Periodicals Reviewed | various | y1939 | v15 | i2 | Aug | p152 |
The Ancient Doctrine of Vicarious Atonement | G de Purucker | y1939 | v15 | i3 | Sep | p161 |
The Present Spiritual Conflict | Vera Berg Von Linde | y1939 | v15 | i3 | Sep | p164 |
Recollections of a Theosophical Speaker (4) | Leoline Leonard Wright | y1939 | v15 | i3 | Sep | p168 |
HP Blavatsky Speaks for Herself: The Esoteric Philosophy on Dream [reprint from 'The Transactions of the Blavatsky Lodge' 1889] (1) | HP Blavatsky | y1939 | v15 | i3 | Sep | p172 |
Theosophy in the Business World (3) | various | y1939 | v15 | i3 | Sep | p182 |
Eternal Life | G Cardinal Le Gros | y1939 | v15 | i3 | Sep | p187 |
What is the Coffer in the Great Pyramid, and What Was it Long Ago? | Hans Malmstedt | y1939 | v15 | i3 | Sep | p188 |
Wine as a Mystic Symbol | G de Purucker | y1939 | v15 | i3 | Sep | p206 |
Fall and Redemption | HT Edge | y1939 | v15 | i3 | Sep | p207 |
A Psychologist on Effect of Alcohol [reprint from 'Understanding Human Nature'] | Alfred Adler | y1939 | v15 | i3 | Sep | p209 |
Seeing Round the Corner | Grace Francis Knoche | y1939 | v15 | i3 | Sep | p210 |
In the Temple (13): Dreams and the Mental Mechanism; What Theosophy Means to Me | Lloyd E Kennell and Dorothy Rich | y1939 | v15 | i3 | Sep | p212 |
To Investigate the Powers Innate in Man | A Bonset | y1939 | v15 | i3 | Sep | p213 |
Notes for a Short Talk on Reincarnation | FC Clemeshaw | y1939 | v15 | i3 | Sep | p216 |
A Creed (vf) | John Masefield | y1939 | v15 | i3 | Sep | p217 |
Visingso Convention and Summer School | anon | y1939 | v15 | i3 | Sep | p224 |
Letter | JP Upton | y1939 | v15 | i3 | Sep | p226 |
review: 'Humanism and Imagination' by GR Elliot | HTE | y1939 | v15 | i3 | Sep | p227 |
review: 'Democracy: Its Problems and Its Strength' by Willett L Hardin | Iverson L Harris | y1939 | v15 | i3 | Sep | p229 |
review: 'The Evolution of Man's Mind' by Arthur A Beale | HT Edge | y1939 | v15 | i3 | Sep | p232 |
review: 'Science in Africa' by EB Worthington | C J Ryan | y1939 | v15 | i3 | Sep | p234 |
Periodicals Reviewed | HS | y1939 | v15 | i3 | Sep | p235 |
Fraternization Convention | LM | y1939 | v15 | i3 | Sep | p237 |
The Leader's Letter to the Convention | G de Purucker | y1939 | v15 | i4 | Oct | p241 |
Send Your Questions? | various | y1939 | v15 | i4 | Oct | p247 |
Morley-Martin's Researches | CJ Ryan | y1939 | v15 | i4 | Oct | p250 |
In the Temple (14): Study the Waking Consciousness | Hazel Minot | y1939 | v15 | i4 | Oct | p258 |
Modern Science and the Message of HP Blavatsky (6) | H Groot | y1939 | v15 | i4 | Oct | p259 |
HP Blavatsky Speaks For Herself: The Esoteric Philosophy on Dreams [reprint from 'The Transactions of the Blavatsky Lodge' 1889] (2) | HP Blavatsky | y1939 | v15 | i4 | Oct | p267 |
Attraction and Repulsion | Lydia Ross | y1939 | v15 | i4 | Oct | p277 |
Leaves of Theosophical History: Letters to Abner M Doubleday | William Q Judge and HS Olcott | y1939 | v15 | i4 | Oct | p280 |
Does the Law of Cycles Imply Predestination? | HT Edge | y1939 | v15 | i4 | Oct | p283 |
How do You Think? | MG Gowsell | y1939 | v15 | i4 | Oct | p284 |
To Help Man to Help Himself | LM | y1939 | v15 | i4 | Oct | p285 |
Our Galaxy, a Super-Brain | CQW | y1939 | v15 | i4 | Oct | p286 |
The Long View of Evolution | Ira B Crane | y1939 | v15 | i4 | Oct | p286 |
Where Can I Find? | Quaero | y1939 | v15 | i4 | Oct | p291 |
Annual Convention of the Scandinavian Section at Visingso [reprint from 'Teosofiskt Forum' July 1939] | anon | y1939 | v15 | i4 | Oct | p293 |
Letter | VB v L | y1939 | v15 | i4 | Oct | p296 |
Letter | Madeline Clark | y1939 | v15 | i4 | Oct | p297 |
review: 'The Logic of Modern Psychology' by Carroll C Pratt | Lydia Ross | y1939 | v15 | i4 | Oct | p298 |
review: 'Yoga in the Twentieth Century and the Meaning of Christmas' by Edmond Szekely | LR | y1939 | v15 | i4 | Oct | p301 |
review: 'The Open Way: A Study in Acceptance' by E Graham Howe and L Le Mesurier | JN Shore | y1939 | v15 | i4 | Oct | p302 |
review: 'Indian Philosophy and Modern Culture' by Paul Brunton | CJ Ryan | y1939 | v15 | i4 | Oct | p304 |
review: 'Penthouse of the Gods' by Theos Bernard | CJ Ryan | y1939 | v15 | i4 | Oct | p306 |
review: 'Some Unrecognized Factors in Medicine', Theosophical Research Centre London | EDW | y1939 | v15 | i4 | Oct | p308 |
review: 'War and Peace: Essays in Psychological Analysis' by William Brown | Lydia Ross | y1939 | v15 | i4 | Oct | p309 |
review: 'The Absolute Collective: A Philosophical Attempt to Overcome our Broken State' by Erich Gutkind | HTE | y1939 | v15 | i4 | Oct | p311 |
review: 'Peter Abelard' by Helen Waddell | HI Barborka | y1939 | v15 | i4 | Oct | p313 |