p262 |
In The Temple (8): The Temptation of Jesus | HT Edge | y1939 | v14 | i4 | Apr | p268 |
The Chela and His Guru | Peter Flach | y1939 | v14 | i4 | Apr | p269 |
Awareness in the Moment and the Day | A Trevor Barker | y1939 | v14 | i4 | Apr | p272 |
What is Theosophy? | G de Purucker | y1939 | v14 | i4 | Apr | p273 |
Science and Research | CJ Ryan | y1939 | v14 | i4 | Apr | p280 |
The Cycle of Initiation | Abbott Clark | y1939 | v14 | i4 | Apr | p287 |
Answers to Questioners [reprint Path] | William Q Judge | y1939 | v14 | i4 | Apr | p292 |
What Can I Give [reprint from 'Understanding Human Nature'] | Alfred Adler | y1939 | v14 | i4 | Apr | p295 |
Our Responsibility to the Beast Kingdom | Laura Arteche | y1939 | v14 | i4 | Apr | p296 |
review: 'Reality' by Paul Weiss | HTE | y1939 | v14 | i4 | Apr | p299 |
review: 'The Great Heresies' by Hilaire Belloc | FC Clemeshaw | y1939 | v14 | i4 | Apr | p301 |
review: 'Modes of Thought' by Alfred North Whitehead | HTE | y1939 | v14 | i4 | Apr | p303 |
review: 'The Immortal Dweller' by Ernest Fewster | Madeline Clark | y1939 | v14 | i4 | Apr | p305 |
review: 'Hermathena' by members of Trinity College Dublin | HTE | y1939 | v14 | i4 | Apr | p306 |
review: 'Friedrich Paulsen' translated by Theodor Lorenz | Jalie Neville Shore | y1939 | v14 | i4 | Apr | p307 |
review: 'Karma in Ancient and Modern Thought' by Oscar Ljungstrom | HL | y1939 | v14 | i4 | Apr | p309 |