Periodicals Reviewed | HT Edge | y1939 | v14 | i4 | Apr | p315 |
Encouragement on the Path | G de Purucker | y1939 | v14 | i5 | May | p321 |
HP Blavatsky Speaks for Herself: Occult Standing of Great Men | HP Blavatsky | y1939 | v14 | i5 | May | p324 |
From a Letter | anon | y1939 | v14 | i5 | May | p330 |
The Soul of the Universe: A Spiritual Interpretation of Nature by a Leading Scientist [Gustaf Stromberg] | CJ Ryan | y1939 | v14 | i5 | May | p331 |
From 'Night Thoughts' (vf) | Edward Young | y1939 | v14 | i5 | May | p339 |
Silence | HT Edge | y1939 | v14 | i5 | May | p340 |
Francios Marie Arouet Voltaire | Charles E Ball | y1939 | v14 | i5 | May | p341 |
The Application of Theosophical Theories [reprint from 'The Occult World' May 1886] | William Q Judge | y1939 | v14 | i5 | May | p348 |
Recollections of a Theosophical Speaker (3) | Leoline Leonard Wright | y1939 | v14 | i5 | May | p351 |
In the Temple (9): Chelaship: Essentially Common Sense | EV Savage | y1939 | v14 | i5 | May | p354 |
Why Study 'The Key to Theosophy'? | LL Wright | y1939 | v14 | i5 | May | p355 |
Angles and Opinions | Inga Sjostedt | y1939 | v14 | i5 | May | p356 |
The Unsuspected Foe (vf) | MG Gowsell | y1939 | v14 | i5 | May | p357 |
Answers to Questioners [reprint Path] | William Q Judge | y1939 | v14 | i5 | May | p358 |
Passport (vf) | Marguerite Janvrin Adams | y1939 | v14 | i5 | May | p362 |
The Eleusinian Mysteries: An Easter Masque (4) | FS Darrow | y1939 | v14 | i5 | May | p363 |
The Theosophical Correspondence Class | A Student | y1939 | v14 | i5 | May | p379 |
Letter: To the 'Theosophists Around the Breakfast Table' Greetings | E Preston | y1939 | v14 | i5 | May | p382 |
Letter | Madeline Clark | y1939 | v14 | i5 | May | p383 |
Letter | WS Date | y1939 | v14 | i5 | May | p383 |
Letter | Charles J Ryan | y1939 | v14 | i5 | May | p384 |
European Convention 1939 [reprint from 'The Welsh Theosophical Forum' March 1939] | Alexander E Urquhart | y1939 | v14 | i5 | May | p386 |
Fraternization Convention | anon | y1939 | v14 | i5 | May | p387 |
review: 'The Ten Principal Upanishads' translated by Shree Purohit Swami and WB Yeats | HTE | y1939 | v14 | i5 | May | p388 |
review: 'Background to Modern Science' ed by Joseph Needham and Walter Pagel | HTE | y1939 | v14 | i5 | May | p389 |
review: 'Publications of the Smithsonian Institution' | CJ Ryan | y1939 | v14 | i5 | May | p392 |
review: 'A History of Medieval Ireland' by Edmund Curtis | CJ Ryan | y1939 | v14 | i5 | May | p395 |
review: 'Every Common Bush' by Patience Strong | OS | y1939 | v14 | i5 | May | p397 |
Common Sense in the Home | G de Purucker | y1939 | v14 | i6 | Jun | p401 |
Thoughts on Specialization | Arthur A Beale | y1939 | v14 | i6 | Jun | p406 |
Modern Science and the Message of HP Blavatsky (4) | H Groot | y1939 | v14 | i6 | Jun | p410 |
Science and Research | CJ Ryan | y1939 | v14 | i6 | Jun | p417 |
The Urge That Must Be Satisfied | Lester A Todd | y1939 | v14 | i6 | Jun | p423 |
Time and the Child | Jalie Neville Shore | y1939 | v14 | i6 | Jun | p427 |
HP Blavatsky Speaks for Herself: Esoteric Wisdom in the Bible | HP Blavatsky | y1939 | v14 | i6 | Jun | p431 |
Superconductivity | Raymond Rugland | y1939 | v14 | i6 | Jun | p438 |
In the Temple (10): On Seeing the Great in the Small | Helen Savage | y1939 | v14 | i6 | Jun | p440 |
The Gift of the Fay | Irene Ponsonby | y1939 | v14 | i6 | Jun | p441 |
Physiology: Does It Matter? | Alice Copeland | y1939 | v14 | i6 | Jun | p443 |
Interpretations | Lydia Ross | y1939 | v14 | i6 | Jun | p444 |
Universal Brotherhood | Alan Shurlock | y1939 | v14 | i6 | Jun | p447 |
Send In Your Questions! | various | y1939 | v14 | i6 | Jun | p453 |
Is Suicide Justifiable? What is Your Opinion? [reprint from 'New York Post' 10 and 16 January 1939] | Clifton Meek | y1939 | v14 | i6 | Jun | p460 |
review: 'Buddhism: Its Doctrines and Its Methods' by Alexandra David-Neel | CQ Wesner | y1939 | v14 | i6 | Jun | p462 |
review: 'Essential Christianity' by Samuel Angus | FC Clemeshaw | y1939 | v14 | i6 | Jun | p464 |
review: 'The Spirit Of Voltaire' by Norman L Torrey | CQ Wesner | y1939 | v14 | i6 | Jun | p465 |
review: 'Selected Mystical Writings of William Law' by S Hobhouse | I R Ponsonby | y1939 | v14 | i6 | Jun | p468 |
review: 'The History of History' by James T Shotwell | HT Edge | y1939 | v14 | i6 | Jun | p469 |
Periodicals Reviewed | HT Edge and HS | y1939 | v14 | i6 | Jun | p471 |