The Letters of HP Blavatsky to WQ Judge (14a) Letter dated Aug 9, 1890 (from Bertram Keightley) | Michael Gomes | y1996 | v6 | - | July | p92 |
review - an Electronic Index to The Theosophist (& other journals founded by HPB) by G. Oakley (Jan 12 1996) | John Patrick Deveney | y1996 | v6 | - | July | p94 |
Henry Steel Olcott, Anagarika Dharmapala & the Maha Bodhi Society | Stephen Prothero | y1996 | v6 | - | July | p96 |
Julius Evola & the Independent Theosophical Association of Rome | Marco Rossi (tr EE Rehmus) | y1996 | v6 | - | July | p107 |
review - Initiates of Theosophic Masters by K Paul Johnson | Michael Ashcraft | y1996 | v6 | - | July | p115 |
review - Mario Roso de Luna by Esteban Cortijo | Robert Boyd | y1996 | v6 | - | July | p119 |
Editor's Comments in this issue | anon | y1996 | v6 | - | October | p125 |
Theosophical History Centre Publications | anon | y1996 | v6 | - | October | p127 |
The Letters of HP Blavatsky to WQ Judge (15) Letter dated Nov 19, 1890 | Michael Gomes | y1996 | v6 | - | October | p129 |
Response to Jerry Hejka-Ekins' review of Psychic Initiation: Secrets of 777 | Mark MacDougall | y1996 | v6 | - | October | p132 |
reply to Mark MacDougall | Jerry Hejka-Ekins | y1996 | v6 | - | October | p136 |
from the Internet (via Lowell Dyson) | Robert Mathiesen | y1996 | v6 | - | October | p138 |
A Communication (Olcott & HPB) | Jean Overton Fuller | y1996 | v6 | - | October | p138 |
William Q Judge | Franz Hartmann (tr Robert Hütwohl) | y1996 | v6 | - | October | p140 |
William Q Judge | Franz Hartmann (tr Robert Hutwohl) | y1996 | v6 | - | October | p140 |
Mrs May Banks Stacey | David T Rocks | y1996 | v6 | - | October | p144 |
review - The White Buddhist: The Asian Odyssey of Henry Steel Olcott by Stephen Prothero Bloomington | Ananda WP Guruge | y1996 | v6 | - | October | p151 |
review - Modern Esoteric Spirituality ed by Antoine Faivre & Jacob Needleman | James Burnell Robinson | y1996 | v6 | - | October | p153 |
Editor's Comments | James A. Santucci | y1997 | v6 | i5 | January | p159 |
Statement of Ownership, Management & Circulation | James A. Santucci | y1997 | v6 | i5 | January | p163 |
The Letters of HP Blavatsky to WQ Judge - Letter to HP Blavatsky, May 16, 1885 (Notes by Michael Gomes) | William Quan Judge | y1997 | v6 | i5 | January | p164 |
review (in French) - La Symbolique des Nombres by Jean-Pierre Brach | Jean-Pierre Laurant | y1997 | v6 | i5 | January | p167 |
review - The Millenium Myth: Love & Death at the End of Time by Michael Grosso | Robert S Ellwood | y1997 | v6 | i5 | January | p168 |
review - Buddhism in Russia - The Story of Agvan Dorzhiev, Lhasa's Emissary to the Tsars by John Snelling | James Burnell Robinson | y1997 | v6 | i5 | January | p170 |
review - Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual Path: A Philosophy of Freedom by Rudolf Steiner | Jane Hipolito | y1997 | v6 | i5 | January | p171 |
Witchcraft, Evil, & Memnoch the Devil - Esoteric & Theosophical Themes in Anne Rice's New Orleans Fiction | Massimo Introvigne | y1997 | v6 | i5 | January | p173 |
review - The Speech of the Grail: A Journey toward speaking that Heals & Transforms by Linda Sussman | John Oliphant | y1997 | v6 | i5 | January | p180 |
review - The Esoteric Scene: Cultic Milieu, & Occult Tarot by Danny L Jorgensen | Robert Boyd | y1997 | v6 | i5 | January | p181 |
Editor's Comments | James A. Santucci | y1997 | v6 | i6 | April | p187 |
The Theosophists & the Fairies - A Footnote to the Story of the Cottingley Fairies | Leslie Shepard | y1997 | v6 | i6 | April | p194 |
"Fairies" or "There is no Religion Higher Than Truth" | Jean Overton Fuller | y1997 | v6 | i6 | April | p198 |
KH & Peter Davidson | Joscelyn Godwin | y1997 | v6 | i6 | April | p202 |
Introduction & Notes (to the two Lampsakanism articles that follow) | James A. Santucci | y1997 | v6 | i6 | April | p203 |
Lampsakanism: How it happened that the Theosophists were sold (April 1877) | A Reforming Lampsakan | y1997 | v6 | i6 | April | p207 |
The Illuminated Lampsakenoi: A Conference with the Grand Kopht concerning Theosophists | anon | y1997 | v6 | i6 | April | p209 |
H Spencer Lewis: A Bibliographical Survey | David T Rocks | y1997 | v6 | i6 | April | p215 |
H Spencer Lewis Bibliography | David T Rocks | y1997 | v6 | i6 | April | p219 |
review - Madame Blavatsky's Baboon:A History of the Mystics, Mediums, & Misfits ... by Peter Washington | Robert Boyd | y1997 | v6 | i6 | April | p224 |
review - Sites of Memory, Sites of Mourning: The Great War in European Cultural History by Jay Winter | Robert Ellwood | y1997 | v6 | i6 | April | p228 |
Editor's Comments | James A. Santucci | y1997 | v6 | i7 | July | p231 |
illustration - Spalding House: Without the Glass Dome (c 1981) | anon | y1997 | v6 | i7 | July | p236 |
illustration - Spalding House: With the Glass Dome (c 1984) | anon | y1997 | v6 | i7 | July | p236 |
Getting on the Ball: Replicating the Glass Sphere on Spalding House | Richard Robb (notes by James A. Santucci) | y1997 | v6 | i7 | July | p237 |
illustration - Spalding House (c 1915) | anon | y1997 | v6 | i7 | July | p240 |
illustration - The Academy, Temple, Spalding House (c 1920) | anon | y1997 | v6 | i7 | July | p240 |
Byzantine Theosophy | Leslie Price | y1997 | v6 | i7 | July | p242 |
George Henry Felt: The Life Unknown | James Santucci | y1997 | v6 | i7 | July | p243 |
illustration - patent - GH Felt - Signal Rocket - patented August 25 1863 | anon | y1997 | v6 | i7 | July | p249 |
illustration - patent - GH Felt - Blasting Plug patented February 27, 1866 | anon | y1997 | v6 | i7 | July | p253 |
review - Land of Desire: Merchants, Power, & the Rise of a New American Culture by William Leach | James Biggs | y1997 | v6 | i7 | July | p262 |